
 2022-11-12 20:12:02

The purpose of this study is to present a general model of the structuring of space within the narrative text. The term space is used here to mean specifically the spatial aspects of the reconstructed world. This seems natural and rather obvious, but the term can be applied to the literary text in various ways and is, itself, far from unambiguous. It is.necessary, then, to examine the whole range of problems arising from the use of the term with regard to the literary text. If this task as a whole lies outside the scope of the present study, we can at least clarify one essential aspect of it: the relationship between space and time in the narrative text.


In the extra-literary field, there are good reasons to combine space and time: they are the two complementary aspects that together cover all the dimensions of empirical existence. Accordingly, it makes no difference whether one holds to a separative theory which considers the aspects of space and time to be parallel yet independent - e.g., the theories of Euclid, Newton, Kant, and Leibnitz - or whether one supports a theory which regards these aspects as interdependent, composing together a single, four-dimensional complex (chronotopos, spacetime) - as does Einstein. Independent or interdependent, space and time are perceived as complementary aspects of equal status, belonging to a common field of debate.

This conception of the relations between space and time is occasionally applied to the narrative text, and is acceptable from several viewpoints. From others, however, it is problematic. The relationship between space and time in the narrative text lacks both the clarity and the symmetry it possesses when applied to the field of reality. Literature is basically an art of time. Although no one today would state this as baldly as Lessing (1974:102-115) did, the dominance of the time factor in the structuring of the narrative text remains an indisputable fact.

The existence of space is pushed into a corner, so to speak. It is not altogether discarded, but neither does it have a recognized and clear-cut status within the text. It can be understood in various ways, but none is as clear and unambiguous as the term time. This lack of symmetry in the relationship between space and time is evident not only in their status in the text, but also in the extent of the progress of research on these concepts. Although the subject of space has been dealt with more than once, research in general on the subject is quite diffuse, and there are few assumptions that have become generally accepted.

The difficulty apparently lies in one basic difference between space and time in narrative. One may speak of time in terms of the correlation between the structuring of the text and that of the world, whereas it is impossible to speak about space in such terms. Whatever specific terms are used in discussing time, they will always be dominated by the basic opposition between the time of the text and that of the world (narrated time and time of narration, erzdhlzeit-erzahlte Zeit, time of presentation and presented time, and to a large extent also fabula and sujet [see especially Mtiller 1950; Liment 1955; Tomashevsky 1965; Even-Zohar 1968]). The various possible relationships within these pairs of components can create a wide range of categories, based on the modes of correlation (whether it is a negative or a positive correlation [see Even-Zohar

19611), and on specific types of deviation from the 'natural' structuring of time (such as contraction, reversal of temporal order, etc.).

In principle, one may also distinguish between the application of the term space to the reconstructed world and its application as a dimension of the verbal text itself. The conception of the verbal text as an exclusively temporal structure (as, for example, Lessings conception), is not acceptable today, and one may mention in this connection Frank (1963) and Segre (1975). Nevertheless, despite the possibility of distinguishing between the space of the text and that of the world, one cannot point to any constant correlation between them.

    1. The spatial dimension of the text may be conceived of as its graphic existence. There are texts, particularly those of concrete poetry, in which graphic space is exploited and activated as an inseparable part of the general structuring of the text. Still, this does not alter the fact that language is a system of arbitrary signs; in other words, the connection between the signifier and the signified is not based on any real structural similarity between them, but simply on convention. The fact that a certain poem may attempt to create structural similarity between the described object and its graphic organization (for example, Lewis Carrolls poem arranged in the shape of a mouses tail) does not signify any fundamental connection or constant correlation between the verbal text and the world, but rather the opposite - the correlation here is an unexpected thing, a curiosity. It is completely different from the correlation which exists between the two orders of time in the narrative. The latter is a permanent phenomenon based on the temporal structure of language, existing even when there is a contradiction between the two orders of time (a negative correlation is not the same as a lack of correlation altogether).
    2. It is a more complicated matter when the dimension of space is attributed to the structure of signifieds in a text. Here the reference is to the structuring of meanings into a pattern not identical to the temporal order in which they appear in the text. A spatial pattern is any pattern perceived solely on the basis of the connection between discontinuous units in a text, demanding therefore a perception of the whole text or part of it as given simultaneously in space (which is, for example, the case of analo







      困难之处显然在于叙事中空间与时间的一个基本区别。人们可以用文本的结构和世界的结构之间的相互关系来谈论时间,而用这样的术语来谈论空间是不可能的。无论在讨论时间时使用寿命具体术语,都会被文本时间和世界时间之间的基本对立所支配(叙述时间和叙述的时间,Erzdhlzeit-Erzalsquo;hlte Zeit,呈现时间和呈现时间,在很大程度上也包括神话和苏杰[特别参见Mtiller 1950;Liment 1955;Tomashevsky 1965;Even-Zohar 1968])。这些组件中的各种可能的关系可以根据相关模式(无论是负相关还是正相关[见Even-Zohar 19611),以及与“自然”时间结构的特点类型到的偏离(例如收缩、时间顺序的反转等)来创建广泛的类别。


        1. 文本的空间维度可以被视为其图形的存在。有一些文本,特别是具体诗歌的文本。其中图形空间被利用和激活,作为文本总体结构的不可分割的一部分。尽管如此,这并没有改变语言是任意符号系统的事实;话句话说,能指与所指之间的联系不是基于它们之间的任何真实结构相似性,而仅仅基于惯例。某一首诗可能试图在所描述的对象与其图形组织之间创造结构相似性(例如,LewisCarroll以鼠尾巴形状排列的诗)这一事实并不表示语言文本和语言文本之间存在任何基本联系或持续相关性。但是相反-这里的相关性是一个意想不到的事情,一种好奇心。它叙事中两个世界顺序之间存在的相关性完全不同。后者是基于语言时间结构的永久现象,即使在两个时间顺序之间存在矛盾时也存在(负相关性与完全缺乏相关性不同)。
        2. 当空间维度归因于文本中所指的结构时,这是一个更加复杂的问题。这里引用的是将意义结构化为与它们在文本中出现的时间顺序不同的模式。空间模式是仅基于文本中不连续单元之间的连接而感知的任何模式,因此要求在空间中同时给出对整个文本或部分的感知(例如,类比的情况)。





      1. 从空间物体到时间媒介的转变

      2.1. 从转换的角度来描述语言文本与世界的关系并不是空间诗学的特殊性。有一些原则指导将世界上的每一个组成部分转变为文本中关于这一组成部分的信息的结构。例如,表征可以被认为是从世界中人物的生理-心理存在到他们的文本存在的转变,即对话、描述、动作等,所有这些都以时间的语言连续体排列。毋庸置疑,这种转变是从文本到世界的双向关系,反之亦然,不一定反映真正的阅读或创造过程。





      2.3当我们将这些考虑从讨论一般语言的可能性转移到讨论叙事性文本的结构时,我们必须考虑到两个本质的区别。首先,就通常的语言用法而言,空间和世界的对象构成了一个不依赖于语言的外部因素,而在叙事文本中,空间和世界并不是独立的存在,而是源于语言本身的存在。根据Benjamin Hrushovski的文本理论(1974,1975)而言,这是一个内部参照领域。因此,在这一点上提出的重要问题不仅仅是如何用语言表达一个给定的空间?而是这个空间的本质是什么呢?文本的决定不仅与口头材料有关,而且与世界有关。

      必须考虑到的第二个不同之处是,上面讨论的运动可以作为某种信息安排的载体,在叙述文本中具有最中心和最主要的地位。事实上,整个情节可以视为这样一种运动。一个情节可以是“以空间为导向的”,作为包含空间单元的动机;这方面的一个极端例子是Selma Lagerlof的“Nils Holgersson的奇妙旅程”,它的情节以多种方式展示了瑞典的完整地理。显然,情节通常不是从属的,特别是相对于空间而言,但无论情节在文本中的地位或功能如何,它必须被看作是一种时间上的简单结构。它包括路线、运动、方向、体积、同时性等,因此是文本中空间结构的积极伙伴。




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