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出处:Albert Galvany,Instrumentalisation of Passions, Social Regulation and Transcendence of Power in the Hanfeizi [J].Digithum,2008,10:19-22.


Lessons from history: the imperative of adaptation

In order to understand the ideological proposal of Han Fei, it is essential to first view his conception of historical processes.3 Since its very origins, philosophical reflection in ancient China has been inseparable from a certain disposition in relation to the past. Looking at what occurred in High Antiquity is a basic criterion of authority for consolidating the unique identity of each ideological proposal and, at the same time, the principal argument for legitimising the political aspiration designed for a new present, which is, almost always, projected on to a supposedly immediate horizon. The work of Han Fei is not unconnected to that general trend, in contrast to what has been said by some experts.4 Consequently, in one of the two chapters devoted to the commentary on the, entitled “Illustrating Laozi” (Yu Lao 喻老), we find the following anecdote, the aim of which is to comment on Section LXIV of Laozi:

Wang Chu was travelling carrying a bundle of books when he met Xu Fong on the road to the land of Zhou. [Xu] Fong said: “Business consists of action. And action comes from opportunity. Anyone who knows of it is uninitiated in the ways of business. Books consist of discourses. And discourses come from knowledge. Anyone who knows does not accumulate their knowledge in books. So why are you walking along carrying all these books?” After which, Wang Chu set fire to his books and began dancing round the pyre. Knowledge does not rear its head much in discourses; wisdom is not kept in books. Our time condemns that attitude, but Wang Chu was able to return [to the way (dao)]. It is a question of learning to unlearn. Which is why [Laozi] says: “Learn to unlearn and return to the origin which the masses condemn”. (Qiyou, 2000, chap. XXI, p. 449)

This passage from the Hanfeizi proclaims the conviction that the action that we intend to carry out on what is real, whatever that may be, cannot be based on the study of books, inasmuch as the knowledge that comes from them already belongs to a time that is passed and, therefore, inevitably expired. The moral of the anecdote narrated by Han Fei is exemplary: the path, the attitude, the practice of Wang Chu is hindered by the burden of inherited, erudite knowledge, and this is what Xu Fong reveals. Insofar as it is not possible to apply permanent prescriptions, fixed forever in a text, for a time which never stops changing, the learning and study of books, from the past, becomes useless and even harmful. In the world of business (shi 事),the ritual appropriateness of gesture, or its moral quality of agreement with the precepts conveyed by the wise men of Antiquity, is not as important as its sole efficacy within the plan of action (wei 為). And, in the opinion of Han Fei, the guarantee of that efficacy in the action depends on its appropriateness, its adaptation, its suitability at the propitious moment (shi 時).The phrase that we have translated as “anyone who knows of it is uninitiated in the ways of business” hides a play on words, a suggestive semantic wink: on the one hand, supported by the term chang 常 understood as “tradition” or “custom”,Han Fei certifies the absence of fixed rules, of hereditary prescriptions in that which knows that an actions success depends on its adaptation to the times; but that very passage also uses the other meaning of the term chang (“permanent”,“constant”)to illustrate the willingness of that man dedicated to the action, to evoke change as the only persistent aspect, the continuous transformation of things and that, therefore, the man of action must prove himself to be radically dynamic, completely without static disposition. In Han Feirs opinion, it is essential to accept the transformation of history, of change, of succession, and adapt to the new conditions to avoid the propagation of disaster and put an end to the reigning disorder. Like his predecessor Shang Yang, Han Fei considers it essential to reform the political and administrative institutions in

such a way as to dispel all types of disagreement, of heterogeneity, between the course of time and the political actions that are intended to be imposed on it. It is the current conditions that must determine the form and methods of government, and not the other way round. Han Fei stresses the dynamic and irreversible nature of time and, with this, proclaims the need for continuous adaptation to its demands. In accordance with that conception of time and of history, the conservative attitude (encapsulated in Confucian ideology), which refuses to accept the transformation of the development process, the permanent updating of the present, is simply ridiculous. In this sense, he appears to be truer to the respect for history, praised and exulted by Confucian tradition, than the very representatives of that philosophy.

In Han Feirs opinion, it is the study of the past, with its permanent changes and innovations, unexpected twists and turns and its frequent discontinuities, which reveals its dynamic nature and which shows, therefore, up to what point that nostalgic (and static) look at an idealised Antiquity is absurd and even historically false. The adaptation of the political institutions and practices to the different circumstantial frameworks of each moment is all that guarantees the progress, the survival of society, the arrival of efficient governors. Just as with that changing reality to which we must permanently adapt, political practice is also viewed in a dynamic way; the governors, the Administration, must be aware when observing the changes that occur in the social and economic reality of the country to adapt their responses accordingly. It is no surprise that in t




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王寿负书而行,见徐冯于周涂。冯曰:'事者,为也;为生于时,知者无常事。书者,言也;言生于知,知者不藏书。今子何独负之而行?'于是王寿因焚其书而舞之。故知者不以言谈教,而慧者不以藏书箧。此世之所过也,而王寿复之,是学不学也。故曰:'学不学,复归众人之所过也。(Qiyou,2000、第二十一章,p. 449)



上古之世,人民少而禽兽众,人民不胜禽兽虫蛇。有圣人作,构木为巢以避群害,而民悦之,使王天下,号曰有巢氏。民食果蓏蚌蛤,腥臊恶臭而伤害腹胃,民多疾病。有圣人作,钻燧取火以化腥臊,而民说之,使王天下,号之曰燧人氏。中古之世,天下大水,而鲧、禹决渎。近古之世,桀、纣暴乱,而汤、武征伐。今有构木钻燧于夏后氏之世者,必为鲧、禹笑矣;有决渎于殷、周之世者,必为汤、武笑矣。然则今有美尧、舜、汤、武、禹之道于当今之世者,必为新圣笑矣。是以圣人不期修古,不法常可,论世之事,因为之备。(Qiyou,2000、第四十九章,p. 1085)



搢笏干戚,不适有方铁铦;登降周旋,不逮日中奏百;《狸首》射侯,不当强弩趋发;干城距衡冲,不若堙穴伏橐。古人亟于德,中世逐于智,当今争于力。(Qiyou,2000、第四十七章,p. 1030)


古者丈夫不耕,草木之实足食也;妇人不织,禽兽之皮足衣也。不事力而养足,人民少而财有余,故民不争。是以厚赏不行,重罚不用,而民自治。今人有五子不为多,子又有五子,大父未死而有二十五孙。是以人民众而货财寡,事力劳而供养薄,故民争,虽倍赏累罚而不免于乱。 (Qiyou,2000、第四十九章,p. 1087-1088)

文章中韩非的历史分析清晰的惊人。那一些专家认为他的作品是二十个多世纪的由马尔萨斯(1766-1834)提出的先验的人口理论演变而来就不足为奇(春,张小波,1983,pp. 93-94)。对韩非来说,这些古老的社会达到一个完美的和平共存的、没有矛盾和纠纷的原因,完全是由于很少的人口和丰富的物质资源之间的明显的平衡。在他看来,非凡财富塑造了遥远的祖先的生活,这意味着他们能够在没有冲突的发生的情况下完全满足他们的愿望、充分意识到他们最基本的倾向;丰度的资源冲淡生存竞争并且防止纠纷的爆发,在社会上,在某种程度上,人们甚至可以让自己的奢侈管理自己(民自治),而不需要诉诸于有压制性的更高的外部权威。然而,当罕见的有利的不平衡开始反转时,形势急剧变化:人口无节制的增长,人口的指数增长,改善生活的物质条件和手段使得人群现在不得不竞争以满足他们最基本的欲望和需求。



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