Operation optimization of distributed generation using artificial intelligent techniques
Future smart grids will require an observable, controllable and flexible network architecture for reliable and efficient energy delivery. The use of artificial intelligence and advanced communication technologies is essential in building a fully automated system. This paper introduces a new technique for online optimal operation of distributed generation (DG) resources, i.e. a hybrid fuel cell (FC) and photovoltaic (PV) system for residential applications. The proposed technique aims to minimize the total daily operating cost of a group of residential homes by managing the operation of embedded DG units remotely from a control centre. The target is formed as an objective function that is solved using genetic algorithm (GA) optimization technique. The optimal settings of the DG units obtained from the optimization process are sent to each DG unit through a fully automated system. The results show that the proposed technique succeeded in defining the optimal operating points of the DGs that affect directly the total operating cost of the entire system.
- Distribution automation;
- Energy management;
- Fuel cells;
- GA optimization;
- Home automation;
- Smart grid
1. Introduction
The smart grid and its promising features for a better intelligent and automated energy infrastructure are under study in several researches and projects [1]. Home automation (HA) and home energy management (HEM) systems are one of the main branches of the future smart grid [2]. Regarding home automation, optimizing the operation of DG units within the residential homes is a new face of home automation. Nowadays, achieving coordination between the operation of various DG units within the residential homes in order to satisfy the customerrsquo;s needs and minimize operating cost is the first desire of all homeowners. Due to the environment pollution and lacking of energy resources, distributed renewable energy resources such as PV systems and FC units are attracting more attention as alternative energy resources. PV/FC hybrid generation system is one of the most effective methods to make use of renewable energy sources [3]. The power generated by a PV system is highly dependent on climate conditions. Also, it is difficult to store the power generated by PV system for future use. To overcome this problem, integration of a PV system with other alternatives DG such as FC systems in order to maintain a reliable energy supply is an encouraging solution [4].
The literatures presented a lot of researches that rely on minimizing the total daily energy costs within the smart homes based on advanced techniques. In [5], the author presented a novel technique for determining the optimal output of FC systems supplying a residential loads in order to minimize the total energy consumption. However, the authors built their strategy based on a fixed assumed forecasted household demand without considering the frequently changes in daily load curve over the day. Thus, the uncertainty effect of the forecasted demand has not been investigated.
The author in [6] presented an approach for reducing the daily total operating costs of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) supplying a residential load under electrical demand uncertainty. In order to minimize the total daily operating costs of the FC, a cost model is developed. This model takes into account the various operational and technical constraints associated with the unit. The author used particle swarm optimization approach to define the optimal outputs of the FC. However, this research did not take into account the methods of data collection and role of communication technology to facilitate the implementation of this algorithm.
In [7], a two-phase approach to manage the daily operation of PEMFCs for residential applications is presented. This approach depends on two stages. The first performs offline optimization processes for different load demands and electricity and natural gas tariffs using a GA optimization technique. In the second, the obtained results are used for offline training and testing of ANN, which can be used on-site to define the settings of the FC in the online mode.
In [8], an operational algorithm that maximizes the advantages of all residential cogeneration systems is proposed, where the technique is evaluated from the viewpoint of energy conservation and economic effectiveness based on the energy demand characteristics.
This paper introduces a new approach to manage the operation of DG units within smart homes in order to minimize the total daily operating cost and also to satisfy all homersquo;s needs. The proposed approach depends on a strong communication infrastructure that enables the two way flow of information between the consumers and the control centre and also remote control of DG units and appliances within the smart homes [9].lt;
- 配电自动化 ;
- 能源管理 ;
- 燃料电池 ;
- GA优化 ;
- 家庭自动化 ;
- 智能电网
智能电网及其有希望的功能,更好的智能和自动化能源基础设施正在研究中的几个研究和项目[1]。家庭自动化(HA)和家庭能源管理(HEM)系统是未来智能电网的主要分支之一[2]。关于家庭自动化,优化住宅家庭中的DG单元的操作是家庭自动化的新面貌。如今,实现住宅内各种DG单元的操作之间的协调,以满足客户的需求并最小化操作成本是所有房主的第一愿望。由于环境污染和能源资源短缺,分布式可再生能源资源如光伏系统和FC单元作为替代能源吸引更多的关注。PV / FC混合发电系统是利用可再生能源的最有效的方法之一[3]。PV系统产生的功率高度依赖于气候条件。此外,难以存储由PV系统产生的电力以供将来使用。为了克服这个问题,PV系统与其他替代DG(如FC系统)的集成以保持可靠的能量供应是一个令人鼓舞的解决方案[4]。难以存储由PV系统产生的电力以供将来使用。为了克服这个问题,PV系统与其他替代DG(如FC系统)的集成以保持可靠的能量供应是一个令人鼓舞的解决方案[4]。难以存储由PV系统产生的电力以供将来使用。为了克服这个问题,PV系统与其他替代DG(如FC系统)的集成以保持可靠的能量供应是一个令人鼓舞的解决方案[4]。
图1。 提出的系统的一般结构。
图2示出了通过每个智能家庭的电功率和热功率。在每个家庭中,使用两个单独的天然气智能电表。这是因为大多数天然气公司对天然气使用(例如住宅,工业或发电)提供不同的关税。假设每个家庭具有家庭能量网关(HEG)。HEG控制器包括链接智能仪表,智能家电和智能设备的中央集线器,例如家庭局域网(HAN)ensp;[10]中的FC和PV控制器。控制器还收集和报告功率使用数据,并且实现消耗器和公用设施之间的双向信息流。HEG允许智能家居的每个点从中心点连接和控制。HEG可以使用许多通信技术用于家庭内的无线通信。最推荐的是ZigBee技术[11] 和 ensp;[12]。HEG链接到广域网(WAN),用于通过Internet连接进行远程控制和监控。图。图3示出了所提出的系统的通信网络的一般结构。
图2。 电和热功率流经智能家庭。
图3。 通信系统的一般结构。
3. FC / PV配置
PEMFC是低温型FC,可以安全地用于住宅。它在混合能源系统应用中显示出巨大的潜力[13]。PEMFC不仅产生电能,而且排热。废热通过水循环,水可以用作热水或加热介质,例如地板加热或浴槽通风。PEMFC的热和电输出功率之间的关系如图2所示。4(a)[14]。如果输出热功率用于水和空间加热以形成热电联产系统(CHP),则PEMFC的电效率可以达到40%,而总效率可以达到80%。在图ensp;图4(b)示出了PEMFC的电效率。本文的关注点在于经济模型而不是动态模型。该模型中使用的FC的额定值基于每个家庭在一年内的最大电负荷需求。本文中使用的FC的额定值为四个家庭的2,3,5和7 kW。
图4。 3 kW燃料电池的热功率和效率曲线。