
 2022-11-22 16:17:28

College Management Accounting Problems and Countermeasures

The main management accounting is to meet the economic needs of the organization internal management and gradually formed and developed, a variety of accounting control systems of its main functions is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of operations established, the preparation and delivery of internal management needs of a variety of data , information. College of Management Accounting To provide program managers at all levels, evaluation, control, information on all aspects of decision-making, management and accounting will organically combine management, planning, control of the financial activities of colleges and universities, and colleges and universities to collect a large number of strategic objectives management methods and related information to help managers learn from, the decision to establish goals, planning decisions, performance evaluation and decision.

At present, management accounting in University management in China are at the exploratory stage, with further improvement of the deepening of the reform of university, education, degree of industrialization, the university with the formation of the talent market, to enter the market to compete, we must use market philosophy, scientific way armed managers. Universities as cradles of cultivating talent, not to maximize profits for the purpose, but that does not mean that colleges and universities as long as the social, economic neglect. The ultimate goal of accounting management is to achieve the best economic benefits, many of these approaches help reduce running costs, the rational allocation of resources, enhance the strength of running, in order to better achieve social benefits. Because the management accounting has gradually become an important means of university administration, the urgent need to improve the management accounting system of colleges and universities to form a series of management accounting theory and methods to meet the needs of higher education reform, to promote the college to improve their own ability to adapt. Therefore, the strengthening of management accounting research has become an urgent application to explore the issue.

First, the College of Management Accounting Application Problems

(A) Management Accounting Theory Universities unsound

Theories and methods of management accounting is basically imported from Western countries, at present only to promote the use in the production and management, has not yet formed a link with Chinas actual theory of management accounting system. Further research on the theory of management accounting in the College Application monograph less narrow field of research, information lag; Theoretical Research on the management accounting team is weak, the lack of high-level theoretical researchers. In addition, colleges and universities experience existing management accounting application also failed to carry out the case summary from the combination of theory and practice. This is one of the main reasons is difficult to promote the application of management accounting in college.

(B) The Education Management System hampered play the role of management accounting.

Universities lack of management understanding of management accounting Colleges general principals to implement the responsibility system under the leadership of the committee, appointed by the leaders of universities is basically the local organization department, ignoring its assessment of economic knowledge in the choice, the majority of college leading only with emphasis on administrative approach to management. And the true sense of the market accounting system is not established on the Universities, Colleges decision makers do not understand the principles of management accounting, management did not even know the existence of accounting, with little regard for the views of finance staff in decision-making, work rule of thumb, a number of decisions stars or people responsible for the word, use and management of financial accounting staff lack enthusiasm and initiative, just buried reimbursement, accounting and other specific transactional work, almost without regard to efficiency in the use of funds. Although the reform has already begun College, College Financial self-supporting positive direction, but the management accounting concern and attention policymakers College is still not enough, it is difficult to achieve the performance evaluation results of reward and punishment. In addition, because of University leaders do not pay attention, there is no awareness of management accounting, financial officers, even with a high level of management, unit leaders are unlikely to take advantage of the information provided by management accounting.

(Iii) the application was not as effective

Existing management accounting techniques, methods operability is poor, changing the face of todays rapidly changing external environment and competitive landscape of colleges and universities, more difficult financial information and non-financial information gathering, information and high cost, making the management accounting in terms of method or Universities have become unable to meet the content requirements of modern management. Although part of the management accounting content has been initially applied to the university financial management practice, but they are basically still in sporadic, dispersed state, the lack of organic to each other, closely linked, management has not yet formed a true sense of accounting information system . In addition, as the theoretical system has not been formed, the actual use of it is relatively shallow and selective. For example, some college financial officers only know simple cursory analysis of the use of the amount of principal and interest or investment decisions and the like.

Second, colleges and universities to promote the applicatio





















根据《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010 -2020 年)》以及我国《国民经济和社会发展十二五规划纲要》的精神, 未来高校的强势发展以及在国民经济中的重要地位毋庸置疑。高校越发展,管理会计越重要, 应用战略管理会计就是为高校的战略管理服务, 为国家的长期发展服务。尽管战略管理会计还不完全成熟, 但是它的许多技术方法、思维方式颇具可操作性和有效性。结合目前高校管理的常规内容, 我们认为, 战略管理会计至少在以下六个方面可大有作为。


预算是高校管理会计的一个重要领域。预算实质上是事先对高校现存和未来可获得资源的合理配置。当高校间的竞争已上升到高层次的全球性战略竞争时, 争夺优质生源、抢占就业市场份额、扩大高校生存空间、追求长远的利益目标已成为高校最为关注的问题。我国传统的预算编制模式, 习惯上将以往的历史数据作为编制预算的关键依据, 关注的仅是下一个年度的可分配资源, 预算结果与高校战略似乎没有明显的联系。

战略管理会计适应形势的要求, 超越了单一会计期间的界限, 站在一个更高的层面上, 用一种更长远的眼光来看问题, 把战略管理融合在高校的日常预算管理中。它将改进传统的记录、计划和报告模式, 如, 依据学校的整体发展规划,编制中长期预算, 在报告中增加关键竞争对手等项目, 分析可能出现的各种情况, 预测竞争对手的行为, 确定何种战略战术更有利于建立竞争优势等等, 从而对高校的人力资源、财力资源、物质资源进行协调配置, 增强预见性和前瞻性。用全局观和长期观重构预算管理, 有利于高校提高资源使用绩效, 提高办学效益, 增强自身的核心竞争力和长远发展能力。


成本管理仍是我国大多数高校目前管理会计的重要内容。成本管理应从过去单纯专注于降低项目费用的观念转变为从战略的高度来探求影响项目成本的作业, 从而分别控制各作业, 最终达到降低成本的目的, 保证高校获得“成本领先”的竞争优势。我国高校应对成本实施战略性管理, 从战略高度来探求影响成本的各个环节, 既要重视资金的筹集, 也要重视资金的运用, 还应了解竞争对手的成本情况, 把成本管理看作是一个对投资立项、研究开发等环节实行全方位监控的过程。作业成本管理和价值链分析法是实现这一目标的有效手段。


站在战略的高度, 高校投资应倾向于以智力投资为主, 在人力资源、科技开发等方面多投入资金,以求保持高校长久的竞争力。战略管理会计注重高校长远发展, 重视社会效益。对高校长期投资方案的评价, 战略管理会计不应仅局限于财务效益指标,还必须考虑非财务效益方面的指标, 如引进人才、引进高新技术的未来效益等。投资决策不仅要采用定量分析法, 还要辅之以定性分析法。对高校的发展决策分析, 要放弃固定成本和变动成本的分类传统,把所有成本都看成是变动的, 都是某一时段管理决策的结果, 即可控的, 如设备采购成本。要从高校办学规模、收入和学生总数等要素之间的非线性关系出发, 研究教育成本与社会效益之间的关系, 并对高校外部经济环境和社会环境、宏观及微观政策因素、产权制度及劳动者和经营者积极性等非传统意义的经营决策因素予以特别的重视。


知识经济最关键的就是人才, 有大楼而无大师,很难成为真正的大学。高校之间的竞争, 说到底是一种人力资源的竞争, 高校的管理必须充分体现出“人才为本”的管理理念, 要使人、财、物达到最优配置。传统管理会计忽略了对人力资源的单独确认、计量和揭示, 而这些正是现代管理的核心。运用战略管理会计中灵活多样的财务与非财务指标分析方法, 可以加以弥补。它既可以应用于为提高学校和个人的绩效而进行的人事战略规划, 也可以应用于日常人事管理以及事后的员工绩效评价。通过对高校员工的年龄结构、素质结构、工作能力等进行成本分析和价值分析, 从而进行有效的确认和计量, 并实施恰当的管理, 可以最大限度地发挥高校员工的价值, 保证高校战略目标的实现。


我国传统管理会计主要分析短期的战术风险问题, 注重现有资源的效益最大化, 侧重防范当前风险。而战略管理会计因为主要研究长期的战略性问题, 将时时刻刻考虑风险问题, 讲求尽可能地把握各种潜在的机会, 回避现在和未来的风险, 以便从战略的角度最大限度地增加学校的价值创造力。高校的战略管理会计既重视教学科研, 也重视学校的其他辅助活动;既重视现有实际的资源, 也重视各种未来可能获取的资源;主张现实资源效益最大化, 但也会阻止为获取眼前效益而损害学校无形声誉、损伤发展动力等急功近利行为。


绩效评价是现代高校管理中的一个主要内容。高校与企业不同, 不要追求经济效益, 还需要追求社会效益, 财务指标暂时可以以教学水平评估和其他一些量化指标为主, 而非财务指标应侧重于学校核心竞争力等评价标杆, 合理的业绩评价指标对学校的发展起到一个导向的作用。我国传统管理会计重结果不重过程, 因而难以提高职工的积极性和创造性。战略管理会计可以将绩效评价指标与高校实施的战略有机地结合, 以构建责任会计体系为实际目标, 划分各类较高级别的责任中心, 全方位计量责权利, 全过程落实到人, 充分提高绩效评价的效果。“十二五”期间, 将会是战略管理倍受重视的期间, 高校会计人员应该抓住机遇, 结合国情、校情, 恰当地运用战略管理会计理论与方法, 开创高校财务工作新局面, 更好地为学校的战略发展服务。



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