
 2023-08-18 18:53:57

Data alignments in machinery remaining useful life prediction using deep adversarial neural networks

a b s t r a c t

Recently, intelligent data-driven machinery prognostics and health management have been attracting increasing attention due to the great merits of high accuracy, fast response and easy implementation. While promising prognostic performance has been achieved, the first predicting time for remaining useful life is generally difficult to be determined, and the data distribution discrepancy between different machines is mostly ignored, which leads to deterioration in prognostics. In this paper, a deep learning-based prognostic method is proposed to address the problems. Generative adversarial networks are used to learn the distributions of data in machine healthy states, and a health indicator is proposed to determine the first predicting time. Afterwards, adversarial training is further introduced to achieve data alignments of different machine entities in order to extract generalized prognostic knowledge. Experiments of remaining useful life prediction on two rotating machinery datasets are implemented, and the promising prognostic results validate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  1. Introduction

Prognostics and health management (PHM) of rotating machines are of great importance in modern industries, which enhance machinery reliability, reduce maintenance costs and increase operating safety [1–6]. In the past years, PHM has been receiving growing research interests especially in the advanced industries such as intelligent manufacturing, aero-space industry etc. As one of the key components in rotating machines, PHM of rolling element bearings (REB) has been widely investigated in the literature. In general, the machinery condition monitoring data such as vibration signals are collected for evaluation of the facility degradation level, and the remaining useful life (RUL) before equipment failure is predicted for prognostics [6–10]. Conventionally, the RUL of bearings can be estimated based on the American Bearing Manufacturers Association (ABMA) standard life rating formula [11] etc. However, as the rotating machines are becoming more and more complex, the traditional methods have been less effective in RUL predictions, and accurate and reliable prognostic methods have always been highly demanded in real industries [12–14].

In the literature, the existing methods on rolling bearing RUL estimations generally fall into two groups, i.e. model-based [15, 16] and data-driven methods [17]. Model-based approaches are developed based on the physical laws and math functions describing the degradation behavior of the system [13,18]. Despite the effectiveness of the model-based methods in the cases where the system health states are well represented [19], the physical models are usually difficult to be developed especially for the complex machines [20]. On the other hand, the data-driven methods mostly aim to capture the direct relationship between condition monitoring data and machine degradation status with artificial intelligence. Little expert knowledge is usually required, that facilitates industrial applications. In the past years, the datadriven approaches such as neural network (NN) [21], support vector machine (SVM) [22], neuro-fuzzy systems [23] etc., have been widely developed due to the great merits of easy implementation, fast response and promising prognostic performance. However, it should be pointed out that the main limitation in most data-driven prognostic methods lies in the inherent data dependency. Large amounts of training data are basically required for model establishment in most cases, and the quality of collected data directly affects the prognostic performance of data-driven methods.

Currently, with the significant growth of collected industrial data and rapid development of computing hardwares and algorithms, it is becoming more and more promising for applications of the data-driven prognostic methods in real industries. Despite the recent advances in data-driven prognostics, two challenging

issues on RUL estimations are supposed to be noted.

(1) Determination of first predicting time (FPT)

While it is usually convenient for directly modeling the relationship between the collected data and the RUL values

in the run-to-failure training dataset, the exact machinery RUL at a certain time mostly cannot be considered a fixed label. In the early operating periods, the machine is in healthy state and no remarkable difference can be observed from the measured data. At some time, an incipient fault occurs and the machine starts to degrade. Therefore, it is essential to properly determine the first predicting time in order to accurately estimate the degradation level. In the literature, despite the wide application of data-driven methods on RUL prediction, the determination of FPT still mostly depends on conventional features such as kurtosis, and less attention has been paid on this issue.

(2) Data distribution discrepancy between entities

The success of data-driven methods mostly relies on the assumption that training and testing data are from the same distribution. However, in bearing RUL prediction problems, the training and testing data are collected from different entities. While the machinery operating conditions such as rotating speeds can be identical, the bearing faults are usually different with each other. Consequently, the degradation behaviors are not the same for different bearings, that results in significant data distribution discrepancies between entities. Therefore, it is difficult to generalize the learned prognostic knowledge from the training data to the testing data.

The effectiveness of the data-driven prognostic methods can be lar





1 简介

旋转机械的预测与健康管理在现代工业中非常重要。机械可靠性高,降低维修成本,提高效率操作安全[1–6]。在过去的几年里,PHM受到越来越多的研究兴趣,特别是在先进的智能制造、航空航天等产业。PHM是旋转机械的关键部件之一。滚动轴承(REB)的设计已得到广泛的研究。一般来说,机械状态监测收集振动信号等数据,以评估设施退化水平和剩余使用寿命(RUL)在预测设备故障之前[6–10]。按照惯例,轴承的RUL可以根据美国轴承制造商协会(ABMA)标准然而,由于旋转机械传统的方法越来越复杂在RUL预测方面效率较低,而且准确可靠预测方法在现实生活中一直受到高度的要求 [12-14]。

在文献中,现有的方法对滚动轴承RUL估计通常分为两组,即基于模型的[15,16] 以及数据驱动方法[17]。基于模型的方法是基于物理定律和数学函数描述系统的退化行为[13,18]。尽管基于模型的方法在以下情况下的有效性:








  1. 首次预测时间(FPT)的确定


  1. 实体间数据分布差异






















3.1. 问题表述

本文研究了数据驱动的滚动预测问题研究了单元轴承。假设runto失败Mtrain轴承的振动数据可用于模特训练。具体来说,假设承载实体在工作初期身体健康。一段时间后他们开始退化。数据样本来自采集的序列振动数据,每个样本包含D输入数据点.让{x j i } n j i=1 isin; R Dinput , j = 1, 2, . . . , Mtrain表示训练中属于第j个承载实体的第i个样本数据集,其中n是的连续样本数jth轴承。

本研究旨在首先了解健康指标函数,h = fHI(x)。以样本x作为输入。输出h能够明确指出机械健康状况的变化,并且可以确定降解的第一预测时间基于预定义的阈值





3.2. 对抗性神经网络

本文介绍了对抗式神经网络方案发展预测模型,这是第一次用于生成性对抗网络(GAN)[50]。甘的目标从随机噪声中产生真实的数据样本,并将发生器模块G用于将噪声z映射到样本x、 为了评估生成的数据G(z)的质量,采用鉴频模块D,对其进行了优化区分真假样品。但是,参数对生成器的属性进行更新以欺骗鉴别器,即生成鉴别器无法分辨的样本。通过两个模块之间的对抗性训练生成器逐渐学习底层映射函数G在噪声和真实样本之间。网络优化可以公式为[50],最小克最大值D级

Exsim;pdata(x)[logD(x)] Ezsim;pz(z)[log(1minus;D(G(z)))],(2)




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