
 2022-11-12 20:09:57

A Menagerie of Promotional Characters: Promoting Food to Children through Food Packaging

Lana Hebden, BND1; Lesley King, MS1; Bridget Kelly, MPH1; Kathy Chapman, MS2; Christine Innes-Hughes, BSc1


Objective: To determine the extent to which (1) promotional characters are used on food packaging for healthful and less-healthful food and (2) different companies use this persuasive marketing strategy.

Design: Cross-sectional supermarket audit of all food and beverages featuring promotional characters on the packaging.

Setting: Three Australian supermarket chains.

Variables Measured: Frequency of observed products, package size, nutritional composition.

Analysis: Frequencies and bivariate analyses was conducted. Nutritional composition (healthful vs less healthful) was analyzed by character type and company type, that is, whether the company was signed to the Australian Food and Grocery CouncilResponsible Marketing to Children Initiative (RMCI) signatory. Results: Products featuring promotional characters on packaging (n frac14; 352) were predominantly less-healthful food and beverages (76%). Nutritional composition varied significantly by character type, with 69% of products with sportspersons, celebrities, or movie tie-ins being healthful, compared with 48% of licensed and 21% of company-owned characters. Only 13 of the 75 companies using characters on packaging were RMCI signatory.

Conclusions and Implications: Promotional characters are largely used on food packaging to promote less-healthful food to children.Most of these characters are company-owned characters that are not subject to any form of regulation in Australia. Further efforts to limit this form of marketing to children are required.

KeyWords: promotional characters, children, cartoon, foodmarketing, self-regulation


Within Australia and internationally, the promotion of unhealthful food and beverages to children is recognized as a factor contributing to childrenrsquo;s poor diet quality and weight status. Research demonstrates that children are exposed to high levels of advertising for unhealthful food through an array of different media including television, the Internet, magazines, outdoor billboards/posters, and food packaging. It is also evident that advertisers specifically target children and parents through the use of persuasive marketing techniques including characters (cartoons, celebrities, and sportspersons), premium offers, and other appeals to attract childrenrsquo;s attention and through nutrition or health claims to attract the attention of parents.

Effects of Promotional Characters on Childrenrsquo;s Food Intake and Behaviors

Promotional characters, including cartoon and licensed characters, have been shown to influence childrenrsquo;s taste and food preferences,as well as attract childrenrsquo;s attention, improve childrenrsquo;s memory and recognition of a food product, and create positive brand attitudes and loyalty toward products from early ages.Researchers have also shown that young children lack the developmental capacity to identify an advertiserrsquo;s intent and purpose, and that older children who may understand persuasive intent nonetheless still report desiring the product and subsequently will make purchase requests to parents or caregivers.

Licensed characters or celebrities from popular childrenrsquo;s television programs or movies are often used by advertisers through lsquo;lsquo;cross-promotionsrsquo;rsquo; to increase childrenrsquo;s preference for a food or beverage product. Similarly, the repeated exposure of children to companyowned characters (such as Tony the Tiger on Kelloggrsquo;s Frosted Flakes) contributes to building childrenrsquo;s recognition and liking of the product and brand. For this reason, food advertisers will use these characters in coordinated advertising campaigns across multiple media such as television, print, and food packaging. Making food packaging more attractive to children in this way may encourage children to make purchase requests to parents and in turn make parents more likely to purchase the food, as they know their child will eat it.

Food Packaging: An Unregulated Medium for Marketing to Children

Food marketing is not confined to a single medium, but it is typically conducted as a multistrategy campaign by using consistent logos, colors, and symbols across different media. In particular, food packaging is a critical marketing medium at the point of sale, which, for consumers, usually occurs in supermarkets. Food manufacturers use packaging to encourage purchasing through communication of product information, such as nutrition and health claims, as well as promotional purposes. The mere presence of a nutrition claim, nutrition symbol, or product endorsement logo may alter childrenrsquo;s perceptions of the nutritional quality of food,whereas use of company branding on the package may alter childrenrsquo;s perceptions of taste and promote energy intake in young, overweight children.

At present, no Australian guidelines or regulations exist on the use of promotional techniques on food packaging, other than a statutory prohibition on health claims and a voluntary industry code on the use of nutrition claims.Additionally, food packaging and point-of-sale promotions are not covered in food or advertising industry codes such as the Australian Food and Grocery Council Responsible Marketing to Children Initiative (RMCI).This is also true of a comparable industry initiative in the United States,which has been associated with an increase in the use of lsquo;lsquo;youth-orientedrsquo;rsquo; cross-promotions of supermarket food and beverage products (78% increase from 2006-2008).6 Furthermore, these self-regulatory codes only refer to licensed characters, such as childre














推广角色,包括卡通和授权角色,已经被证明会影响儿童的口味和食物偏好,为吸引孩子的注意力,提高孩子对食品的记忆和认知,从小就对产品产生积极的品牌态度和忠诚度。研究人员还表明,幼儿缺乏识别广告商意图和目的的发展能力,年龄较大的儿童,虽然可能理解有说服力的意图,但仍然希望得到该产品,并随后向父母或护理人员提出购买请求。受欢迎的儿童电视节目或电影中的授权角色或名人经常被广告客户通过“交叉推广”来增加儿童对食品或饮料产品的偏好。类似地,让孩子们反复接触公司的角色(比如家乐氏(Kelloggs)糖霜片上的老虎托尼(Tony the Tiger))有助于孩子们对产品和品牌的认知和喜爱。因为这个原因,食物跨多种媒体(如电视、印刷和食品包装)协调广告活动。用这种方法使食品包装对孩子更有吸引力,可能会鼓励孩子向父母提出购买要求,从而使父母更有可能购买食品,因为他们知道孩子会吃。



目前,澳大利亚没有关于在食品包装上使用促销技术的指导方针或条例,只有一项关于健康索赔的法定禁令和一项关于使用营养索赔的自愿行业守则。此外,食品包装和销售点促销不包括在食品或广告行业规范中,如澳大利亚食品和杂货理事会负责儿童营销倡议(RMCI)。美国的一项类似行业倡议也是如此,与超市食品和饮料产品“以年轻人为导向”的交叉促销的使用增加有关(从2006年到2008年增加了78%)。此外,这些自我监管规范只涉及授权的角色,如儿童流行的电视或电影角色,而不包括食品公司的吉祥物(如Kelloggrsquo;s Snap,Crackle, and Pop)或其他版权字符。



选取澳大利亚新南威尔士州的三家超市(Coles, Leichardt;Woolworths, Carlingford;阿尔迪Mar-rickville)。其中两家超市连锁店(Coles和woolworths)在澳大利亚的食品杂货领域占据主导地位。第三家超市连锁店ALDI在澳大利亚开设分店的速度很快,而且有不同种类的产品可供选择,其中90%的产品来自ALDI自己的品牌。在这些超市中,所有可供购买的食品和饮料以及包装上的促销文字都被取样。为提供可供购买的独特产品的静态和代表性样本,所有季节性(如圣诞节、复活节)产品均不包括在内。同一产品在1家以上超市销售时,该产品只在产品样本中出现过一次。




公司是根据他们在RMCI (RMCI签字人与非签字人)上的签字人身份进行编码的。采用澳大利亚和新西兰食品标准(FSANZ)营养分析模型对每种产品的营养成分进行了评估。














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