基于Web的一种新型计算机科学教育 在线考试系统外文翻译资料

 2022-09-01 17:50:59

A Novel Web-Based Online Examination System For Computer Science Education

Yuan Zhenming,Zhang Liang,Zhan Guohua

Abstract - Web-based Examination System is an effective solution for mass education evaluation. We have developed a novel online examination system based on a Browser/Server framework which carries out the examination and auto-grading for objective questions and operating questions,such as programming,operating Microsoft Windows,editing Microsoft Word,Excel and PowerPoint,etc. It has been successfully applied to the distance evaluation of basic operating skills of computer science,such as the course of computer skills in Universities and the nationwide examination for the high school graduates in Zhejiang Province,China.

Index Terms - Examination system,Auto-grading system,Web-based,DCOM

1. Introduction

In China, the education for basic computer operating skills has been broadly launched. The skills include the operating of Windows, MS Office, Networking skills, etc., which are the foundation of a combination of different courses, as well as of electronic-government. Now, every undergraduate must pass the course of the Computer skills, while every civil servant must pass the corresponding Computer Operating Exams. Furthermore, the basic computer education in high schools is in process. Since the late 1990rsquo;s, hundreds of thousands of people have taken part in different levels of computer education and testing in Zhejiang Province. It is necessary to build a Web-based learning and examination system for such a large number of people,as an effective solution to mass learning and evaluation of basic computer education.

Several Web-based learning and testing systems have been designed, such as WebCT[1], QUIZIT[2], ASSYST[3], and PILOT[4]. The most widely used question types of the Web-based examination system are objective tests and quizzes which assume simple answers that can be formally checked and easily evaluated online. The typical questions are limited to yes/no questions, multiple -choice/singleanswer questions, multiple-choice/multiple-answer questions, and fill-in questions with a string and numeric answer.[5] Richer types of answers in these systems need to be graded manually by the course graders or the instructors. In addition, these systems do not support testing operating skills, such asWindows printer setup operation and Word editing, etc. in the client computer.

Our examination system for basic computer operating skills has the following characteristics: (1) The question types include not only objective questions, but also operating questions as Windows, MS Word, MS Excel, Internet skills, etc. (2) The goal of the learning and testing system is to train the practical skills. As a result, operating and testing in the actual environment of the client machine is the best learning method. (3) It is urgent to develop an automatic grading system which can grade the operating questions as well as the objective ones. However, the previous Web-based learning and testing system cannot support such functions.

We have developed a novel online examination system based on a Browser/Server framework using state-of-art computer technologies, which carries out the examinations for basic computer operating skills including objective tests, Visual Basic programming, Microsoft Windows operating , Word, Excel and PowerPoint editing, Internet and Email skills, etc. It has also implemented automatic grading online.

2. System Architecture

Our web-based examination system is a distributed collaborative system which is based on DCOM technology. It has four major components : the examination preparation system, the examination system, the examination monitor system and the auto-grading system.

  • The preparation system is used to manage question storage, assign test ID and schedule the test. The question database is composed of the questions, a set of possible answers, the question types and other metadata, which are indexed by several factors, such as topics, keywords, complexity and difficulty, etc. The database is open to teachers, allowing them to add questions and answers by template.
  • The examination System is a web-based testing interface for students , called WOES , which include the following key features: client side control, time control, security control and auto-installation. Benefiting from DCOM technology, the system can install and update itself conveniently, better than the C/S framework. Because the system is established on the Web, the systematic security faces a severe challenge. We guarantee the security by cryptography, real-time monitoring system and data transmission encryption. The cryptography is used to validate student identification before testing.
  • The real-time monitoring system requires students not to leave the computer during the test by face tracking technology. The data transmission encryption system transmits the examination question and result in secret form through the network to the server. The examination monitor system is also the manager of the examination system, by which we can monitor the test processing, carry out test ID statistic and collect the answers, etc.
  • The auto-grading system is designed by the fuzzy matching algorithm and the macro programming technology, which is seasoned with variable question types.

3. Web-Based Online Examination System

3.1 The aim of the examination system

As a universal examination system for the education of basic computer operation, it must meet the following requirements:[6]

1. A reasonable question storage, which must conform to the general outline of the exam.

2. A practical interface. There are tw




Yuan Zhenming, Zhang Liang, Zhan Guohua




在中国,计算机基础操作技能的教育已经广泛展开。计算机基础操作技能包括操作Windows系统、MS Office,上网技能等。这些都是开展多课程教学,和进行电子政务的基础。现在,每一个本科生必须通过计算机技能的课程考试,同时每一位公务员也必须通过相应的计算机操作考试。此外,计算机基础教育也正在各个高中进行推广。自20世纪90年代末,浙江省有成千上万的人开始参加不同水平的计算机教育和考试。为了应对人们学习计算机基础教育并进行相关考核的需求,需要建立一个基于Web的在线学习和考试系统。

多个基于Web的学习和考试系统已经完成设计,比如说WebCT [1],QUIZIT [2], ASSYST[3]和PILOT[4]。在线考试中,试题类型以客观题为主。客观题的答案较为简单,容易进行校对和评估。典型的试题类型主要有判断题,多选/单选题和填空题[5]。这些考试系统中,如果答案种类较多,则需要手动地按照学生或教师进行分类。此外,这些系统不能考察计算机的操作技能,例如,在用户电脑设置Windows打印机的运作,以及Word编辑等。

我们的计算机基础操作技能考试系统有以下特点:(1)试题的类型不仅包括对客观题的测试,同时也包括了对操作题的考核,例如 Windows系统,MS Word,MS Excel,上网技能等操作问题。(2)开发在线学习和考试系统的目标是培养实际操作技能。因此,最好的学习方法是在用户电脑进行实际操作和测试。(3)开发一个可以对客观题和操作型题进行评分的自动评分系统的需求非常强烈。但是,以前的在线学习和考试系统不能支持以上功能。

我们已经开发了一种新型的在线考试系统。该系统基于运用了先进计算机技术的B/S架构,可以对各项计算机基础操作技能进行考核。考核内容包括客观题的测试,Visual Basic编程,Microsoft Windows系统操作,编辑Word、Excel和PowerPoint,上网和使用电子邮件等技能。另外,该系统还实现了在线自动评分。



  • 考前准备系统是用来管理试题存储,分配考试编号以及对考试进行安排。该系统的数据库由考试试题、试题的参考答案、试题的类型和其他数据组成。这些数据按标题,关键字,复杂度和困难度等进行分类。该数据库向教师开放,并且允许教师增加考试试题和参考答案。
  • 在线考试系统是为学生提供一个在线测试界面。这个界面称为WOES,并且包括以下主要特点:客户端控制,时间控制,安全控制和自动安装。受益于DCOM技术,该系统相对于C/S架构,可以更加便捷地进行安装和更新。由于该系统是建立在网络上的,系统的安全性问题面临着严峻的挑战。我们通过密码、实时监测系统和数据传输加密等方式来保证系统的安全性。密码用于在线考试前验证学生的身份。
  • 考试监控系统是利用人脸的跟踪技术,要求参与在线考试的学生在考试期间不得离开电脑。系统对传输的考试试题数据进行传输加密,并通过网络以加密的形式传送到服务器。另外,考试监控系统也可以对在线考试系统进行监管。用户可以实时监控在线考试的进程,统计考试编号,收集学生答案等。
  • 自动评分系统的设计运用了模糊匹配算法和宏程序技术,可以适应多种变量类型。


3.1 考试系统的目的






3.2 WOES的组成

基于Web的在线考试系统(WOES)是一个多层次的系统,由Web服务器,数据库服务器,WOES的中间件服务器,WOES客户端模块和浏览器组成。在这个系统中,我们使用Internet Information Server 4.0(IIS)的作为Web服务器,数据库服务器是Microsoft SQL Server 7.0。

图1 多层次的在线考试系统


图2 客户端和服务器的连接


3.3 WOES的关键技术








基于B / S架构的系统面临最严峻的问题是系统的安全性。因为在原则上,基于Web的考试系统可以被同一个城市的互联网上或广域网所访问。

  • 所有考试试题,材料和试题答案都在编码后以比特流的格式传输,而不是以文件的格式。这样做不仅可以保证数据传输过程中的安全性,而且还可以防止外界入侵。
  • 当一个学生开始他的在线考试时,系统将根据他的客户端硬件和作业系统环境,产生一个密码分配给他。这样可以防止作弊者在其他客户端,以这名学生的身份登录系统。
  • 最新的防止学生在线考试期间离开客户端的技术,是利用人脸检测与识别技术。在开始在线考试之前,参与考试的学生被要求坐在一个可以监控整个考试场景的摄像头前。然后,系统会自动识别该学生的脸和他的身份。一旦确认完毕,学生必须留在摄影机前,直到考试结束。

图3 考试系统的用户友好型界面



系统有两种评分类型,分别针对客观题和操作型题的评分。客观题,如选择题、判断题和填空题,可以快速地与标准答案进行准确匹配或模糊匹配,并且评分。但操作型题目很难由简单的匹配技术进行评分。一个可行的解决办法是:(1)读取学生作答答案与参考答案的关键字进行比较。但是这个方法并不可行,因为Office文件很复杂。另一种解决办法是:(2)运用Office OLE进行评分。这种方法便捷高效,但也有一大弊端:评分系统的源代码与一道道具体的试题密切相关。当试题发生改变时,这可能会导致很大的工作量。


图4 通用型自动评分系统





  1. WebCT,“在线课程工具”,http://www.webCT.com.
  2. Tinoco, L., Fox, E. and Barnette, D. “网络课程的在线考核”,In Proceedings of the 28th SIGCSE Technical Symposium(1997), pp. 194-198.
  3. Jackson, D., Usher, M. “使用ASSYST对学生进行评测”, In Proceedings of the 28th SIGCSE Technical Symposium (1997), pp.335-339.
  4. Stina, B., Michael T., Stephen G., Roberto T.,“试验:一个用于学习和评分的交互式工具”, SIGCSEB: SIGCSE Bulletin,2000.
  5. Peter Brusilovsky and Philip Miller,“基于Web的远程教育考试”, Proceedings of WebNet99, World Conference of the WWW and Internet,Honolulu, HI, Oct. 24-30, 1999, AACE, pp. 149-154.
  6. RuiMin Shen, Yiyang Tang, Tongzhen Zhang, “基于Web的远程学习教育的智能评估系统”,FIE 2001.


Mustafa Yağci *, Menderes Uuml;nal

Ahi Evran University, Faculty of Education, Kırsehi, Turkey





特别是近年来,人工智能在理解人类思维过程并在计算机环境下复制思维结构的应用日益显著。模糊逻辑,作为一项人工智能,不仅可以对人类行为建模,甚至还可以以数学模型的形式表达不确定的概念。模糊逻辑频繁得应用于制定决策时的问题。教育是利用模糊逻辑的主要领域之一(Kinshuk et al.,2001)。在教育过程中,可能出现一系列的事件需要决策。特别是在测试和评估过程中,当需要大量的经验做出正确的决策并准确评估学生时,往往难度较大。通过包含不确定和主观量表的模糊逻辑建模方法来构建一个体系,达到无差错得评估学生表现的效果(Karal amp; Cebi,2011)。





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