J. Geogr. Sci. 2014, 24(3): 387-396 DOI: 10.1007/s11442-014-1095-1
copy; 2014 Science Press Springer-Verlag
Spatial pattern and decadal change of agro-meteorological disasters in the main wheat production area of China during 1991–2009
ZHANG Zhao1, WANG Pin1, CHEN Yi1, ZHANG Shuai2, *TAO Fulu2, LIU Xiaofei1
- Academy of Disaster Reduction and Emergency Management/State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Process and Resource Ecology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China;
- Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
Abstract: Agro-meteorological disasters (AMD) have become more frequent with climate warming. In this study, the temporal and spatial changes in the occurrence frequency of major meteorological disasters on wheat production were firstly explored by analyzing the observed records at national agro-meteorological stations (AMS) of China from 1991 to 2009. Furthermore, impact of climate change on AMD was discussed by comparing the warmer decade (2000–2009) with another decade (1991–2000). It was found that drought was the most frequent disaster during the last two decades, with a highest proportion of 79%. And the frequency of AMD increased significantly with climate change. Specifically, the main disasters occurred more frequently in the reproductive period than in the vegetative period. Besides, the spatial changes in the AMD frequency were characterized by region-specific. For example, the wheat cultivation areas located on the Loess Plateau and the middle-lower reaches of the Yellow River suffered mainly from drought. All these results were strongly linked to climate change in China. Therefore, sound adaptation options should be taken based on the latest changes of AMD under global warming to reduce agricultural damages.
Keywords: wheat; agro-meteorological disasters; climate change; drought; heat stress
China is a major agricultural country. It is one of the tough tasks to improve the countryrsquo;s crop productivity and ensure food security at all stages during the development. However, AMD had showed critical stress on food security in China due to the frequent occurrence of various natural disasters and its relative poorer agricultural technology. It was reported that the affected agricultural area by AMD reached 500–700 million ha, accounting for
Received: 2013-07-12 Accepted: 2013-08-22
Foundation: National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.41071030; The National Basic Research Program of China, No.2012CB955404; Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities; The Science and Technology Strategic Pilot Projects of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, No.XDA05090308
Author: Zhang Zhao, PhD, specialized in natural hazard and risk analysis. E-mail: zhangzhao@bnu.edu.cn
*Corresponding author: Tao Fulu, PhD, E-mail: taofl@igsnrr.ac.cn
www.geogsci.com www.springerlink.com/content/1009-637x
30%–35% of the total area under crops, and correspondent yield loss accounted for 8%–10% of the total annual crop production (Qin et al., 2005).
Concerns on AMD and its related impacts have greatly increased with the increasing frequency and intense of natural hazards under the background of climate change. Zhang (1989) analyzed the characteristics of AMD across China and further explored the potential causes. In 2005, China Meteorological Administration started to publish lsquo;Yearbook of Meteorological Disasters in Chinarsquo;. All the metrological events and their losses during the last years across China had been included in these books. Additionally, many Chinese researchers conducted related studies on the occurrence mechanism, the impact, and the projection of AMD. For example, the spatial features of major AMD and their influences had been statistically analyzed based on the provincial or larger scales (Lu et al., 2009; Fang et al., 2011). Moreover, studies on the impacts of drought, flooding (Tao et al., 2003; Zhang et al., 2007; Wang et al., 2008; Zhao et al., 2009; Deng et al., 2009; Vimal et al., 2010) and extreme temperature events (Craufurd and Wheeler, 2009; Sun and Huang, 2011; Liu et al., 2013) on crop yield in different areas had been extensively conducted. However, such studies were limited either on several provincial statistical yearbooks, or a limited area, or a specific disaster. There are still very few comprehensive studies reported on the basic of national detailed records. Therefore, it is highly significant and urgent to analyze the spatio-temporal characteristics of AMD, to understand the updated agricultural risk following with nowadays climate change. Such knowledge will benefit the related decision-makers to plan a reasonable strategy for preparing and preventing the major disasters, to mitigate climate change, and consequently to ensure food security in China.
Wheat production is listed the top second among all crops in the world, and it is also a major staple for people living in northern China. In 2011, the total sown area for wheat (mainly for winter wheat) had amounted to 24.27 million ha, which accounted for 21.9% of the total sowing area for crops in China. Wheat is planted in a larger area across China, and it is generally classified into three main regions, including winter wheat in the north, winter wheat in the south, and spring wheat in the south. These regions are mostly distributed in Northeast, the northern part of Northwest and East China, and the nort
1991 - 2009年中国主要小麦生产区农业气象灾害的空间格局和年代际变化
ZHANG Zhao1, WANG Pin1, CHEN Yi1, ZHANG Shuai2, *TAO Fulu2, LIU Xiaofei1
摘要:农业气象灾害(AMD)随气候变暖变得越来越频繁。在本研究中,首先通过分析1991 - 2009年中国国家农业气象站(AMS)的观测记录,探讨了主要气象灾害对小麦生产发生频次的时空变化情况。此外,气候变化的影响通过比较温暖的十年(2000 - 2009年)和前十年(1991 - 2000年)讨论。发现干旱是过去二十年中最常见的灾害,比例最高,为79%。随着气候变化,AMD的频次显著增加。具体来说,在生殖期发生的主要灾害比在植被期更频繁。此外,AMD频次的空间变化由区域特异性表征。例如,黄土高原和黄河中下游的小麦种植区主要受干旱影响。所有这些结果都与中国的气候变化密切相关。因此,应根据全球变暖情况下AMD的最新变化来采取适应选项,以减少农业损失。
对AMD及其相关影响的关注,随着气候变化背景下自然灾害的频次和强度的增加而大大增加。Zhang(1989)分析了中国AMD的特点,并进一步探讨了潜在的原因。2005年,中国气象局开始出版“中国气象灾害年鉴”。所有的计量事件及其在中国的最后几年的损失已被包括在这些书中。此外,许多中国研究人员对AMD的发生机制,影响和预测进行了相关研究。例如,主要AMD的空间特征及其影响已经基于省级或更大规模进行统计分析(Lu等人,2009; Fang等人,2011)。此外,关于干旱、洪水影响的研究(Tao等人,2003; Zhang等人,2007; Wang等人,2008; Zhao等人,2009; Deng等人,2009; Vimal等人,2010)和极端温度事件(Craufurd and Wheeler, 2009; Sun and Huang, 2011; Liu等,2013)对不同地区的作物产量都有广泛的研究。然而,这些研究限于几个省统计年鉴,或有限的地区,或具体的灾难。基于国家详细记录的基础的报告仍然很少有综合研究。因此,分析AMD的时空特征,了解随着当今气候变化带来的更新的农业风险是非常重要和迫切的。这种研究将有利于相关决策者制定计划和预防重大灾害,缓解气候变化,是确保中国粮食安全的合理战略。
小麦生产在世界上所有作物中排名第二,也是生活在中国北方的人们的主食。 2011年,小麦(主要是冬小麦)的总播种面积为2427万公顷,占中国作物播种面积的21.9%。小麦种植在中国较多的地区,一般分为三个主要区域,包括北方的冬小麦,南方的冬小麦和南方的春小麦。这些地区主要分布在东北,西北和华东地区的北部,以及西南地区的东北部。一般来说,小麦产量随气候变化而大幅波动。例如,Cai和Jiang(2011)指出,中国经常发生干旱,不同的灾害主导了某些地区。具体来说,淮河流域北部后期的干热风,长江中下游的热浪,淮河的连续雨和暴雨,海河和长江流域,对小麦产量产生了严重影响。最近,全球变暖对中国大部分地区的气候变化产生了重大影响。因此,自然灾害的发生时间和地点可能随气候变化而变化。因此,研究的目标是:(1)了解1990-2009年期间主要小麦产区的AMD的最新特征; (2)比较不同小麦物候期间相对寒冷十年(1991-2000年)和热带十年(2000-2009年)之间的主要灾害的发生率差异。这些结果将为防止和减轻自然灾害造成的小麦产量损失提供科学依据。
研究中使用了两类数据集,包括在中国气象数据共享服务系统网站(http://cdc.cma.gov.cn)/ home.do)1991年至2009年期间中国农业气象观测站的AMD和物候学。 AMD的数据从上述网站上的农业气象灾害十天记录数据库中收集。它包括1991年至2009年农业气象灾害事件的报告。包括灾害名称,日期,范围和强度,以及作物种类,面积和受影响作物的百分比。灾害被定义为在研究中的一个站点每十天记录一次。共有588个AMS。在这里,包括九种类型的AMD来分析影响小麦生产的站的AMD的发生。这些灾害是干旱,洪水,连续下雨,暴雨,冷害,高温,大风,龙卷风和干热风。分析由Matlab软件辅助,这些站的空间分布用ArcGIS 9.3绘制。
3.1 1991 - 2009年不同AMD发生频次的总结
246个台站上报告的灾害总数为5902个,每个台站平均为23.99次,所有AMS每年平均为23.99次。这种统计结果总结在表1中。干旱频次最高,为79.21%,缺水是中国小麦生产的主要压力。冰雹是经常发生在5.57%的第二次灾难,其次是暴雨(2%),洪水(1.29%)和持续降雨(2.73%)。总体上,由异常降水造成的灾害占所有灾害的90.8%,表明水资源条件(太少或太多)是小麦灾害的主要原因。小麦主要种植在半湿润气候带(Shen 等人,2009),其中水资源缺乏是一个普遍的问题,季节性降水的季节差异使问题更严重。此外,小麦是一种C3固定植物,其耐旱性比玉米差(Ward 等人,1995)。因此,干旱已成为中国小麦生产的最严重灾难。至于其他极端气候事件,如冰雹和暴雨,这些事件通常发生在4月至10月的北部内陆地区,即小麦生产的生长季节。因此,严重的冰雹和暴雨将使作物扁平化,并对小麦产量造成巨大损害。此外,许多AMS位于江淮(长江 - 淮河)排水区。梅雨季是典型的气候,这种气候通常伴随着连续多云和多雨的天气,这也显示对小麦生产的严重影响。在所有由风引起的灾害中,大风的频次为3.91%。风会使小麦倒伏,导致产量下降,干热风是小麦特有的灾害类型。热环境,结合低湿度,通常在成熟期的后期造成小麦的巨大损失。干热风频次为3.27%,其次为冷害(1.32%),极端高温(0.64%)和龙卷风(0.05%)。龙卷风发生频次最低可能是由于中国发生龙卷风的可能性较低。龙卷风主要发生在东南海岸,那里种植的小麦很少。总之,在整个小麦生产期间,与温度相关的灾害相对较少。
表1 1991 - 2009年期间小麦站记录的农业气象灾害频次(%)
类型 |
冰雹 |
暴雨 |
洪水 |
ER |
干旱 |
风险 |
龙卷风 |
CI |
HT |
小麦 |
5.57 |
2.00 |
1.29 |
2.73 |
79.21 |
3.91 |
3.27 |
0.05 |
1.32 |
0.64 |
注:ER表示连阴雨;DHW表示干湿热风; CI表示冷害; HT为高温
3.2 AMD的空间分布和相关物候阶段
图1 1991 - 2009年期间小麦不同灾害的频次
从表2可以看出,每个阶段都发生了灾害。在繁殖期间,包括拔节,抽穗,乳熟和成熟阶段的频次,远远高于营养期,其中包括其余的生长阶段。具体来说,在繁殖期,灾害频次为74.86%,包括拔节—抽穗和乳熟—成熟期灾害发生比率分别为39.85%、和35.02% 。相比之下,营养期为25.14%,包括从播种期到出苗期的11.24%,和从分蘖期到休眠期的13.90%。因此,在繁殖期期间的小麦生产对所有AMD更易感。
表2 1991 - 2009年小麦每个生长阶段的AMDs频次(%)
时期 |
播种 |
营养期 出苗 分蘖/三叶 |
七叶 |
繁殖期 |
拔节 |
抽穗 乳熟 |
成熟 |
小麦 |
7.00 |
4.24 9.17 |
4.73 |
19.81 |
20.04 18.28 |
16.74 |
不同类型的灾害具有独特的空间和时间特征。选择干旱,干热风,暴雨和冰雹作为描述小麦播种面积中AMD特征的主要灾害,因为这四种灾害的总频次达到灾害总数的90.05%。比较二十年,寒冷时期(1991 - 2000年)和温暖时期(2000 - 2009年)之间的灾害发生频次的差异,以了解气候变化对AMD的更新影响。
从1991年到2009年,小麦播种地区上的干旱灾害报告为185个,占所有246个站点的75.2%(表3)。这些站主要分布在中东部地区(图2a和2b)。干旱总次数为4695次,每个站年平均出现次数为1.33次。约28%的干旱发生在营养期,而72%发生在生殖期(图2a)。在温暖的十年(2000 - 2009年),干旱灾害比冷的十年(1991 - 2000年)增加更多。在记录了干旱的185个台站中,122个台站的次数在温暖的十年增加,而其余23个台站没有显示任何变化。在繁殖期,干旱频次的增加主要发生在黄河流域,东北和西南地区(例如,繁殖期126个台站的干旱频次达到1389次,而在营养期期间62个台站的干旱频次达到351次)。干旱减少频次主要分布在淮河流域植被期(如营养期60个台站频次下降438次,生殖期36个台站频次下降240次)(图2c)。
图2 1991 - 2000年(a)和2000 - 2009年(b)期间小麦干旱频次及其变化(c)
类型 |
记录站点数 |
记录灾害数 |
VP比例 (%) |
RP比例 (%) |
干旱 |
185 |
4675 |
28.0 |
72.0 |
干热风 |
50 |
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