
 2022-11-12 20:16:16

Thinking Animation: Bridging the Gap Between 2D and CG

Angie Jones and Jamie Oliff

Major Shifts that caused the Animation Evolution

Aesthetic Appeal Changes

The first shift was fueled by the increased popularity of visual effects movies in the 1990s. Visual effects–driven movies brought audiences to their feet with higher levels of entertainment and reality than ever before. Movies such as Independence Day, Twister, Titanic, and Men in Black were bringing hundreds of thousands of people into the theater to see these new visual effects. We are not talking about story here, but sheer aesthetic appeal. This change in the audiencersquo;s taste was just one of the contributors to traditional animationrsquo;s demise. The audience began to view CG features as visually richer and more exciting based solely on the aesthetic they portrayed. Video games and music videos also had a hand in shaping this new interest in computer-generated eye candy, especially among young viewers. The sheer richness of 3D and its ability to move the camera around in this new world made traditional animation suddenly seem, quite literally, flat.

Broadening the Audience for Animation

The second factor involved broadening of the audience for feature animation. Before visual effects movies became popular, there was a great divide between content for a kidrsquo;s movie and for mainstream movies. In the 1990s, both parents and kids went to see movies such as Titanic, Men in Black, and Jurassic Park in droves. Here there was content that appealed to audience members both young and old alike. What made these effects-driven films more appealing was the computerrsquo;s ability to create photo-realistic creatures and effects that wowed audiences because of their unprecedented believability. In addition, these effects were seamlessly integrated into the films. The films had something for everyone.

Unappealing Storytelling in Traditional Animation

Finally, the third shift in the animation evolution resulted from what many see as traditional animationrsquo;s changing approach to story. The box office returns in traditional features began to suffer in direct proportion to the rising popularity of visual effects movies. In turn, traditional studios tried to broaden their audience through more adult story themes, such as Pocahontas, The Prince of Egypt, and The Quest for Camelot. Instead of writing stories that would appeal to the kid in all of us, the new screenwriters created stories for adults and hoped kids would like them too. After The Lion King was released in 1994, makers of traditional features felt that in order to be a success, they had to follow suit and create features that were epic in scope. Every studio tried to follow The Lion King mold and make large-scale, epic musicals. Studios were chasing both visual effects dollars and The Lion King money. As animation became a profitable business, stories were overworked by myriad “creative executives” in their efforts to create a blockbuster. In turn, the traditional movies made after The Lion King found a smaller and smaller audience.

This chapter explains how the visual effects industry had a great impact on the popularity of animation and how that popularity changed the production of traditional and CG animation forever. We explore how the digital artist was born and how the hiring criteria changed as computer tools became easier to use and traditional artists made their way into the computer industry. We will illustrate how storylines and box-office profits clashed as the use of CG increased and 2D waned. We will also explore the reasons for the demise of traditional animation, as well as CGrsquo;s and visual effectsrsquo; rise through content, box-office profits, and changes in the audience. Finally, we will bridge the gap between the two media of CG and 2D animation.

Traditional animation is an art that has been, for the greater part of its existence, a pencil and paper medium.

Digital Artistry Begins

Digital tools have fundamentally changed an art that has been, for the greater part of its existence, a pencil and paper medium. Think about that for a second. Every animated feature film from the early 1900s to the late 1980s was a traditionally hand-drawn or stop-motion animated film. The tools used to make these films did not change significantly in almost 80 years.

Both CG and traditional media continued to go through drastic changes throughout the late 1980s. Visual effects also continued to generate more revenue at the box office and create more realistic-looking animation. However, traditional animation still held the upper hand when it came to caricaturing reality at this time. So, what has transpired to create the current environment, in which 3D reigns supreme and traditional features have all but vanished? Will traditional animation make a comeback?

“There is a beauty and fullness to CG that traditional never had, as far as eye candy goes. It is the ultimate moving story- book, an animated painting. Kids love that stuff.”

—Scott Holmes

Is it really the popularity of the medium? Or could it be the poor content in 2D films made recently? Most of the successful CG films today have solid stories. Traditionally drawn films today have not embraced the great storylines they did in the original Golden Age of Disney (from 1937 to 1942). The Lion King became a double-edged sword because it made so much money. The money brought more management into the ranks, and what was previously a cottage industry (a huge one at that) became a corporate monster, with the artists more and more removed from the process. Disney began to strangle the goose that laid the golden egg. Traditional hand-drawn animated movies with poor, formulaic storylines had lost the art and craft of animation and storytelling. The successful com



Angie Jones and Jamie Oliff
























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