
 2022-09-16 10:31:36

The Lawyer-Client Privilege

Chapter 1: The Lawyer-Client Privilege

This chapter focuses on the corporate lawyer-client privilege. Much has already been written

on the lawyer-client privilege in traditional legal scholarship. However, the extension of the privilege to the corporate setting is still a matter of debate.

This chapter proceeds as follows. Part I deals with the justifications for the lawyer-client privilege. Section 1 is a brief expositional outline of the privilege mechanism. Section 2 then surveys the rationales for the privilege in the traditional legal scholarship and in the Law amp; Economics literature. Section 3 goes on to survey the extension of the privilege to the corporate lawyer-client setting.

In part II the comparative legal situation is surveyed with respect to three jurisdictions: US, England and Germany. The survey focuses on the historical development of the privilege (section 1), the duty of confidentiality and its relationship with the privilege (section 2), the formulation of the rule itself (section 3), the issue of who represents the firm in its communications with the lawyer (section 4), the exceptions to the privilege (section 5), and finally, the concept of waiver (section 6).

Part III analyzes three topics from a comparative Law amp; Economic perspective. Section 1 extends the existing models of the privilege to the corporate setting. In this section I conclude that the corporate lawyer-client privilege might have an adverse effect of the principal agent problem of the firm. Under certain conditions, the privilege may induce decision makers in firms to choose illegal actions or actions that have a social welfare reducing effect. The structure of the corporate lawyer-client privilege influences the kind of actions chosen by managers, depending on whether the sanctions for the said actions are borne by the firm, the managers or both. The conclusions are then exemplified by the different sanction structure for violations of competition law in the US and the EU.

Section 2 deals with the different rules used in order to determine who represents the firm in its communications with the corporate lawyer. The section focuses on the restrictive 'control group' test according to which the corporate lawyer-client privilege applies only when the top managers communicate with the corporate lawyer. The privilege does not attach itself to any communication by other employees. This section produces two main conclusions. The first is that the restrictive rule causes a hidden social loss since firms have a tendency to inflate their management circle beyond the efficient size. The second conclusion is that in jurisdictions that apply the restrictive 'control group' test, firms may have an incentive to falsely assert a privilege because mimicking the behavior of truly privileged firms can deter claimants from pursuing their claims. Both conclusions are supported by case law examples and the hiring patterns of in-house counsel in US corporations.

Finally, in section 3, the doctrine of inadvertent waiver is analyzed. According to the doctrine, if privileged material is accidentally disclosed by the client or his lawyer, the privilege may be lost and the court might admit some or all of the privileged material into evidence. The topic is especially crucial for corporations since they tend, on the whole, to transmit large amounts of information to lawyers and therefore face substantial risk in cases of inadvertent waiver. This section applies the economic analysis of accidents to the waiver doctrine. One observation is that the choice of liability and harm rules can influence the amount of information exchanged between firms and their lawyers. Another observation concerns the incentives of lawyers to take efficient precautions against inadvertent waiver.

Since only the client bears the harm from inadvertent waiver, incentive schemes must be structured in order to induce lawyers to take care. This section concludes by describing how harsher harm rules imposed by the courts strengthen the ability of clients to enforce the taking of efficient precautions by their lawyers.

I The Rule and its Justifications

1. A Brief Outline of the Rule

1.1 The Privilege

Generally, all competent individuals may be compelled by a court to testify about evidence in their knowledge or possession. The lawyer-client testimonial privilege means that lawyers may not be compelled to testify about, or produce evidence that has been the subject of, confidential communications between themselves and their clients.

1.2 The Characteristics of the Privilege

A testimonial privilege has two characteristics: its strength, and its scope. The strength of a privilege is measured by whether it is “qualified” or “absolute”. This refers to the power of courts to remove the privilege and compel the professional that asserted the privilege to reveal the information. An absolute privilege cannot be revoked regardless of the interests opposing it. Meanwhile, a qualified privilege can be abrogated by the court when the judge finds sufficient grounds to do so. A weak privilege is a qualified privilege that can be easily abrogated. The lawyer-client privilege is traditionally absolute, or at least close to the absolute end of the strength spectrum.

The second characteristic of the testimonial privilege is its scope (or breadth). This term refers to which type of information will be included within the privileged material and which will fall outside the scope of the privilege or into the unprotected exceptions to the scope of the privilege.

1.3 Who Controls the Privilege?

The professional privilege usually belongs to the client. The client is the “master of the secret”. When a lawyer is called upon to testify on confidential information that has been communicated to him by his client, he should ass











第一部分 规则及其管辖范围































The Lawyer-Client Privilege

Chapter 1: The Lawyer-Client Privilege

This chapter focuses on the corporate lawyer-client privilege. Much has already been written

on the lawyer-client privilege in traditional legal scholarship. However, the extension of the privilege to the corporate setting is still a matter of debate.

This chapter proceeds as follows. Part I deals with the justifications for the lawyer-client privilege. Section 1 is a brief expositional outline of the privilege mechanism. Section 2 then surveys the rationales for the privilege in the traditional legal scholarship and in the Law amp; Economics literature. Section 3 goes on to survey the extension of the privilege to the corporate lawyer-client setting.

In part II the comparative legal situation is surveyed with respect to three jurisdictions: US, England and Germany. The survey focuses on the



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