Determinants of Structure of Corporate Governance Disclosure in Portugal
Corporate Governance is the main focus of our investigation and it is assumed that disclosure is crucial for the proper functioning of a firmrsquo;s corporate governance structure. Corporate Governance comprises “a set of internal and external control mechanisms that reduce the conflicts of interest between shareholders and managers, arising from the separation of ownership and control” (Berle and Means, 1932, p. 396), including instruments designed to evaluate and hold managers responsible for their performance and management. A lack of corporate governance mechanisms and controls allows managers to deviate more easily from
shareholder interests.
In recent years, the subject of corporate governance has generated much debate. The main interventions in corporate governance matters have been a reaction to crisis situations, seeking
to restore trust and confidence in the markets. In the United Kingdom, the Cadbury code (1992)
was the response to a number of corporate and financial scandals that occurred in the late 1980s,
such as the Guinness scandal. In Continental Europe, the OECD Principles issued in 1999 were a reaction to the Asian financial crisis in 1997 and 1998. The accounting fraud in major companies like Enron and Worldcom, the access to privileged information and the episodes of tax evasion, have increased the debate on this issue. The aforementioned cases have raised serious questions about the adequacy of the existing solutions to a wide range of problems, such as strengthening the credibility of financial information and the efficiency of the supervisory systems of listed companies.
In this regard, with the aim of providing mechanisms to protect investorsrsquo; rights and interests, as well as enabling markets to control managerial actions, national and supranational entities with legislative and regulatory powers have been publishing “Codes of Best Practices for Corporate Governance”. Seeking to transpose corporate governance to the domestic context,in 1999 the Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM) approved a set of Recommendations on Corporate Governance. Since then, the CMVM recommendations on corporate governance have been constantly evolving with regard to their content and regulatory environment. With the recent publication of Regulation Nordm; 4/2013 of 18 July of 2013, there are now more than fifty CMVM recommendations with a direct impact on the corporate governance of companies in general, and on the governance of listed companies in Particular.
In Portugal, companies issuing shares to trade on a regulated market are legally required to provide information on whether they comply with the recommendations contained in the Corporate Governance Code and to explain when they do not. The “comply or explain” approach, with origins in the United Kingdom, has been adopted by most European countries, as it was considered that listed companies should be required to include a coherent and descriptive statement in their annual reports identifying the fundamental pillars of their corporate governance structures and practices.
Considering the relevance and timeliness of corporate governance, this study aims to analyse the determinants of the level of corporate governance disclosure (CGD) by Portuguese companies listed on Euronext Lisbon between 2005 and 2011, a market characterized by a strong concentration of ownership and a civil law legal system which provides weak legal protection for investors. The motivation for this study stems from: (a) the importance of corporate governance
disclosure for well-functioning capital markets and better investor protection; (b) the reduced amount of theoretical and empirical research in Portugal about the governance of companies.To answer the question “what are the determinants of the level of corporate governance disclosure?” we divided the hypotheses into three groups: ownership structure, company management and supervisory structures and other specific company characteristics. We expect to contribute to the understanding of this problem, aiming to provide evidence on the determinants of the level of corporate governance disclosure.
The information used to assess companiesrsquo; corporate governance practices was acquired both
from annual reports and corporate governance reports, since these are the main documents published by companies to disseminate information to corporate stakeholders and because the release of an annual corporate governance report is mandatory for all companies listed on Euronext Lisbon.The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. The next section discusses the relevant prior literature. Section 2 develops the research hypotheses. Section 3 outlines the sample, the research methodology and defines the variables used in the empirical analysis, while section 4 presents and discusses the main results. Finally, section 5 concludes the paper.
According to agency theory, it is reasonable to assume that the higher the ownership concentration, the lower the separation of ownership and management and the lower the information asymmetry. For example, Fan and Wong (2002) studied the relationship between the ownership structure and earnings informativeness of 977 companies listed in East Asian markets and found that concentrated ownership and the related pyramidal and cross-holding structures create agency conflicts between controlling owners and outside investors. In fact, the latter consider that the information disclosed has no credibility and only serves the interests of the former.When minority shareholders are in the minority their sphere of influence in companies tends to contract, therefore slowing down the disclosure of information to the market.The level of influence of shareholders in a minority position over a company may decrease; therefore companies tend to disclo
公司治理是我们调查的主要焦点,我们假设披露对公司治理结构的正常运作至关重要。公司治理包括“一套减少因所有权和控制权分离而引起的股东和经理之间利益冲突的内部和外部控制机制”(Berle and Means, 1932, p. 396),包括旨在评估和要求经理对其绩效和管理负责的工具。缺乏公司治理机制和控制,使管理人员更容易偏离股东的利益。
在葡萄牙,法律要求在受监管的市场上发行股票的公司提供信息,说明它们是否遵守《公司治理守则》(Corporate Governance Code)中所载的建议,并说明何时不遵守。大多数欧洲国家都采取了“遵守或解释”的办法,因为它们认为上市公司应在其年度报告中列入一份连贯和描述性的说明,以确定其公司治理结构和做法的基本支柱。
根据代理理论,可以合理假设,所有权集中度越高,所有权与经营权分离程度越低,信息不对称程度越低。例如,Fan and Wong(2002)研究了东亚市场上市的977家公司的股权结构与收益信息之间的关系,发现集中的股权结构以及相关的金字塔结构和交叉持股结构在控股股东和外部投资者之间产生了代理冲突。事实上,后者认为所披露的信息不具有可信性,只符合前者的利益。当小股东处于小股东的地位时,他们在公司中的影响范围往往会缩小,从而减缓了向市场披露信息的速度。少数股东对公司的影响程度可能降低;因此,公司倾向于披露较少的信息。因此,从利益相关者理论的角度来看,所有权的集中对信息传播的水平有很强的影响(Tsamenyi, EnninfulAdu amp; Onumah, 2007;Ntim, Opong, Danbolt amp; Thomas, 2012)。
总体而言,外国投资者对企业管理者的控制难度较大,不仅是因为地域差异,还因为文化和语言障碍(Xiao and Yuan, 2007),信息不对称程度较高,误判风险较高。如果投资者根据预期收益和成本之间的权衡做出投资决策,那么收集公司信息的高成本更有可能阻碍外国投资(Mangena and Tauringana, 2007)。在这种情况下,拥有外国投资者的公司往往会披露更多信息,以避免其股票贬值。与此一致,Mangena和Tauringana(2007)发现外国投资者更倾向于披露更多信息的公司。
从代理理论的角度来看,董事会规模是监督和建议管理的重要公司治理机制(Fama and Jensen, 1983, Allegrini and Greco, 2013)。一方面,如果高斯,丹尼尔和纳文(2008)报道,大公司往往有大板由于其活动的复杂性,另一方面,大板的存在可以使沟通、协调与管理者之间的交互困难,导致较慢的决策过程(Yermack,1996),不利导致缺乏管理责任(詹森,1993)。然而,Cormier, Ledoux和Magnan(2011)在加拿大大公司样本中发现董事会规模的二次项与社会和环境披露之间存在负相关关系。
文献综述表明,披露水平与董事会规模之间存在较强的相关性。Lemos, Rodrigues和Ariza(2009)发现实证证据表明董事会规模与葡萄牙上市公司衍生工具披露水平之间存在关系。
Fama和Jensen(1983)认为,董事会作为一种公司控制机制的有效性取决于组成董事会的执行和非执行成员的数量。另一方面,有一系列的研究对非执行董事的有效性持怀疑态度——部分原因是他们可能对任命他们进入董事会的管理者忠诚,或者是因为董事会的文化避免了冲突(Jensen, 1993)。非执行董事的有效性也会受到立法和声誉成本的影响。Haniffa和Cooke(2002)认为董事会中非执行董事的存在提高了问责制和董事会透明度。Garcia-Meca和Sanchez-Ballesta(2010)通过meta分析研究发现,董事会独立性为股东提供了高度的保护。然而,人们普遍认为,对于董事会中有大量独立董事的公司来说,会计欺诈和盈余管理的可能性较小。此外,有人提出独立董事披露更多信息的想法(Leung and Horwitz, 2004)。董事会独立性分析以代理理论为框架,以利益相关者理论为补充。文献证明,独立董事在董事会中的重要作用导致大多数公司治理准则推荐他们进入董事会。
El-Gazzar, Finn and Jacob(1999)报告称,国际化程度越高的公司在国际市场上的知名度越高。Lopes和Rodrigues(2007)认为,这些公司通过增加信息披露的水平,向不同的利益相关者发出其质量的信号。这些作者还指出,即使是未上市的跨国公司,也在寻求增加其年报中披露的信息。此外,我们必须指出,跨国公司必须遵守来源国和它们所在国家的信息要求。
Jensen和Meckling(1976)认为,提高负债水平,无论是通过向外部投资者开放资本来降低代理成本,还是出于其他原因,股东和债权人都可能导致公司面临由利益冲突所产生的所谓的债务代理成本。当业主感到有动力投资高风险活动时,就会产生债务代理成本,从而产生债权人保护合同担保成本和(或)高债务水平导致破产的可能性。在这种情况下,管理层被鼓励进行不利于债权人的财富转移。为了防止这种情况的发生,债权人要求披露更多的信息,从而减少信息不对称,预测未来的现金流,评估公司的偿债能力。在葡萄牙,主要的公司债权人银行不鼓励债务水平较高的公司在年度报告中披露信息,因为他们使用非正式的机制来获取这些信息(Oliveira et al., 2013)。
我们的研究对象包括2005年至2011年在里斯本泛欧交易所(Euronext Lisbon)上市的葡萄牙非金融企业。我们排除了所有在金融领域经营的公司,因为它们的营运资本结构,因为它们受到监管机构施加的额外公司治理机制的约束,也排除了所有匿名体育协会,因为它们的会计与公司会计不同。