
 2022-12-04 15:07:06

Environmental audit: theory and practices

Josephine Maltby

A survey of environmental consultants views on the purpose of audit

Environmental audit is not a new activity. The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) published its Guide to Effective Environmental Auditing, jointly written by staff of Arthur D. Little, a consultancy firm, and the US manufacturing company, Allied-Signal. They refer to '[the authors] collective experience of more than 60 years in conducting environmental audits around the world'. Elkington claims that ICI began environmental auditing in the 1960s, although it then ceased for an unspecified length of time, resuming in 1989. It is only in very recent years, however, that interest in environmental audit - both among practitioners and potential clients - has become widespread.

It is possible to identify two sets of forces encouraging companies to adopt environmental audit. What might be termed direct pressures are those explicitly encouraging the introduction of environmental audit; indirect pressures are the range of threats and opportunities presented by environmental awareness among customers, competitors and legislators.

The major direct pressure for the mandatory introduction of environmental audit comes from the EC. The ECs original proposal was for specified sectors of industry to be subject to a mandatory audit. In the face of industry opposition, the EC has dropped this scheme and replaced it with a voluntary scheme involving what it calls an eco- audit. Companies registering under the scheme will be required to have an environmental policy and an environmental management system, and to have quantifiable targets for continuous improvement of performance. They must carry out an audit at regular intervals - a minimum of every three years. The products of the audit will be an audit report, submitted to management, and a published environmental statement, reflecting the audit results. The report and the statement will both be subject to independent external validation. Companies participating in the scheme will be entitled to publicize their status.

BS 7750, the draft British Standard on environmental management, requires that the operation of the environmental management system 'should be internally audited and evaluated on a regular, pre-determined basis'. This audit should be performed by staff who are within the organization but independent of the areas being audited and reporting directly to management - the classic formulation of the duties of an internal auditor. The Standard was introduced in March 1994; it remains to be seen how anxious companies will be to comply with it, and whether it will have the same wide currency as BS 5750, to which some 35,000 UK firms have registered.

One indirect pressure for companies to introduce environmental audit is the move towards public environmental disclosure. The eco-audit would involve the publication of an environmental statement; the form and content of such a statement are as yet undefined, but certain companies are already making environmental disclosures. The scope of these disclosures varies considerably. At one extreme, they are paragraphs in the directors report; at the other, Norsk Hydro has produced a report as substantial as a set of published financial statements. Items in the directors report do not attract separate mention in the audit report on the financial statements, unless they are incompatible with the rest of those statements. No UK company has as yet incurred a qualified audit report on the grounds of the environmental disclosures in its financial statements.

Environmental audit reports have been commissioned, however, by companies making more extensive disclosures. The major example to date is Norsk Hydro, which published a 28-page environmental report on its UK operations in 1990. Independent environmental consultants (Lloyds Register) performed a 'review' (Norsks terminology) on the report, and their summary of findings was published as its last section. Caird Group plc has commissioned two environmental audits in 1989 and 1991 from Mott MacDonald and a 'shareholders summary' of the auditors findings was published. A distinction might be drawn between the two companies reporting. Norsk wrote and published a report on its activities and commissioned an independent statement of opinion from Lloyds Register; in the case of Caird, the auditors both summarized Cairds activities and expressed an opinion on them. It seems likely that companies prepared to go to the (voluntary) trouble and expense of issuing environmental reports, will wish them to be accompanied by an audit opinion. A survey of the growth in the environmental consultancy market quotes Peter Jones of Rechem Environmental Services: 'It does not make sense to have your own environmental group carry them [audits] out because no one will believe your results'.

A further, growing, indirect pressure for environmental audit is the legal one. Recent UK environmental legislation has presented company management with a variety of possibilities for falling foul of the law, incurring expense, and in some cases being sentenced to prison. Newly created regulatory bodies are empowered to recover clean- up costs from polluters. Emissions to water or air or discharges of solid waste must be consented and production may be summarily shut down if the company exceeds the terms of the consent. Businesses have a duty of care to ensure that contractors disposing of their waste are not breaking the law. In addition to these and other statutory requirements, businesses are faced with the possibility of developments in the area of civil liability for environmental damage, leading to more claims, higher damages and a wider definition of matters awarded legal protection - it may become possible for claims to be brought by people who do not have property rights in an affected area b



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英国标准BS 7750,草案对环境管理要求的环境管理体系的运行应在内部审计和定期评估,预先确定基础”。本次审核由组织内的工作人员执行,但独立于被审计的领域,并直接向管理层汇报,这是内部审计人员职责的经典表述。这一标准是在1994年3月推出的,它还有待观察,公司将如何遵守它,以及它是否具有相同的通用货币为标准5750,其中约35000家英国公司已经注册。
















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