
 2022-11-12 20:06:15

The Effectiveness of Augmented Reality

Technology Based- Interactive Multimedia Implemented to Improve Students Learning

Outcome Ecology at High School Level

1t Rizki A. Sambodo

Department of Education Science

2nd Baskoro A. Prayitno

Department of Education Science

3rd Puguh Karyantoo

Department of Education Science

Abstract— Augmented reality is an interactive multimedia technology that has the ability to combine virtual models in a real environment. Nowadays, augmented reality has been widely applied in the field of education and in the form of interactive multimedia. The purpose of this study is to know the effectiveness of the implementation of augmented reality-based interactive multimedia on the students learning outcome. The research was conducted in the even semester of academic year 2016/2017 and placed in one of state high schools in Sragen. The design of this study used post only control group. This study involved 64 students divided into control class and experiment class. The students learning outcome was measured by a multiple choice test instrument that has been valid and reliable. The test results were tested with Man-Whitney U Test assisted by SPSS 21 software. The result of statistical analysis showed that the experimental class was significantly different to the control class with Sig. value lest than alpha; = 0.05 (0.00 lt; 0.05). Therefore, it can be concluded that the augmented reality technology based interactive multimedia effectively improve the students learning outcome in High School Level.

Keywords— Ecology; Augmented Reality; Learning Outcome


Ecology is a study of interactions that determine the distribution and abundance of organisms. Ecology has a wide range involving multi disciplines such as biology, physics, chemistry, geology, etc. Learning ecology not only just train students to remember and understand the materials but also able to train

students abilities to analyze and evaluate various information obtained in nature.

The studentsrsquo; high-order thinking on ecological material is important as it relates to their abilities to perform actions which are able to maintain the balance of nature and overcome various environmental problems arising in the increasingly complex era.

Ecological learning is ideally capable to present a wide variety of contextual information from nature. Based on Dalersquo;s statement [1], students are invited to gain hands-on experience and are engaged to act in accordance with the theories already obtained.

However, in reality, this kind of learning takes a lot of time and effort. Not all schools have access to bring students outside the school environment including SMA Negeri 2 Sragen located in urban areas. Therefore, the learning process needs to be assisted by the media that can present contextual information and simulate processes and events in real environment. One of them is multimedia augmented reality.

Augmented reality-based multimedia learning is software with the ability to generate images, sounds, 2D models, 3D models, and overlapping animations with real environments [2]. Technically Augmented reality can be used to stimulate five human senses, but generally this media is more widely used to display audio-visual multimedia information [3].

This kind of learning media has been widely applied in the world of military, medical, engineering design, manufacturing, and education. For example, Lee (2012) utilized augmented reality to simulate organs in humans. Kamarainen et al [4] integrated augmented reality with a field trip to study environmental materials. Huang, Chen, Chou [5] used augmented reality to see, feel, and provide students

with an environmental experience. The results showed that the integration of augmented reality effectively improves the learning outcomes and student interest in the materials. Based on the background, we are interested to conduct a research entitled Interactive Multimedia Effectiveness Based on Augmented Reality Technology to Students Cognitive Learning Outcomes in SMA Negeri Sragen.


The research design utilizes the post only control group. The time of the study was conducted in the even semester of 2016/2017. It involves 64 students consisting of 32 control class students and 32 experimental class students. The studentsrsquo; learning outcome of ecology is measured by a multiple choice test instrument that has been valid and reliable. The data were tested with Man-Whitney U test which was preceded by normality and homogeneity test assisted with SPSS 21 software.


A. Tests of Normality

Data analysis begins with normality test by Shapiro-Wilk at significance level (alpha;) = 0,05. If the significance level is higher than 0.05 (Sig.gt; 0.05), the data indicates normal population distributions. However, if the significance is less than 0.05 (Sig. lt;0.05), the data is not normally distributed.

Based on table II, the results of homogeneity test are obtained that the significance is at 0.291 (Sig.gt; 0.05) so it belongs to the homogeneous variance. Therefore, the two classes are considered equivalent to be compared.

Based on Table 1, it is known that the results of the Shapiro Wilk test utilized SPSS 21 software obtained significance of experiment class less than 0.05 (0.00 lt;0.05). It can be concluded that the da



第一作者 Rizki A. Sambodo


第二作者Baskoro A. Prayitno


第三作者Puguh Karyantoo


摘要:增强现实技术是一种交互式多媒体技术,能够将虚拟模型与现实环境相结合。目前,增强现实技术已广泛应用于教育领域,并以交互多媒体的形式出现。本研究的目的是了解基于增强现实的交互式多媒体在学生学习成果上的实施效果。研究是在2016-2017学年的偶数学期进行的,并被安置在Sragen的一所公立高中。本研究的设计仅使用后对照组。本研究涉及64名学生,分为控制班和实验班。采用有效、可靠的多项选择测验工具对学生的学习成绩进行测量。测试结果采用Man-Whitney U检验,SPSS 21软件辅助。统计分析的结果表明,实验班显著不同的控制类sig,价值恐怕比alpha;= 0.05 (0.00 lt; 0.05)。因此,基于增强现实技术的交互式多媒体可以有效地提高学生在高中阶段的学习效果。






然而,在现实中,这种学习需要很多时间和精力。并不是所有的学校都有机会让学生走出学校环境,包括位于城市地区的SMA Negeri 2 Sragen。因此,学习过程需要借助能够呈现情境信息、模拟真实环境中的过程和事件的媒体来辅助。其中之一就是多媒体增强现实。


这种学习媒体在军事、医学、工程设计、制造、教育等领域得到了广泛的应用。例如,Lee(2012)利用增强现实技术来模拟人体器官。Kamarainen等人将增强现实技术与实地考察环境相结合。黄、陈、周[5]使用增强现实技术来观察、感受和提供给学生有环保经验。结果表明,增强现实技术的集成有效地提高了学习效果和学生对材料的兴趣。基于这一背景,我们有兴趣对SMA Negeri Sragen中学生的认知学习结果进行一项基于增强现实技术的交互式多媒体有效性研究。


研究设计采用岗位唯一控制组。研究时间为2016/2017学年的偶数学期。其中包括64名学生,包括32名控制班学生和32名实验班学生。学生的生态学学习效果是通过一种有效、可靠的多项选择测试工具来测量的。数据采用Man-Whitney U检验,检验前用SPSS 21软件进行正态性和同质性检验。



数据分析开始正常测试通过Shapiro-Wilk显著性水平(alpha;)= 0,05。如果显著性水平高于0.05 (Sig.gt; 0.05),则表示为正态总体分布。但是,如果显著性小于0.05 (Sig. lt;0.05),数据就不是正态分布。

由表二可知,齐性检验结果显著性为0.291 (Sig.gt; 0.05),属于齐性方差。因此,这两个类被认为是等价的比较。

由表1可知,Shapiro Wilk检验结果使用SPSS 21软件得出实验班显著性小于0.05(0.00 lt;0.05)。可以得出结论,这些数据不是正态分布的。


本实验旨在检验控制组和实验班的方差是否一致。如果显著性高于0.05,则出现均匀方差(Sig.gt; 0.05)。

由表二可知,齐性检验结果显著性为0.291 (Sig.gt; 0.05),属于齐性方差。因此,这两个类被认为是等价的。


该检验采用Man-Whitney U检验的非参数检验。标准是研究假设(H1)的水平显著性小于0.05 (Sig. lt;0.05)时应接受。

根据表3,众所周知,价值意义(Sig)小于alpha;= 0.05(0.00 lt; 0.05),因此它可以断定H0被拒绝。H1与基于增强现实的交互式多媒体语句被接受,有效地提高了学生在SMA Negeri 2 Sragen的学习效果。

  1. 描述性的



本研究的结果与Huang, Chen, and Chou[5]的研究结果相似,他们认为基于Eco discovery的增强现实技术的实施有效地提高了学生的学习效果。Cieza amp; Lujan(2018)指出,增强现实媒体对学生学业成绩的提升高达27.6%。同样,Jamali, Shiratuddin, Wong, amp; Oskam[6]的研究表明,增强现实媒体对学生学习进步有积极的影响。




学生控制班成绩为13.53分,实验班成绩为17.75分。分数差为4.22分。不同Man-Whitney U测试的测试结果表明,意义价值小于alpha;= 0,05(0 00 lt; 0 05),这样就可以将结论基于增强现实技术的交互式多媒体有效改善学生认知学习结果SMA Negeri Sragen。



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