
 2022-08-08 20:34:00

文献标题;One Belt One Road Initiative: New Route on China Change of Course to Growth

一带一路计划:中国经济增长方向转变的新途径国外作者 Cem Nalbantoglu

Something something something Cem Nalbantoglu

文献出处《Open Journal of Social Sciences》,2017,5,87-99



Something something something something something

One Belt One Road Initiative: New Route on China s Change of Course to Growth


Abstract China s One Belt One Road Initiative (OBOR) is an inclusive project that is pregnant to profound changes for International Political Economy but also for Chinese Political Economy. In 21st Century, when Chinese Political Economy is observed, it is to be seen that engines of the economy that once led China to development become the very problems that are distorting the development and growth today. Those problems make the challenges of China and they are deeply connected to each other making local operations ineffective in long term solutions. Hence, China is in need of a restructuring in social and economic architecture of the country that will not only enable a grand solution to those challenges but that will also guarantee the stability in domestic affairs. By employing One Belt One Road Initiative, China aims to achieve peace and harmony in her domestic structures regarding economy and society. Therefore, China s domestic challenges render One Belt One Road Initiative essential for the survival of a stable China.

中国的一带一路倡议是一个包容性的项目,孕育着国际政治经济和中国政治经济的深刻变革。在 21 世纪,当我们观察中国的政治经济时,我们可以看到,曾经引领中国发展的经济引擎正在成为扭曲今天的发展和增长的问题。这些问题使中国面临挑战,而且它们彼此之间存在 着深刻的联系,使得本地业务在长期解决方案中无法发挥作用。因此,中国需要对国家的社 会和经济结构进行调整,这不仅能够大力解决这些挑战,而且能够保证国内事务的稳定。通 过运用一带一路倡议,中国旨在实现国内经济和社会结构的和平与和谐。因此,中国国内的 挑战使得一带一路倡议对于一个稳定的中国的生存至关重要。

Keywords One Belt One Road Initiative, Chinese Political Economy, China s Development,

Domestic Challenge


  1. Introduction 1.引言

Cold War has shaped the International Relations in a way that bipolar world politics has started to be accepted as given. Any rising power in the international arena has been interpreted as either consolidator or a challenge to American dominated status quo (Chun tao, 2014). For that reason, China s rise in international political economy has given way to a number of interpretations in

which China Threat theories gathered lots of supporters (Huntington, 1997: p.207). In that regard, with Xi Jin ping sannunciation of New Silk Road and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road projects which will be hereafter referred as Belt and Road or One Belt One Road Initiative in 2013, international community has started to discuss the implications of the Belt and Road Initiative not only for the international political economy but also for the world politics. Even rising apprehension in International Relations gave rise to theories that assimilated One Belt One Road Initiative to China s Marshall Plan. Hence, having learned from Second World War and Cold War, China s new Initiative was predicted to be a first step towards the establishment of a hegemonic bloc (Banarjee, 2016).

冷战以一种两极世界政治开始被接受为既定的方式塑造了国际关系。任何在国际舞台上崛起的力量都被解释为巩固或挑战美国主导的现状(春涛,2014)。由于这个原因,中国在国际政治经济中的崛起已经让位于许多解释,其中中国威胁论聚集了许多支持者( 亨廷顿, 1997:p.207)。在这方面,随着 2013 年西锦屏宣布新丝绸之路和 21 世纪海上丝绸之路项目, 国际社会已经开始讨论一带一路一带一路倡议不仅对国际政治经济,而且对世界政治的影响一带一路。甚至在国际关系中不断上升的忧虑也催生了将一带一路倡议与中国的马歇尔计划相提并论的理论。因此,从第二次世界大战和冷战中吸取教训,中国的新倡议被认为是建立霸权集团的第一步(Banarjee,2016)。

Today, Chinese economy and society are challenged with a number of problems that rooted in the economic factors that were once built on purpose to accelerate the development of the country. In that regard, as be Lisle and Gold stein (be Lisle amp; Gold stein, 2015: pp. 16-18) claims huge gap among classes, uneven development in different regions, unsustain ability of current economic model, environmental problems and increasing energy demand have started to push Beijing to adopt a new strategy not only to keep a sustainable economic environment but also to achieve a harmonious society that is not threatened by the rising tensions of economy (de Lisle amp; Gold stein, 2015: pp. 1-18) .

今天,中国经济和社会面临着一系列问题,这些问题的根源在于曾经为了加速国家发展而建立起来的经济因素。在这方面,正如莱尔和 Goldstein(beLisleamp;Goldstein,2015:pp.16-18)所声称的那样,阶级之间的巨大差距、不同地区的发展不平衡、当前经济模式的不可持续性、环境问题和日益增长的能源需求,已经开始促使北京采取新的战略,不仅要保持一个可持续的经济环境,还要实现一个不受经济紧张局势不断加剧威胁的和谐社会(deLisleamp;Goldstein, 2015:pp.1-18)。

In this work, it is seen that those challenges that are threatening the stability of China with regards to economy and society, are interdependent and interconnected. Therefore, a step by step methodology would remain ineffective by failing to create a long term solution. However, with One Belt One Road Initiative, China will be able to transit its economy and society by using it as a grand tool that will affect every sphere of the problems. Hence, this work claims One Belt One Road to be not only a project


that is solely pregnant to implementations on international politics and economy but also containing factors that are essential to survival of a stable and healthy environment in domestic economy and society. One Belt One Road Initiative is seen as an Initiative that looks out for the China s internal problems, rather than the matters regarding foreign policy. For this reason, even though One Belt One Road Initiatives possible effects on world politics and international political economy are also elaborated on, main focus will be on the contemporary challenges ahead of China. By comprehending the China s challenges in the 21st century, it is called that One Belt One Road Initiatives essential roles will be better understood; One Belt One Road Initiative is a fixer for China s domestic challenges.



文献标题;One Belt One Road Initiative: New Route on China Change of Course to Growth



Something something something something something

One Belt One Road Initiative: New Route on China s Change of Course to Growth


Abstract China s One Belt One Road Initiative (OBOR) is an inclusive project that is pregnant to profound changes for International Political Economy but also for Chinese Political Economy. In 21st Century, when Chinese Political Economy is observed, it is to be seen that engines of the economy that once led China to development become the very problems that are distorting the development and growth today. Those problems make the challenges of China and they are deeply connected to each other making local operations ineffective in long term solutions. Hence, China is in need of a restructuring in social and economic architecture of the country that will not only enable a grand solution to those challenges but that will also guarantee the stability in domestic affairs. By employing One Belt One Road Initiative, China aims to achieve peace and harmony in her domestic structures regarding economy and society. Therefore, China s domestic challenges render One Belt One Road Initiative essential for the survival of a stable China.

中国的一带一路倡议是一个包容性的项目,孕育着国际政治经济和中国政治经济的深刻变革。在 21 世纪,当我们观察中国的政治经济时,我们可以看到,曾经引领中国发展的经济引擎正在成为扭曲今天的发展和增长的问题。这些问题使中国面临挑战,而且它们彼此之间存在 着深刻的联系,使得本地业务在长期解决方案中无法发挥作用。因此,中国需要对国家的社 会和经济结构进行调整,这不仅能够大力解决这些挑战,而且能够保证国内事务的稳定。通 过运用一带一路倡议,中国旨在实现国内经济和社会结构的和平与和谐。因此,中国国内的 挑战使得一带一路倡议对于一个稳定的中国的生存至关重要。

Keywords One Belt One Road Initiative, Chinese Political Economy, China s Development,

Domestic Challenge


  1. Introduction 1.引言

Cold War has shaped the International Relations in a way that bipolar world politics has started to be accepted as given. Any rising power in the international arena has been interpreted as either consolidator or a challenge to American dominated status quo (Chun tao, 2014). For that reason, China s rise in international political economy has given way to a number of interpretations in

which China Threat theories gathered lots of supporters (Huntington, 1997: p.207). In that regard, with Xi Jin ping sannunciation of New Silk Road and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road projects which will be hereafter referred as Belt and Road or One Belt One Road Initiative in 2013, international community has started to discuss the implications of the Belt and Road Initiative not only for the international political economy but also for the world politics. Even rising apprehension in International Relations gave rise to theories that assimilated One Belt One Road Initiative to China s Marshall Plan. Hence, having learned from Second World War and Cold War, China s new Initiative was predicted to be a first step towards the establishment of a hegemonic bloc (Banarjee, 2016).

冷战以一种两极世界政治开始被接受为既定的方式塑造了国际关系。任何在国际舞台上崛起的力量都被解释为巩固或挑战美国主导的现状(春涛,2014)。由于这个原因,中国在国际政治经济中的崛起已经让位于许多解释,其中中国威胁论聚集了许多支持者( 亨廷顿, 1997:p.207)。在这方面,随着 2013 年西锦屏宣布新丝绸之路和 21 世纪海上丝绸之路项目, 国际社会已经开始讨论一带一路一带一路倡议不仅对国际政治经济,而且对世界政治的影响一带一路。甚至在国际关系中不断上升的忧虑也催生了将一带一路倡议与中国的马歇尔计划相提并论的理论。因此,从第二次世界大战和冷战中吸取教训,中国的新倡议被认为是建立霸权集团的第一步(Banarjee,2016)。

Today, Chinese economy and society are challenged with a number of problems that rooted in the economic factors that were once built on purpose to accelerate the development of the country. In that regard, as be Lisle and Gold stein (be Lisle amp; Gold stein, 2015: pp. 16-18) claims huge gap among classes, uneven development in different regions, unsustain ability of current economic model, environmental problems and increasing energy demand have started to push Beijing to adopt a new strategy not only to keep a sustainable economic environment but also to achieve a harmonious society that is not threatened by the rising tensions of economy (de Lisle amp; Gold stein, 2015: pp. 1-18) .

今天,中国经济和社会面临着一系列问题,这些问题的根源在于曾经为了加速国家发展而建立起来的经济因素。在这方面,正如莱尔和 Goldstein(beLisleamp;Goldstein,2015:pp.16-18)所声称的那样,阶级之间的巨大差距、不同地区的发展不平衡、当前经济模式的不可持续性、环境问题和日益增长的能源需求,已经开始促使北京采取新的战略,不仅要保持一个可持续的经济环境,还要实现一个不受经济紧张局势不断加剧威胁的和谐社会(deLisleamp;Goldstein, 2015:pp.1-18)。

In this work, it is seen that those challenges that are threatening the stability of China with regards to economy and society, are interdependent and interconnected. Therefore, a step by step methodology would remain ineffective by failing to create a long term solution. However, with One Belt One Road Initiative, China will be able to transit its economy and society by using it as a grand tool that will affect every sphere of the problems. Hence, this work claims One Belt One Road to be not only a project


that is solely pregnant to implementations on international politics and economy but also containing factors that are essential to survival of a stable and healthy environment in domestic economy and society. One Belt One Road Initiative is seen as an Initiative that looks out for the China s internal problems, rather than the matters regarding foreign policy. For this reason, even though One Belt One Road Initiatives possible effects on world politics and international political economy are also elaborated on, main focus will be on the contemporary challenges ahead of China. By comprehending the China s challenges in the 21st century, it is called that One Belt One Road Initiatives essential roles will be better understood; One Belt One Road Initiative is a fixer for China s domestic challenges.




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