
 2022-07-26 14:53:08


Liability and Limitation of Liability


This chapter examines the issues of shipowner rights to limit liability. It does not address the conventions relating to ship-source pollution damage since these have been dealt with in the previous chapter. Conventions have been developed, particularly over the last 40 years, through IMO to be applied on an international basis. This means that the same underlying principles will be applied in all contracting states. It is a matter of regret that with the exception of the oil spill compensation conventions, which have been widely ratified (but not by the USA), other IMO liability and limitation conventions have received more limited acceptance. This, in turn, has encouraged some states and regions to take, or attempt to implement, unilateral solutions as in the case of the U.S. Oil Pollution Act referred to in the last chapter. This undermines global uniformity and creates inefficiencies resulting from differing liability and insurance requirements.

As discussed in relative detail in the previous chapter, the distinction between compensation as a civil remedy and punishment as a penal sanction must be readily appreciated. Compensation responds to liability which must be proved if based on negligence or arises because the incident, regardless of the cause or fault, is subject to strict liability such as in the case of pollution damage. The purpose is to reimburse affected parties for loss or damage which they have suffered. It is not intended to be punitive. The majority of incidents result from the natural dangers of the sea, misfortune or snap judgements in the face of difficulties where the clear view of hindsight might have suggested a different course of action. Any question of criminality or irresponsible behaviour must be dealt with in accordance with other legislative mechanisms. It is unfortunate that regulators in some areas have lost sight of this fundamental separation. As a result, their view that compensation should be used as a financial weapon to control and improve shipowner behaviour does not stand up to scrutiny.

The principle of shipowner rights to limit liability is often viewed negatively because of an inadequate appreciation of the workings of the shipping industry. Limitation is based on the need to predict liability exposure and purchase insurance to cover the risks which may give rise to such liabilities. As such, there is a defined reference point, regardless of fluctuating vessel values and nature of the risk. This facilitates trade by providing finite values in the event of an incident; represents a quid pro quo for high compensation levels; and encourages the settlement of claims by reducing the scope for disputes on liability and the quantum of damages. In contrast, unlimited liabilities are uninsurable and in practice would be capped to the extent of available cover; thereafter, shipownersrsquo; assets would be taken into account bringing us back to the flawed notion of punishment, this time through the spectre of financial ruin.

The Hamburg Rules

The Hamburg Rules came about as a result of pressure during the 1970s for a new regime advocated, in particular, by developing countries whose representatives uestioned the basis of earlier international provisions and their suitability in terms of the needs of developing conomies. The Rules, which were adopted in 1978, have never been widely accepted with few major trading nations having ratified them. Even so, the Convention is in force.

As with the Hague and Hague–Visby Rules, the Hamburg Rules are not applicable to charterparties. However, the scope of application has been widened to extend carrier liability from the time the carrier takes charge of the goods at the port of loading until the goods have been handed over to the consignee or otherwise delivered on his behalf.

While carrier liability is, again, fault-based, the test is altogether more subjective. The carrier is liable for loss or damage unless he proves that “he, his servants or agents took all measures that could reasonably be required to avoid the occurrence and its consequences”. The general lack of clarity resulted in the need for an accompanying Common Understanding at the Conference that carrier liability is “based on the principle of fault or neglect” and that, as a rule, the burden of proof rests with the carrier unless otherwise modified by the provisions of the Convention. Limitation was established at SDR 835 per package or unit or SDR 2.5 per kg, whichever is the higher.

The Hamburg Rules also introduced, for the first time, prescriptive measures relating to jurisdiction and arbitration. Such provisions were, however, inconsistent with arrangements which have functioned successfully over the years whereby claimants, wherever located, normally expect to receive compensation direct from their insurers leaving any recourse action to be pursued by underwriters through a single jurisdiction, usually in a carrierrsquo;s domicile. This was, perhaps, a significant reason for the failure of the Rules to gain acceptance.

United Nations Convention on Contracts for the InternationalCarriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea, 2008 (RotterdamRules)

During the closing years of the last century, concerns began to emerge about the perceived diversity of cargo liability regimes across the world. The position mightnothave been quite as bleak as it appeared on paper but, nevertheless, the differentarrangements set out in this section suggest that the objective of a single internationalregime had been lost. The worldrsquo;s major trading nations were largely usingtheHague–Visby Rules, either as parties or through similar domestic legislation, but the USA remained wedded to its Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1936, whichgave continuing effect to the original Hague Rules. While the

















在提纲中,此条约将适用于运输合同,包括不同国家之间的海事运输。双方均能自由采取与传统的港到港运输,特别是运用于大宗交易的一切规定。然而, 按照按户送达的运输方式来促进集装箱运输到内陆地区的需求,可供选择的规定须包括境外海运部门运输前和运输期间。租船合同,包括箱位租用和舱位租用合同将被排除在外,因为他们正处于目前的制度规定之下,但,从强制保险反映出现有的现实,该条约对于新命名的运输单据,如提货单和海运提单,规定持有人和承运人之间的合同安排都将同样适用。因此,目前来说,班轮运输将属于新的公约范畴,而在不定期货船贸易中,他们的规定将不再生效,直到相关文件被递送到第三方。作为一个重要的例外,此规定的强制性和缺乏灵活性导致只有货主的利益需要更多的有利条件来保障。这种例外将班轮业联系起来,在班轮业中,船主和承认人将允许他们根据实际情况制定“批量合同”,这反映了单方面的需求,也允许了基本条款的宽限。由双方决定相关安排在何时何地实施,使得“批量合同”一词不被故意量化。此系统与目前的班轮服务协议和美国贸易中时兴的服务合同更加协调。


承运人责任长期以来,一直以过错基础为原评判则,如货物的丢失或损害,运输的延迟等。 承运人辩称,如今“无过错推定”仍旧作为重要的例外而存在,而“无过错推定”早已被海运过失规定所排除。这似乎能被验证为是将更大的责任强加到承运人身上。再者,在船舶开航前和开航当时,谨慎处理使船舶适航是承运人的法定义务。而这一义务,将被拓宽至整个航运期间。







(译自:P.K. Mukherjee and M. Brownrigg, 国际航运法[J].世界海洋大学海运事务,2013,Vol.1.)


Liability and Limitation of Liability


This chapter examines the issues of shipowner rights to limit liability. It does not address the conventions relating to ship-source pollution damage since these have been dealt with in the previous chapter. Conventions have been developed, particularly over the last 40 years, through IMO to be applied on an international basis. This means that the same underlying principles will be applied in all contracting states. It is a matter of regret that with the exception of the oil spill compensation conventions, which have been widely ratified (but not by the USA), other IMO liability and limitation conventions have received more limited acceptance. This, in turn, has encouraged some states and regions to take, or attempt to implement, unilateral solutions as in the case of the U.S. Oil Pollution Act referred to in the last chapter. This undermines global uniformity and creates inefficiencies resulting from differing liability and insurance requirements.

As discussed in relative detail in the previous chapter, the distinction between compensation as a civil remedy and punishment as a penal sanction must be readily appreciated. Compensation responds to liability which must be proved if based on negligence or arises because the incident, regardless of the cause or fault, is subject to strict liability such as in the case of pollution damage. The purpose is to reimburse affected parties for loss or damage which they have suffered. It is not intended to be punitive. The majority of incidents result from the natural dangers of the sea, misfortune or snap judgements in the face of difficulties where th



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