
 2022-11-26 20:15:38

An Empirical Investigation of Disclosure, Usage and Usefulness of Corporate Accounting Information

Michael Sherer, Alan Southworth and Stuart Turley

This paper reports the findings of an empirical investiga-tion into the disclosure of corporate accounting informa-tion to trade union decision makers. These findings are evaluated against earlier normative and descriptive litera-ture on corporate disclosure to trade unions and an attempt is made to derive some implications for the design of accounting reports for use in the context of collective bargaining. The research methodology used was a case study of decision making in one trade union, the Amalga-mated Textile Workers Union (ATWU) which represents most of the manual workers in the Lancashire cotton industry.

The paper is divided into six sections. The first section presents some background material on the ATWU, and the industry in which it operates. The second section describes the research design and the manner in which the investigation was conducted. The next three sections report the research findings, namely: the extent of information disclosure by companies in the Lancashire cotton industry; the actual use of corporate accounting information in the collective bargaining decisions of the ATWU; and the assessment by the ATWU decision makers of the usefulness of that information. The final section offers some suggestions, based on the evidence reported, for improvements in the quantity and type of accounting information which corporate management should be willing to disclose if they want trade union decision makers to take into consideration corporate financial performance in their collective bargaining deci-sions.

The Amalgamated Textile Workers Union (ATWU) was formed as recently as 1974 but its origins go back into the nineteenth century.

The ATWU is essentially a loose federation of semi-independent unions representing spin-ners, weavers and cardroom operatives concentrated in one geographical area - Lancashire. The ATWU is managed by the Central Executive Committee, headed by the General Secretary, and there is a national negotiat-ing committee which annually concludes agreements with the employers federation, the British Textile Employers Association (BTEA) over basic wage rates in the industry. However, the majority of collective bargaining decisions are not made by the negotiating committee at national level but by trade union officials at the local or District level. The decisions at the District level include basic pay agreements with non-BTEA firms, productivity agree-ments at individual mills, and issues of working condi-tions, health and safety, and redundancies and closures.

The individual Districts within the ATWU are each managed by a full-time paid union official known as the District Secretary and since the vast majority of collective bargaining decisions are made by District Secretaries, these were chosen as the subject for our empirical investigation.

In 1979 there were seventeen Districts within the ATWU. Most of the Districts represented all the ATWU members working in one geographical area, although in some cases there were separate Districts for spinning and weaving and in other cases one Secretary had responsibil-ity for more than one District. At the time of the study the total number of District Secretaries was eighteen. The membership of the ATWU at that time was 42,000 (it has since fallen to 30,000) while the size of individual Districts ranged from 500 to 5,000. Membership of the ATWU, and consequently of the individual Districts, has been declining dramatically in the last twenty years reflecting the continuing contraction of the Lancashire cotton industry.

The contraction of the industry has caused earnings to decline relative to the average for manufactur-ing industry as a whole and has resulted in the closure of many mills and entire companies. In addition, the production process is still quite labour-intensive with the result that productivity as measured by net output per employee compares unfavourably with other industries. In short, both the industry and the union are in a state of severe decline and it is this decline which provides the backcloth to our study of information disclosure in a collective bargaining context.

Structured interviews using a pre-coded questionnaire were conducted with sixteen out of the eighteen District Secretaries in post during August and September 1979. The content of the questionnaire was initially determined from the normative models of trade union decision making found in Cooper and Essex and Foley and Maunders Subsequently, a pilot survey of three District Secretaries was carried out to identify the most common decision areas and information sources for inclusion in the main questionnaire. The pilot survey also ensured that no major decision areas or information sources which may have been specific to trade union officials in the Lan-cashire cotton industry were accidentally omitted.

The final questionnaire used in the structured inter-views identified seven sources of information which were available for use by the District Secretaries and these sources are presented very few companies in the Lancashire cotton industry publish employee reports and consequently only five District Secretaries could recall ever receiving copies directly from any of the companies in their District. Once again, it was the large or publicly quoted companies which produced and sent out employee reports to the District Secretaries and, just as for the published annual reports, the information was presented only for the group as a whole. All the District Secretaries who received a companys employee report also received its published accounts and most of them considered that there was very little information in the former.

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Michael Sherer, Alan Southworth 和 Stuart Turley




















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