
 2022-11-12 20:10:20

'The magic of organizing life with heartache' (Japan) by Marie kondo

Once so fervent I, now the concept has been a fundamental change, I even dare to assert: 'the storage method can not solve the problem of sorting. Because after all, inclusion is only a temporary solution.

When I came to myself, I realized that the room was full of storage: the gaps on the floor, the color boxes for books, the dividers in drawers of all sizes. Still, my room is untidy. 'Why again how receive or arrange bad?' As I desperately reviewed the contents, I made an important discovery. It turns out that most of the things that are stored are useless.

In other words, my job is not to organize, but merely to fill in things. Put a lid on something you dont want to see.

The drawback of the storage method is that when the items are packed up, the problem of organizing seems to be solved. Can be when receive a space to be in when the degree is filled up, the room can become random and disorderly again, have to escape to more handy receive a law again... And so you fall into a vicious circle that you cant get rid of.

Therefore, decluttering starts with getting rid of unwanted items. Moreover, until the task of 'judging' is finished, one must have enough self-control to be alert to the fact that one should never embark on the task of collecting.

Group items of the same kind and judge them all at once

With 'the heart moves feeling' will judge every article in the home for the standard, it is the most important step in finishing a job. So how do you actually reduce things by this standard?

First of all, absolutely avoid throwing things in different places.

Its easy to think, 'finish the bedroom before you start the living room.' 'Check drawers one by one from the top down.' These ideas are fatally mistaken. Because it is very rare to distinguish the kind of goods, almost all families will put the same kind of goods in more than two places.

I have always believed that there is a great disadvantage in sorting out each place separately. For example, even if you identify the items in your bedroom closet, you may find them mixed up in other storage areas. Therefore, the judgment and storage of clothes have to start all over again. This is not only a waste of time, but also can not make 'retain' or 'discard' the correct judgment, so that they soon lost the interest in reorganizing, so in any case can not use such a reorganization method.

To do this, you have to think in terms of 'categories,' putting all the same things together, and then making a one-off judgment.

For example, when you are organizing your clothes, make sure that you have your clothes at home. The trick is to 'take everything out of the storage and put it all in one place.'

When it comes to organizing, the average person may have trouble associating it with good luck. Actually, carry and receive rectify between having inseparable concern really.

With carry for, the current that the most important is nothing more than gas field, but if the room is messy, dust is full of on the article inside the room can incur gas field stasis. In other words, always give up the uniform clean words, gas field circulation become better, luck will be promoted naturally.

The buddhist practice is also from the beginning of cleaning: after elimination and reorganization can let my mood accumulation, stable up. Successful people, rich people also always let the house to give up clean bright form, therefore, rectify things around me is to rectify my fate.

Before proceed with rectify, want to evaluate what article is your demand or not demand afresh, can not because loathe to give up, pile article full house is, want to live below the space of beautiful annulus beautiful huan in display, feeling just can differ greatly with common.

livable house in kondos mind

Basic principles: 'make the most of everything, the appropriate size' of the storage space and smooth moving line

I have been living in this family for seven years.

I often sigh, 'whew, its been seven years.' When the house was first built, I had no idea it would last seven years and not need renovations. This is because the house is an experimental residence, where I am currently experiencing a variety of lifestyles, making it easy for me to keep coming up with new life plans.

I am engaged in the starting point of the current profession, is to help others move luggage packaging, unpacking service. Over the past 20 years, more than 2, 000 homes have been put together, and the uncomfortable question is: 'am I doing this right?' ', 'do they live more comfortably after providing services to others? I cant quite get over these thoughts. Finally, one day, I made up my mind to build a 'livable house' in my mind. Whether life will be more comfortable or not, I can only know it through my own experience.

Helping others tidy up their rooms for years, there is a feeling that every home has a lot of unused space. A lot of unused stuff is stuck somewhere forever, and no one knows whats in the lockers. Its like a black hole. The house is full of unused stuff and you end up thinking, 'my house is so small.'

So where do these inefficient Spaces come from? The reason is the following respects roughly: some objects are inconvenient to take from inside store content ark take out, the position that some is store content ark and use article is apart too far, once take out so thing, after using, can put in place. In the end, the storage space is full of useless things, but really useful, but became 'no home children.'

A thing is valuable only if it is used. Having a lockers that are easily accessible and located in the vicinity of the location of use, just to do this, can greatly reduce the inconvenience in daily life and greatly



























“活动方便”则是另一条重要的原则。比如说一条做家务的动线,往往是决定你的家务劳动负担是减轻还是加重的一条分水岭。我的一个朋友见了一栋三层住宅 ,为了能一边做饭一边洗衣服,他在二楼的厨房旁边设置了多功能空间。但他们家的脏衣服都放在了一楼的浴室,而晾衣服的场所则是三楼,因此每天都要从一楼到三楼来回好几次,不但没有方便,反而增加了生活的负担。他家里有很多漂亮的客厅和小院,但是根本没有享受生活的空闲。在一个家庭中,主妇就像是一个温暖家人的太阳,为了让主妇们每天都能微笑着生活,就应该认真考虑家中动线的设置。







韩国的地产开发商Koion Indu—stries开始与我业务联系,是在2008年。最开始谈的内容不是住宅本身,而是收纳方面的咨询事项。

在首尔,住宅的主流是集合住宅。为了有更大的居住面积,往往在家中几乎不设有收纳空间。在讨论过程中,项目负责人做出了判断:“真正游泳的收纳,应该考虑到日常生活,考虑到动线,做到物尽其用、规模适当。因此请您I 公一个住宅的整体解决方案”。于是我提出了样板房的一整套方案。








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