
 2022-08-08 12:13:33

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Temporal and spatial variations of the Arctic sea ice (1997-2016)


Xingdong Wang and Zhankai Wu


Based on the SSM/I data from 1997 to 2016, the temporal and spatial variations of Arctic sea ice are studied from sea ice areas, sea ice margin zone and sea ice concentration. The results show that the sea ice areas for 20 years (1997–2016) are reduced at a speed of 0.0594times;106km2 per year, and the sea ice margin zone is reduced at a speed of 0.03times;106km2. From 1997 to 2006, the sea ice areas and margin zone show the same downward trend, which decreased by 0.062times;106km and 0.064times; 106km2 per year, respectively. From 2007 to 2016, the sea ice areas and margin zone show an obvious fluctuation, which decreased by 0.027times;106km2 and 0.019times;106km2 per year, respectively. In the first ten years, the sea ice concentration (90–100%) is about 40%, and it is only about 20% in the second ten years, and the decrease is particularly obvious.


Key words关键词

NASA TEAM algorithm, sea ice areas, sea ice concentration, sea ice margin zone, SSM/I, temporal and spatial variations

NASA TEAM算法,海冰面积,海冰浓度,海冰边缘带,SSM / I,时空变化


Arctic sea ice is a key factor that affects the global climate system due to its high albedo, and it has been shrinking and thinning year to year in recent decades because of the effects of global warming (Clark et al. 1999; Miao et al. 2016; Wang et al. 2017). Accurately understanding and grasping the trend of Arctic sea ice change is a necessity for studying and understanding sea ice (Zhao et al. 2018). It is also of important significance for studying the influence and function of sea ice on the global climate system (Parkinson amp; Cavalieri 2008; Fan et al. 2017). Quantitative calculation of the variations of Arctic sea ice over many years can reflect the trend of Arctic sea ice variations to the greatest extent, and further determine whether Arctic sea ice has abnormal variations in some years, as well as discovering other useful information (Gascard et al. 2017).

北极海冰由于其高反照率而成为影响全球气候系统的一个关键因素。且由于全球变暖的影响,近几十年来北极海冰逐年缩小和变薄(Clark等,1999;M等,2016; Wang等,2017)。准确了解和掌握北极海冰的变化趋势是研究和了解海冰的必要条件(Zhao等,2018)。对于研究海冰对全球气候系统的影响和功能也有重要意义(Parkinson&Cavalieri Fan,2008;Fan等,2017)。北极海冰多年变化的定量计算可以最大程度地反映北极海冰变化的趋势,并进一步确定北极海冰在某些年份中是否存在异常变化,以及获取其他有用信息(Gascard等,2017)。

The establishment of the Polar Research Association in 1920 marked the international joint stage of sea ice research and exploration. The study of sea ice can be roughly summed up in three stages. The first stage is the preliminary, understanding stage of sea ice detection. This stage mainly studies the physical properties of sea ice, the natural properties of sea ice, and the dynamics of sea ice. The second stage is mainly to summarize and improve the results of the first stage, and to study the characteristics of sea ice variations (Allison et al. 1989), the variations of sea ice extent (Massom et al. 1999), and the movement of sea ice. The third stage is the extension stage of sea ice research, which focuses on the quantitative simulation of sea ice variations on the basis of qualitative analysis (Li et al. 2014), so that we can comprehensively understand the relationship between sea ice and global change (Parizek amp; Alley 2004; Eldevik et al. 2014). Comiso (2002) studied the variations in Arctic multiyear ice, and they found that it decreased by about 9% every ten years. Later, research by Comiso et al. (2008) showed that the Arctic multiyear ice showed a trend of accelerating melting. Kwok amp; Cunningham (2010) studied the correlation of the multiyear ice between the Beaufort Sea and the Arctic. Xie et al. (2017) researched the spatial and temporal variability of sea ice deformation rates in the Arctic Ocean based on RADARSAT-1 data from November 1996 to April 2008.

极地研究协会于1920年成立,标志着海冰研究与探索进入国际联合阶段。对海冰的研究可以大致分为三个阶段。第一阶段是海冰探测的初步了解阶段。这个阶段主要研究海冰的物理特性、自然特性以及动力学。第二阶段主要是总结和改进第一阶段的成果,并研究海冰变化的特征(Allison等,1989),海冰范围的变化(Massom等,1999),以及海冰的运动。第三阶段是海冰研究的扩展阶段,其重点是在定性分析的基础上对海冰变化进行定量模拟(Li等,2014),以便我们能够全面了解海冰和全球变化之间的关系(Parizek&Alley,2004;Eldevik等,2014)。 Comiso(2002)研究了北极多年冰的变化,发现每十年冰量减少约9%。后来,Comiso等人的研究 (2008)表明北极多年冰有加速融化的趋势。 Kwok&Cunningham(2010)研究了波弗特海和北极之间多年冰的相关性。谢等(2017)基于1996年11月至2008年4月的RADARSAT-1数据,研究了北冰洋海冰变形率的时空变化。

Scholars have done a great deal of research on the Arctic sea ice variations. However, there are few studies on the spatial and temporal variations of Arctic sea ice in recent years in particular, and the trend of sea ice variations has been compared with the previous changes. This paper compares and analyzes the trend of Arctic sea ice variations for two ten-year periods (1997–2006 and 2007–2016), and then obtains a series of important conclusions and the trend characteristics of sea ice variations in the future.



  • Data数据

This paper mainly uses microwave radiometer SSM/I data (from 1 January 1997 to 31 December 2016). The selected data channels are the 19 GHz horizontal polarization channel and vertical polarization channel, the 37 GHz horizontal polarization channel and vertical polarization channel with F13 and F17 platforms. Over the 20-year period, there are tw



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