
 2022-07-26 14:50:58


Article 47(2) of the Rotterdam Rules: The Solution of Old Problems or a New Confusion?

The Rotterdam Rules, adopted by UNCITRAL in 2008, address a number of issues that have not been regulated by previous international conventions, such as the delivery of goods and the right of control. The ambitious and innovative approach of the Rotterdam Rules has attracted much international debate. This article aims at contributing to this debate by discussing the provisions related to the delivery of goods. The main focus is on Article 47(2), one of the most controversial provisions of the Rules, and the article analyses in detail this legislative provision, its rationale and possible impact on the law governing the carriage of goods and international sales law.

  1. Introduction

On 3 July 2008, UNCITRAL approved the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea (the Rotterdam Rules) which was finally adopted by the UN General Assembly on 11 December 2008.This new UNCITRAL legislation has the ambitious goal of restoring the uniformity of the law governing the international carriage of goods by sea. Presently, there are three international regimes governing the carriage of goods by sea: the Hague Rules, the Hague-Visby Rules and the Hamburg Rules. If widely adopted, the Rotterdam Rules may be able to replace these three conventions and restore uniformity to the law.

The Rotterdam Rules address a number of issues that have not been regulated by previous international conventions. There are completely new sections which cover the delivery of the goods and the right of control. The growing use of non-negotiable documents and documents in electronic form has drawn the attention of legislators to these areas that previously had been ignored by all of the international conventions governing the carriage of goods by sea. This innovative approach was probably motivated by the need to adjust the international regime governing the carriage of goods by sea in such a way as to cope with various modern developments, such as the increased importance of container transport, logistics and electronic commerce.

The ambitious and innovative approach of the Rotterdam Rules, which in some sections departs from certain well-established principles, has attracted lively international debate. This text aims at contributing to this debate by discussing provisions related to the delivery of the goods. The main focus is on article 47(2), which is one of the most controversial provisions of the Rotterdam Rules. Here it is analyzed in detail including its possible impact on international sales law.

A number of complex questions can be raised with respect to article 47(2). In maritime law, there is a well-established rule that the carrier must not deliver the goods in any way other than against the presentation of an original bill of lading. It may therefore be asked why Article 47(2) has departed from this fundamental principle? Can a document that does not require presentation against delivery of the goods be considered a negotiable document, or have the Rotterdam Rules created a new type of negotiable document which does not have to be presented to the carrier? Was it really necessary to invent a new transport document that would be called negotiable while, in fact, it would not be negotiable in the usual meaning of the term as it would lack an essential feature of negotiable documents, namely surrender in exchange for the goods? How would this affect the role of transport documents in international trade? Would a bank be willing to pay under a letter of credit against a negotiable document which provides that delivery can be made without its presentation? Is Article 47(2) the best solution to the existing problem of the delivery of goods without the surrender of a negotiable document? Was this Article necessary at all? These questions will form the focus of the discussion.

  1. General Principles Relating to Delivery of Goods

All previous international conventions governing the carriage of goods by sea have failed to regulate the issue of the delivery of goods. Differences among national laws and different practices may have been the reasons why this issue was left aside by the drafters of those conventions. At present, the rules on the delivery of goods are still based on domestic laws.

In maritime law, there is a well-established rule that the carrier can deliver the goods at the destination only against the surrender of a bill of lading by the consignee. Once the master has issued the bill, the carrier has an independent, contractual obligation towards the bill of lading holder which is derived from the nature of the bill of lading. Since the bill of lading is a negotiable document, its holder is entitled to require that the goods are delivered to him.

As long as the consignee can obtain a bill of lading before the goods arrive, there should be no problem for him to present it before delivery. However, in practice, for various reasons, it is often the case that the ship arrives at the port of destination before the consignee has obtained the bill of lading. In such situations, waiting for the bill of lading may cause numerous problems for all parties involved. In order to solve this problem, the practice of delivering the goods without the production of a bill of lading has been developed. This practice, however, may also cause a number of problems particularly for the consignee and the carrier.

The consignee may find himself in a difficult position, because he may not be able to receive the goods at the port of destination even though he performed all his obligations properly. In order to receive the goods the consignee may have to provide a letter of indemnity to the carrie















提单作为物权凭证的性质与货物交付的问题直接相关。在普通法上,提单的特征是作为所有权文件,这意味着拥有它即有权接收,持有和处置提单及其代表的货物。在民法系统中,有与之相对应的单据,但二者方法不同。据普通法,在民法中有几种类型的单据,如可转让单证,可转让票据和证券,所有这些单据均由单一类型的文件规定。德国法律中“Wertpapiere”,法国法律中的“titres”,意大利法律中的“titoli di credito”,日本法律中的“yuka shoken”等可以被定义为包含单据本身所体现的某些权利的“有价值的文件”(如获得货物交付的权利),可在合同中指定,或是支付一定金额的权利)。他们赋予持有人通过转让合同将权利转让给第三方的权利。通过法律虚拟,提单被视为代表货物,因此拥有提单相当于占有货物。严格来说,从承运人处取得货物的权利不是基于运输合同,而是基于提单的合法占有。提单使其合法持有人能​​够在目的地港口获得货物的实物交付,并通过转运提单处理运输途中的货物。

转让提单的效力是由于销售标的特殊性质 – 海上货物运输 – 因此在运输途中买房不可能完成实物交付。交货必须通过承运人作为中间人进行,从托运人(通常是卖方)收到货物,并将其交付给收货人(通常是买方)以换取提单。事实上,卖方通过将提单转让给买方来实现货物交付,从而向买方转让在目的地港要求承运人交付货物的权利。通过由提单所证明的运输合同,承运人承诺将提单所描述的货物交付于托运人转让提单的收货人。提单已转让给收货人后,它代表承运人与收货人之间的合同,承运人享有独立权利,可要求按照提单的规定要求交货。




(译自:Cˇaslav Pejovicacute;.《鹿特丹规则》第47条第2款:旧问题的解决方案还是新的混乱?[J].国际海商法期刊,(2012)18,5)


Article 47(2) of the Rotterdam Rules: The Solution of Old Problems or a New Confusion?

The Rotterdam Rules, adopted by UNCITRAL in 2008, address a number of issues that have not been regulated by previous international conventions, such as the delivery of goods and the right of control. The ambitious and innovative approach of the Rotterdam Rules has attracted much international debate. This article aims at contributing to this debate by discussing the provisions related to the delivery of goods. The main focus is on Article 47(2), one of the most controversial provisions of the Rules, and the article analyses in detail this legislative provision, its rationale and possible impact on the law governing the carriage of goods and international sales law.

  1. Introduction

On 3 July 2008, UNCITRAL approved the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea (the Rotterdam Rules) which was finally adopted by the UN General Assembly on 11 December 2008.This new UNCITRAL legislation has the ambitious goal of restoring the uniformity of the law governing the international carriage of goods by sea. Presently, there are three international regimes governing the carriage of goods by sea: the Hague Rules, the Hague-Visby Rules and the Hamburg Rules. If widely adopted, the Rotterdam Rules may be able to replace these three conventions and restore uniformity to the law.

The Rotterdam Rules address a number of issues that have not been regulated by previous international conventions. There are completely new sections which cover the delivery of the goods and the right of control. The growing use of non-negotiable documents and documents in electronic form has drawn the attention of legislators to these areas that previously had been ignored by all of the international conventions governing the carriage of goods by sea. Th



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