
 2022-12-05 16:58:43


Fragments Fundamentals

What Is a Fragment?

This first section will explain what a fragment is and what it does. But first,letrsquo;s set the stage to see why we need fragments. As you learned earlier, an Android application on small-screen devices uses activities to show data and functionality to a user, and each activity has a fairly simple, well-defined purpose. For example, an activity might show the user a list of contacts from their address book. Another activity might allow the user to type an e-mail. The Android application is the series of these activities grouped together to achieve a larger purpose, such as managing an e-mail account via the reading and sending of messages. This is fine for a small-screen device, but when the userrsquo;s screen is very large (10” or larger), therersquo;s room on the screen to do more than just one simple thing. An application might want to let the user view the list of e-mails in their inbox and at the same time show the currently selected e-mail text next to the list. Or an application might want to show a list of contacts and at the same time show the currently selected contact in a detail view.

As an Android developer, you know that this functionality could be accomplished by defining yet another layout for the xlarge screen with ListViews and layouts and all sorts of other views. And by “yet another layout” we mean layouts in addition to those yoursquo;ve probably already definedfor the smaller screens. Of course, yoursquo;ll want to have separate layouts for the portrait case as well as the landscape case. And with the size of an xlarge screen, this could mean quite a few views for all the labels and fields and images and so on that yoursquo;ll need to lay out and then provide code for. If only there were a way to group these view objects together and consolidate the logic for them, so that chunks of an application could be reused across screen sizes and devices, minimizing how much work a developer has to do to maintain their application. And that is why we have fragments.

One way to think of a fragment is as a sub-activity. And in fact, the semantics of a fragment are a lot like an activity. A fragment can have a view hierarchy associated with it, and it has a life cycle much like an activityrsquo;s life cycle. Fragments can even respond to the Back button like activities do. If you were thinking, “If only I could put multiple activities together on a tabletrsquo;s screen at the same time,” then yoursquo;re on the right track. But because it would be too messy to have more than one activity of an application active at the same time on a tablet screen, fragments were created to implement basically that thought. This means fragments are contained within an activity. Fragments can only exist within the context of an activity; you canrsquo;t use a fragment without an activity. Fragments can coexist with other elements of an activity, which means you do not need to convert the entire user interface of your activity to use fragments. You can create an activityrsquo;s layout as before and only use a fragment for one piece of the user interface.

Fragments are not like activities, however, when it comes to saving state and restoring it later. The fragments framework provides several features to make saving and restoring fragments much simpler than the work you need to do on activities.

How you decide when to use a fragment depends on a few considerations, which are discussed next.

When to Use Fragments

One of the primary reasons to use a fragment is so you can reuse a chunk of user interface and functionality across devices and screen sizes. This is especially true with tablets. Think of how much can happen when the screen is as large as a tabletrsquo;s. Itrsquo;s more like a desktop than a phone, and many of your desktop applications have a multipane user interface. As described earlier, you can have a list and a detail view of the selected item on screen at the same time. This is easy to picture in a landscape orientation with the list on the left and the details on the right. But what if the user rotates the device to portrait mode so that now the screen is taller than it is wide? Perhaps you now want the list to be in the top portion of the screen and the details in the bottom portion. But what if this application is running on a small screen and therersquo;s just no room for the two portions to be on the screen at the same time? Wouldnrsquo;t you want the separate activities for the list and for the details to be able to share the logic yoursquo;ve built into these portions for a large screen? We hope you answered yes. Fragments can help with that.

Figure 1-1 makes this a little clearer.

Figure 1-1. Fragments used for a tablet UI and for a smartphone UI

In landscape mode, two fragments may sit nicely side by side. In portrait mode, we might be able to put one fragment above the other. But if wersquo;re trying to run the same application on a device with a smaller screen, we might need to show either fragment 1 or fragment 2 but not both at the same time. If we tried to manage all these scenarios with layouts, wersquo;d be creating quite a few, which means difficulty trying to keep everything correct across many separate layouts. When using fragments, our layouts stay simple; each activity layout deals with the fragments as containers, and the activity layouts donrsquo;t need to specify the internal structure of each fragment. Each fragment



















使用片段的一个主要原因是你就可以跨设备和屏幕尺寸复用用户界面和功能块。对于平板电脑尤其如此。考虑一下当屏幕和平板大小一样时会发生什么。它更像是一个桌面而不是一部电话,而你的许多桌面应用程序有一个多屏的用户界面。就像之前提到的,你可以在屏幕上同时看到一个列表以及算中条目的详细视图。这在横屏模式中很容易实现列表在左边,详情在右边。但是,如果用户旋转设备到竖屏模式导致屏幕高度大于宽怎么办? 也许你现在会想让列表在屏幕的顶部部分,让详情在底部。 但是,如果这个应用程序在一个小屏幕上运行,而且同时在屏幕上也没有为两部分留有空间怎么办? 难道你不想要让不同的活动分别展示列表和详情,这样你可以在大的屏幕上展示你在这些部分建立的逻辑? 我们希望你的回答是肯定。 片段可以实现这样的效果。

图1-1. 可以清楚的解释这些。

图1-1. 在平板和只能手机上展示片段








图1-2. 片段的生命周期



清单1-1. 使用静态工厂模式实例化一个片段

public static MyFragment newInstance(int index) {

MyFragment f = new MyFragment();

Bundle args = new Bundle();

args.putInt('index', index);


return f;











清单1-2. 在CreateView()中创建片段视图层次


public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater,

ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {

if(container == null)

return null;

View v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.details, container, false);

TextView text1 = (TextView) v.findViewById(R.id.text1);

text1.setText(myDataSet[ getPosition() ] );

return v;



这里将告诉你如何可以访问到XML布局文件,这个文件将回调给调用者然后加载到片段里。这个方法有几个有点。你可以在代码里构建视图层次结构,然后你可以利用系统的查找资源的逻辑加载XML布局文件。你可以根据设备属于哪个配置,或者无论你是什么设备来选择相应的XML布局文件。然后,您可以在访问特定视图的布局,在这种情况下,你可以对TextView text1做你想做的事。要重复的很重要的一点是:在这个回调里不要把片段的视图添加到父容器里。您可以参考清单1-2里使用容器调用inflate(),但你也需要传递false给attachToRoot参数。







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