Efficient visualization of 3D models by web browser
Bartosz Sawicki · Bartosz Chaber
Received: 13 October 2012 / Accepted: 20 December 2012 / Published online: 8 January 2013
copy; The Author(s) 2013. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com
Abstract The article presents software module designed for efficient and convenient visualization of 3D models inside the web browser environment. It is written purely in JavaScript and takes advantages of the new HTML 5 standard. The authors focus on mobile devices, so special attention is given on efficiency and low network usage. Proposed solution based on progressive mesh streaming is compared with server side rendering approach. The results of usability tests performed on real-life random users group will be discussed.
Keywords 3D visualization · Mesh streaming · HTML 5 · Mobile devices
Mathematics Subject Classification 68U05 Computing methodologies and applications; Computer graphics; computational geometry 68U35 Computing methodologies and applications; Information systems (hypertext navigation, interfaces, decision support, etc.) 68M20 Computer system organization; Performance evaluation; queueing; scheduling
The visualization of 3D models is an essentially important tool for todayrsquo;s numerical simulation science. Since the eyesight is the main sense for humans, itrsquo;s not surprising that researchers want to visually investigate results of calculations and easily share
This work was partially supported by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (research grant no. N N510 148838).
B. Sawicki (B) B. Chaber
Institute of Theory of Electrical Engineering, Measurments and Information Systems,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, ul. Koszykowa 75, 00-662 Warsaw, Poland
e-mail: Bartosz.Sawicki@ee.pw.edu.pl; sawickib@gmail.com
them with others. Mobile devices (smartphones, tables) are natural tools for this kind of presentation, but many new challenges has to be overcome, mainly related with its limited computational power and transmission channel [7,12,19].
The most of numerical simulations take advantage of computational power con- centrated in server clusters. There are two groups of techniques for displaying remote models: server side rendering and client side rendering. This basic division has some- times different names (for example image-based vs. simplification [15]), but its impor- tance should be understood. In the first solution, servers render 3D scene, compute view and send it as a image to the client, in the second approach, mesh data are transmitted to the client which finally renders it. The main advantage of server side rendering is that mesh doesnrsquo;t have to be sent over the network, which is especially important when we deal with large scale models. On the other hand client side rendering could utilise hardware acceleration, and provide more natural user navigation. Unfortunately large meshes canrsquo;t be rendered on the client side, because its computational power would be exceeded. Thatrsquo;s where progressive mesh algorithms are applied [10,11].
Both, server and client rendering modes are subject of a wide scientific research. While investigations for first solution are focused on powerful rendering infrastruc- ture [14] and image compression algorithms [7], the second approach more often linked with progressive meshes [4] and their transmission protocols [1]. It also describes pro- gressive way of displaying 3D models, but please mind that this progressive method is very different from the progressive meshes method defined in [4].
Thinking about mobile devices connected with mobile network, we should take care of the bandwidth consumed by the visualization system. This topic is usually studied for games or augmented reality applications [12,19]. Smooth displaying of realistic 3D worlds on thin, mobile clients requires special techniques (mesh streaming, compressed meshes, server rendering). As it was shown by Pasman [15] optimal methodology should be a combination of above algorithms.
There are many, well established technologies for very efficient handling of pre- sentation of 3D scenes, such as OpenGL, DirectX, GPU. However, to use them user is forced to install specialised software or even upgrade his computer hardware. In this paper we present different approach. Whole interaction with 3D model is done inside standard, modern HTML browser. This way we get unusual accessibility of developed software module, since web browser are nowadays present in virtually every device. Web3D consortium long time ago introduced technologies like VRML and X3D, but new HTML 5 standard is opening new possibilities for visualizing 3D objects. Build- in WebGL and Canvas components controlled by JavaScript code running inside the browser window can vanish last differences between de
Efficient visualization of 3D models by web browser
Bartosz Sawicki · Bartosz Chaber
Received: 13 October 2012 / Accepted: 20 December 2012 / Published online: 8 January 2013
copy; The Author(s) 2013. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com
Abstract The article presents software module designed for efficient and convenient visualization of 3D models inside the web browser environment. It is written purely in JavaScript and takes advantages of the new HTML 5 standard. The authors focus on mobile devices, so special attention is given on efficiency and low network usage. Proposed solution based on progressive mesh streaming is compared with server side rendering approach. The results of usability tests performed on real-life random users group will be discussed.
Keywords 3D visualization · Mesh streaming · HTML 5 · Mobile devices
Mathematics Subject Classification 68U05 Computing methodologies and applications; Computer graphics; computational geometry 68U35 Computing methodologies and applications; Information systems (hypertext navigation, interfaces, decision support, etc.) 68M20 Computer system organization; Performance evaluation; queueing; scheduling
The visualization of 3D models is an essentially important tool for todayrsquo;s numerical simulation science. Since the eyesight is the main sense for humans, itrsquo;s not surprising that researchers want to visually investigate results of calculations and easily share them with others. Mobile devices (smartphones, tables) are natural tools for this kind
This work was partially supported by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (research grant no. N N510 148838).
B. Sawicki (B) B. Chaber
Institute of Theory of Electrical Engineering, Measurments and Information Systems,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, ul. Koszykowa 75, 00-662 Warsaw, Poland
e-mail: Bartosz.Sawicki@ee.pw.edu.pl; sawickib@gmail.com
of presentation, but many new challenges has to be overcome, mainly related with its limited computational power and transmission channel [7,12,19].
The most of numerical simulations take advantage of computational power con- centrated in server clusters. There are two groups of techniques for displaying remote models: server side rendering and client side rendering. This basic division has some- times different names (for example image-based vs. simplification [15]), but its impor- tance should be understood. In the first solution, servers render 3D scene, compute view and send it as a image to the client, in the second approach, mesh data are transmitted to the client which finally renders it. The main advantage of server side rendering is that mesh doesnrsquo;t have to be sent over the network, which is especially important when we deal with large scale models. On the other hand client side rendering could utilise hardware acceleration, and provide more natural user navigation. Unfortunately large meshes canrsquo;t be rendered on the client side, because its computational power would be exceeded. Thatrsquo;s where progressive mesh algorithms are applied [10,11].
Both, server and client rendering modes are subject of a wide scientific research. While investigations for first solution are focused on powerful rendering infrastruc- ture [14] and image compression algorithms [7], the second approach more often linked with progressive meshes [4] and their transmission protocols [1]. It also describes pro- gressive way of displaying 3D models, but please mind that this progressive method is very different from the progressive meshes method defined in [4].
Thinking about mobile devices connected with mobile network, we should take care of the bandwidth consumed by the visualization system. This topic is usually studied for games or augmented reality applications [12,19]. Smooth displaying of realistic 3D worlds on thin, mobile clients requires special techniques (mesh streaming, compressed meshes, server rendering). As it was shown by Pasman [15] optimal methodology should be a combination of above algorithms.
There are many, well established technologies for very efficient handling of pre- sentation of 3D scenes, such as OpenGL, DirectX, GPU. However, to use them user is forced to install specialised software or even upgrade his computer hardware. In this paper we present different approach. Whole interaction with 3D model is done inside standard, modern HTML browser. This way we get unusual accessibility of developed software module, since web browser are nowadays present in virtually every device. Web3D consortium long time ago introduced technologies like VRML and X3D, but new HTML 5 standard is opening new possibilities for visualizing 3D objects. Build- in WebGL and Canvas components controlled by JavaScript code running inside the browser window can vani