
 2022-08-10 20:09:48

Practical Considerations Regarding Results From Static and Dynamic Load Testing of Bridges

Piotr Olaszek and Joan Ramon Casas

Bridge tests are a helpful tool for bridge assessment and evaluation. Both in the case of a static and dynamic load testing, each element of the test: the load selection and application, the creation of a numerical model to follow the progress of the test or to check the validity of the test results, the measurement process itself and the comparative analysis of experimental results and calculations could be a source of errors in the bridge final evaluation if these errors and uncertainties are not properly considered. The article presents some of the most important factors that may bring errors in the interpretation of the test results and their comparison to targeted values or values derived from a numerical model. This, at the end, may result in the adoption of decisions that are not accurate and appropriate. The selected sources of feasible errors are presented with the division into static and dynamic loading tests. The presented examples of bridge load testing show how the use of improper test methods could lead to significant errors in bridge assessment and evaluation and, consequently, to wrong decisions.


The role of the test loading research in the bridge management system is significant in the world. The publication (Casas, 2006; Wiśniewski et al., 2012) presented the current situation and future trends related to the assessment of the condition and bearing capacity of a structure. The importance of diagnostic test loading was emphasized to be the most accurate tool to assess the structures bearing capacity. The method of bridge bearing capacity assessment which integrates analytical methods with experimental tests is particularly useful and is verified by test loading research .

The basic division of test loading is made on the basis of the load variations in time:

- static load testing,

- dynamic load testing.

There are three types of tests distinguished due to the method and purpose of testing:

- diagnostic load testing (also called supplementary load testing) carried out in order to assess the carrying capacity of a bridge structure in service, based on an integration of the structure numeric analysis results and load tests.

- proof load testing carried out in order to assess the carrying capacity of a bridge structure in service, based on testing the structure under increasing load until the structures non-linear response to the increasing load can be observed .

- acceptance tests carried out before a bridge structure is approved for use; its similar to diagnostic load testing due to the method of the results analysis, and similar to proof load testing but with the level of the load reaching the design load and not going beyond this point.

Regardless of the type of bridge tests and the purpose of performing these tests, it should be strongly taken into account that the test results are always subject to undesired errors. The impact of these errors on the outcome of the final evaluation of the bridge depends on many factors. An important element of the research is to find the causes of errors and to estimate their influence on the final uncertainty of the bridge evaluation, or to try to avoid them by taking the appropriate solutions during the execution and analysis of the test results.

Analyzing the causes of errors related to various elements of the bridge evaluation process by a loading test, some of them appear during the preparation and execution of the test, meanwhile others are derived in the posterior analysis of the results. We can distinguish the following causes:

- measurement errors related to the measuring equipment used;

- method errors related to inaccuracies in the definition (standardization) of a particular test method;

- modeling errors in the numerical model used for comparison in diagnostic and acceptance tests;

- environmental errors related to disturbances from changes in temperature or external vibrations unrelated to the load of the tested bridge;

- analysis of the results from the measurements.

The individual errors may be random or systematic. Based on the recognition of error sources, it is possible to estimate the uncertainty of individual elements of the loading test .

Figure 1 presents a block diagram of static test loading process during diagnostic tests of a bridge structure with marked sources of the bridge assessment uncertainty, while Figure 2 shows analogous scheme in case of dynamic test loading. The diagrams were developed by analogy or on the basis of the diagram presented in the norm .


Figure 1. Block diagram of static test loading process during diagnostic tests of a bridge structure; developed by analogy with the diagram from the norm .


Figure 2. Block diagram of dynamic test loading process during acceptance tests of a bridge structure; developed on the basis .

Uncertainty During Load Testing

Moon and Aktan (2006) discuss the state of the art related to the structural identification of constructed civil systems. They pointed out that constructed civil systems cannot be isolated from sources of uncertainty during





荷载试验研究在桥梁管理系统中的作用在世界上具有重要意义。 这本书(Casas, 2006; Wiśniewski et al., 2012)介绍了与评估结构状况和承载力有关的现状和未来趋势,强调了诊断试验载荷的重要性,是评估结构承载能力的最准确工具。 结合分析方法和实验测试的桥梁承载力评估方法特别有用,并且已通过荷载试验研究得到验证。






-在批准桥梁结构使用之前进行的验收测试; 由于结果分析的方法,它类似于诊断性荷载试验,类似于证明性荷载试验,但是负载水平达到了设计载荷,并且没有超出此点。

不论桥梁荷载试验的类型和执行这些试验的目的如何,都应充分考虑到试验结果始终会出现不希望的错误。 这些错误对桥梁最终评估结果的影响取决于许多因素。 该研究的重要内容是发现错误的原因,并估计其对桥梁评估最终不确定性的影响,或者通过在试验结果的执行和分析过程中采取适当的解决方案来避免这些错误。

通过荷载试验分析与桥梁评估过程中各个元素相关的错误原因,其中一些在试验的准备和执行过程中出现,而另一些则在对结果的分析中得出。 我们可以得到以下原因:


各个错误可能是随机的,也可能是系统的。 基于错误源的识别,可以估计负载试验各个元素的不确定性。图1给出了具有标记的桥梁评估不确定性源的桥梁结构诊断试验期间静态试验加载过程的框图,而图2显示了动态试验加载情况下的类似方案。 这些图是通过类推或基于规范中显示的图来开发的。


图1.在桥梁结构的诊断试验过程中,静态试验加载过程的框图; 与标准图类比地开发


图2.桥梁结构验收测试期间动态测试加载过程的框图; 在此基础上开发


Moon and Aktan(2006)中讨论了与已建成的民用系统的结构识别有关的最新技术。 它指出,在结构识别过程中,无法将人造民用系统与不确定性源区分开。 动静载荷试验是用于结构识别的常用实验技术之一。 在Goulet and Smith(2013)中,提出了一种事实,即使用系统识别方法来解释从结构中获取的测量数据时,由于模型的简化和遗漏,不确定性的依赖性在很多情况下是未知的。


在选择用于静载荷试验的测量方法时,不仅要考虑测量的不确定性,而且还要考虑在线模式下分析结构位移的可能性,这一点很重要。 根据负载方案施加负载并保持一定时间段。 试验的持续时间和结果的准确性将取决于保持负载直到输出稳定的时间。 在达到永久性或固定性之前及早移除载荷会导致重大错误。


在这之前,有必要提及一种计量学的基本规则-完全精确的测量是不存在的-在实践中,其结果会受到误差的影响,而误差的来源很多。 Taylor(1997)指出,科学测量中的误差不是错误,无论你多么小心也无法消除这些误差。 你希望做的最好的事情是确保误差尽可能地小,并对它们的大小有一个可靠的估计。

仅当可以确定测量结果的不准确性时,测量才有意义。 可以基于公认的误差源评估单个测量的不确定性,这已广为人知并得到应用。 与测量设备有关的基本误差类别包括:

-非线性误差–由传感器输出曲线与调整过程中指定的直线的偏差引起; 可以通过应用调整曲线而不是直线来减少误差;

作者的经验得出的结论是,与测量设备直接相关的错误不是可能对桥进行不适当评估的与测量相关的基本原因。 其他原因可能更重要,例如那些与环境条件有关的原因,或者在位移测量的情况下,与所选参考点有关的原因(被视为零位移)。
有各种将被检查大梁的位移传递到传感器位置的点的系统,这些系统用于测量位移并应用位于测试跨度以下区域的机械传感器。 最受欢迎的包括:




作者的经验表明,在通过加速度计测量加速度的情况下,与错误选择滤波器有关的误差以及局部元件振动的影响可能是主要特征,如在动态测试的第一个示例中详细讨论的那样。 在第4章中)。
最近的30年是数字测量方法和数字信号处理密集开发的时代,这尤其为动态负载测试的发展做出了贡献。 数字测量方法的应用以及数字信号处理可能对桥梁结构的评估结果产生积极和消极的影响。





-创建创新的测量位移的方法,该方法不考虑仅基于设备三脚架的参考点的位置所引起的误 差; 例如,对于视觉方法而言,这是必不可少的,
-根据车辆在行驶过程中以接近最大速度的速度而不是大约10 km / h的速度记录的位移估 计准静态值,(爬行测试)会导致重大误差,因为 将在第4章的第二个动态测试示例中详细讨论。


提出的示例涉及实际情况,如果使用不正确的测试方法可能会导致桥梁评估出现重大错误。第一种情况涉及公路桥梁的静载试验,并显示了在分析桥梁挠度稳定时间并同时确定永久值和弹性值时,桥梁评估中可能出现的重大错误。 接下来的两个案例涉及两个铁路桥梁的动载试验。 第二个例子表明,在通过加速度计测量加速度的情况下,与分析计算结果相比,与错误选择滤波器以及局部元件振动的影响有关的误差可能是主要特征。 第三个示例显示了在以接近最大速度(而不是大约10 km / h的速度)的速度行驶时,估计在火车行驶过程中记录的位移的准静态值时,桥梁评估中会出现多么大的误差。


经过测试的桥梁由三个简单支撑的跨度组成,跨度为29.00 21.20 29.00 m。 由于技术条件恶劣,木制覆盖物被毁,承载能力限制在3.5吨之内,因此不得不对其进行维修。 修复后的桥梁结构如图3所示。目前的情况发生在最大跨度处。 每个跨度由三个钢制双横梁组成,并在其上增加了底部法兰和构成格栅的横杆。 在维修过程中,在钢跨度梁上制作了复合钢筋混凝土面板。 所有钢制接头均设计为带有高强度摩擦夹紧螺栓的摩擦接头(图4)。





在最初维修的桥梁的第一次静力测试期间,在两辆卡车进入桥梁后立即在端跨处观察到明显的挠度值。 但是,由于所记录的测得的挠度值相对于所计算的挠度要低得多,因此又引入了两辆卡车。 由于记录了增量偏差值(图5A),因此在这些值变得稳定之前就停止了测试。 可以仅确定位移dpv的永久值。 取得了很大的价值。


图5.时间历程中记录的极端光束挠度:(A)在第一次测试载荷期间; (二)在试验负荷进行后进行修理。 标记了弹性dev和永久dpv挠度值。

在连续不断地在线观察挠度-时程的基础上,可以对观察到的桥梁行为进行正确诊断,并在桥梁发生不可逆转损坏之前停止载荷测试。 总结测量结果和承包商提供的信息,可以说承包商制造的压接缝承载力不完全。 幸运的是,测试已停止并且跨度已卸载。 如果继续进行加载过程,则摩擦接头的螺栓与结构元件中的孔之间的间隙可能会消失。 在以上分析的基础上,对接头进行了修复,在结构元件之间引入了独立的焊接接头,直到那时为止,这些焊接接头都已与摩擦接头相连。




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