
 2022-08-17 10:46:19

Assessing the Impact of Inventory Deployment and Sharing Policies on Hyperconnected Last-Mile Furniture Logistics

Nayeon Kim1,2 and Benoit Montreuil1,2,3,4

  1. H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial amp; Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States
  2. Physical Internet Center, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States
  3. Supply Chain amp; Logistics Institute, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States
  4. Coca-Cola Chair in Material Handling and Distribution

Abstract: Open asset sharing is one of the concepts that form the bases of the Physical Internet. Naturally, interests of different parties are conflicting in such a setting, especially when existing assets that have been independently owned by participants are now shared. Moreover, the benefits of hyperconnected supply chains can vary significantly according to the strategies of participants. Therefore, it is important to consider the operating strategies of participants to successfully implement a hyperconnected logistic system. In this research, we examine using simulation the impact of inventory policy on the performance of last mile delivery of furniture and large appliances in an urban setting under scenarios where retailers are openly sharing their logistic assets, storage and delivery. Results show significant differences in savings achieved through open asset sharing depending on the inventory deployment and sharing policies, highlighting the importance of behavior of participants for successful implementation of Physical Internet enabled hyperconnected logistics.

Keywords: Physical Internet, Hyperconnected logistics, Last mile delivery, Product deployment, City logistics, Open asset sharing, Open shared storage, Open shared delivery, Furniture and large appliances, Simulation, Scenario analysis

1 Introduction

Openly shared logistic infrastructure is one of the fundamental concepts of the Physical Internet. (Montreuil, 2011). Openly sharing independently owned logistic assets, such as storage space or delivery vehicles, can be the first step towards hyperconnected supply chains. However, to maximize the benefits of the Physical Internet, operating strategies of participating companies must adjust to the new logistic environment. In fact, the impact of the Physical Internet on logistic operations can differ significantly depending on operating strategies of participating companies, notably their inventory strategy. For example, when logistic assets are openly shared, logistic operations would be improved the most when inventories are deployed smartly across a network of distribution centers so that the most optimal routes can be taken, whereas they are not improved by having inventories idle at a distribution center (DC). Therefore, it is important to take operating strategies into consideration when demonstrating the potential benefit brought by exploiting the Physical Internet concepts and protocols.

Most of the furniture and large appliance retailers, which are the focus of this study, operate no more than one DC to serve a city area, without sharing any logistic asset with other retailers in the area.

Goyal at el. (2016) have shown the significant advantages of hyperconnected supply chain on the last mile delivery of furniture and large appliances in a city, yet without explicitly considering inventories.

This study aims to extend the study started by Goyal et al. (2016) with a much further elaborated city logistic model embedding the notions of product and inventory, and to demonstrate the impact of inventory sharing strategy on the performance of urban last-mile logistic operations.

A simulation-based scenario analysis is performed, using as testbed a fictitious square shaped city. Overall seven scenarios are tested, combining alternatives about specific facets. For example, relative to then overall degree of logistics hyperconnectivity, three alternatives are tested: dedicated logistics, hyperconnected storage, and hyperconnected storage and delivery. Dedicated logistics represents the typical current operations and forms a baseline. The other two alternatives represent Physical Internet inspired alternatives, with open shared delivery is assumed to be done through a third-party urban delivery service provider (urban deliverer).

Where multiple DCs are available, two alternative inventory deployment strategies are tested: one- time deployment and forecast-based overnight deployment. One-time deployment indicates that, upon receipt from supplier, product units are placed in a DC and not moved afterward before being shipped to customers. Each unit of a given product may be deployed in a distinct DC so as to optimize the inventory of the product in each DC give the expected demand forecast in each demand zone. Forecast-based overnight deployment indicates that the set of orders to be delivered is not known upon deployment, the retailers deploying inventories so that products are distributed in an optimized way among the four DCs given the forecast demand in each zone. The efficiency of one-time placement and forecast-based overnight deployment is compared with order-based overnight deployment at each simulation run. In the latter part of the experimentation, order-based deployment is also tested, assuming that order information is known upon deployment and available products are moved if necessary so that all deliveries can be made from the nearest DC.

When delivery operation is done by an urban deliverer, two alternative levels of inventory information disclosure to the urban deliverer are assumed and compared: minimum disclosure and selective disclosure. With minimum disclosure, retailers assign DCs to each customer and give only the assignment information to the urba



Nayeon Kim1,2 and Benoit Montreuil1,2,3,4










Goyal at el.(2016)已经显示了在城市的最后一公里的家具配送和大型家用电器上的超连接供应链的显著优势,但还没有明确地考虑库存。

本研究的目的是拓展Goyal at el.(2016)开始的研究,并进一步阐述了城市物流模式下的产品和库存概念,并展示了库存共享策略对城市最后一公里物流运营绩效的影响。







本文旨在将Goyal at el. (2016)的研究成果进一步应用通过对模拟试验台进行详细的仿真试验,分析库存政策对城市地区超连通物流系统性能的影响,使其因此拥有更多在Goyal at el. (2016)。

在供应链中横向合作的好处已经在许多研究和实践中显示出来,但实际上由于竞争的性质很难实施(Simatupang et al., 2002; Cruijssen et al., 2007)。特别对家具行业来说,Audy et al. (2008, 2011)研究了加拿大家具公司之间共享交通运输在联合的情况下的合作模式。总体而言,交通运输取得了显著的进步,但同时也表明,合作必须精心设计,以使参与公司的利益不一样。

针对本论文所涉及的库存部署问题,可以将其视为横向转运问题,许多关于横向转运和库存政策的研究都存在。Paterson et al. (2011)对横向转运提供了全面的评价。然而,在作者的知识范围内,在为同一区域服务的多个DC中没有进行库存部署的研究,并将部署决策与配送路线由性能联系起来。另一方面,库存分配决定在资金补给方面来说可以被看作是一个两级的库存分配问题,与假想的中央仓库有关,因为订购政策是固定的,比如McGavin et al. (1993)研究的零售商平衡和库存分配问题。



图1: 一个拥有4家零售商DC和制造商和需求分配的虚拟城市








不同大小和类型的制造商有81家。三种操作类型的制造商被考虑:在岸/临时股票(MTS),在岸/临时订购(MTO),和离岸/ MTO。我们假设,对于零售商,离岸/ MTS类型的制造商相当于陆地/ MTS,因为大多数制造商都有陆上的DC。按操作类型,产品交货时间不同。在岸/ MTS型制造商的产品领先时间在1到7天,在岸/ MTO 8至29天,以及离岸/ MTO 30至90天。根据合同类型,一些制造商只通过一家零售商销售他们的产品,而其他制造商则可能向多个零售商供货。




我们的目标是尽可能多地在客户订单上提供库存。为了确定库存水平和补充,s - s政策被使用。由于泊松分布是离散的,s、再订货点和S,最高订货水平是近似的。另一个关于存货补充的假设是,对于离岸/ MTO和岸上/ MTO制造商来说,零售商至少订购了6个月和3个月的存货,除了安全库存之外,许多MTO的制造商不接受小规模的订单。而且,引线时间是确定的。




由于路由是np困难的,因此使用路由启发式方法代替了精确的解决方案。最初的路线是由CW heuristic创建的,并由intra route 2 - opt和Or - opt和inter - opt和- opt - opt和交换来改进。(Cordeau et al. (2002), Potvin et al. (1995), and Savelsbergh (1992)展示了不同的路由启发式的表现。我们利用结构和改进启发式的特殊组合,在这种背景下实现了良好的速度和精度。为了应用CW启发法,每个客户目的地首先被分配到一个DC,以距离最近的可用DC。最近的可用DC是一个与客户的位置有最小距离的DC,在那些有库存的地方。由指定的DC和路由分组的客户是由具有CW启发法的组创建的。请注意,只有当库存状态能够支持新路由时,才可以应用国际间路由改进启发法。


在此基础上,通过基于模拟的场景分析,阐述了库存政策对城市未来物流资产共享的潜在收益的影响,并以家具和大型家电产业为重点。首先,当考虑到在Goyal at el. (2016)所展示的对库存的忽略时,大量的旅行距离的减少仍然可以实现。正如预期的那样,通过库存策略的平均旅行距离节省了显著的差异。与库存的一次放置相比,结果显示,最后一英里的旅行距离可能会减少20%以上,通过智能库存重新部署和最大限度的减少64%可以通过开放共享存储和交付实现。由于不对称的需求分布和直流位置,我们也观察到DC的不同偏好。这意味着参与零售商的收益不平等,这会导致零售商之间的冲突。虽然这项研究的重点是在城市环境下的最后一公里的家具和大型家电,但其结果可以很容易地推广。




[1] Audy J. F., Drsquo;Amours S. (2008): Impact of benefit sharing among companies in the implantation of a collaborative transportation system-An application in the furniture industry, In Pervasive Collaborative Networks (pp. 519-532), Springer US.

[2] Audy J. F., Drsquo;Amours S., Rousseau L. M. (2011): Cost allocation in the establishment of a collaborative transportation agreement—an appl



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