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Valery Lukinskiy1; Viktor Dobromirov2

1National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE)

St. Petersburg, Russia

e-mail: lukinskiy@mail.ru

2Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Vtoraja Krasnoarmejskaja ul., 4 St. Petersburg, Russia

e-mail: vdobro@lan.spbgasu.ru

The paper considers some issues related to different approaches to estimation of transport and logistic(s) operations in supply networks; analysis is made of the methods and models of analytical description of those operations; it is shown that the works under consideration have no single approach to their accounting, which makes it impossible to form a model of a simple logistic network including such basic operations as transportation and storage; based on the classical model of Harris-Wilson, six versions have been obtained for a simple supply network showing, in particular, value added to the product price stemming from the previously performed logistic operations as well as restrictions associated with the load capacity (cargo capacity) of the vehicle. The choice of an optimum version of the supply network is made based on the criterion of minimum total costs; there are supplied the examples of calculations for different versions of the developed models enabling estimation of the influence of transport and logistic operations on the efficiency of the supply network.

Keywords: Logistics, transport, cost

1. Introduction

Transportation is a key logistic function involving removal and relocation of material assets,production in progress, and finished products in vehicles using an established transportation technology.

According to the statistical data, the total logistic costs on the performance of logistic operations in supply networks varies, in different countries, from 10% (e.g. in the US) to 20% of the GDP (Singapore,the Russian Federation). A large-scale analysis enables categorizing these expenses by basic components:transportation (40-45%), storage and stock management (30-40%), and administrative and managerial functions (up to 15%). It is obvious that the reduction of transportation costs is a burning issue which settlement will improve the efficiency of the logistic systems.

A promising solution of the established problem is development of the methodological support including relevant models and methods of evaluating the transport and logistic operations. However, the methods considered in research publications are fragmentary and incomplete while the existing analytical apparatus used for optimizing the costs in transport and logistic systems needs rework and concretization that would take into account the specifics of the supply networks.

Different aspects of transportation can be conditionally divided into two trends.

The first trend includes monographs (textbooks and manuals) devoted to logistics and supply network management (Ballou, 1999; Bowersox, Closs, Cooper, 2009; Jonsson, 2008; Lukinskiy, 2007).

The second trend are collections of scientific papers, some of which parts are prepared by small

teams of authors, e.g. (Langevin, Riopel, 2005; Stadier, Kilger, 2005), materials of international conferences (Proceedings of the 24th annual Nordic logistics research network conference, 2012) as well as magazines specializing in logistics and supply network management (Laporte, Toth, Vigo, 2012;Stenger, , Goeke, 2012; Wong, Lai, Venus Lun, Cheng, 2011; Behrends, Floden, 2012).

Based on the analysis of those sources the following Tab. 1 has been compiled.

Table 1. Main methods used for controlling transportation in supply chains

Methods (models)

Main functions and operations involving transportation

Task of choosing (forecast, point-based rating, et.) and decision making in uncertain (risk) conditions and in competition (artificial intellect; expert methods,economic(s) analysis methods, etc.)

Choice of transport development strategy (strategic, tactical, operative).Choice of the transportation method; type(s) of transport; transport vehicles (by load capacity, etc.), logistic key performance indicators(KPI). The planning (of production costs, pricing, tariffs, etc.) and others.

Simulation modelling.

Parameter optimization:

programming (linear, whole-numbered, etc.); network models, transportation ask,probability theory, Monte Carlo method, etc.

Transport inventory structure, delivery routing (opportune cargo),rolling stock distribution by routes; operative dispatching and planning;“just in time”delivery. Supply chain configuration (storage facilities and terminals location).

Analysis of Tab. 1 enables drawing the following conclusions:

1. Each work of the first category devotes one to three chapters to transportation in supply networks.

Here, some aspects of the transport-related subject are included in other chapters (sections).

2. Identical elements are observed in the issues (factors, aspects) under consideration presented by different sources. Here a certain trend is obvious, characterized by a reduced number of trivial (excessively simple) subjects.

3. It is unnecessary to prove the thesis that “Transportation” embraces many technical, technological,economic, organizat



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