
 2022-12-07 16:26:39

The Economic Challenges of Population Aging in Emerging Markets

Michael Herrmann

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), New York, USA

Received December 31, 2013; revised January 30, 2014; accepted February 5, 2014


Why do studies that examine population aging always come to the same conclusions? Regardless of whether these studies focus on Japan or Germany, Northern Europe or Southern Europe, the developed economies or emerging market economies, they typically suggest that countries will confront a labor shortage which under-mines economic growth and that they will confront rising pension and health care costs which call for reduced health care and pension benefits. Are uniform policy recommendations justified because these countries are in fact so similar, or are they rather the result of an undifferentiated and partial analysis? This paper argues that they are the result of a household-focused analysis which fails to take into consideration the very different ma-croeconomic realities of different countries. From a macroeconomic perspective, this paper examines the broad-er economic background of emerging markets to understand whether population aging has negative effects on their economic development on the one side, and whether their economic development can cater to an increasing number of old-age dependents on the other.


Population; Aging; National Transfer Accounts; Pensions; Social Protection;Macroeconomics; Structural Change

  1. Introduction

Why do studies that examine population aging always come to the same conclusions? Regardless of whether these studies focus on Japan or Germany, Northern Eu-rope or Southern Europe, the developed economies or emerging market economies. The studies typically suggest that countries will confront labor shortages which un-dermines economic growth and that they will confront rising pension and health care costs which call for health care and pension reforms. In accordance, countries are advised to cut or avoid generous health care and pension benefits, shift to fully funded pension systems, and postpone retirement ages. The recommendation that people work longer is complemented by studies which suggest that they can. On average, people today live longer and healthier lives and older persons have a higher productivity than in the past .

The question is not only whether these policy recom-mendations are in fact meaningful; the question more fundamentally is why these policy recommendations are always the same. Are these countries so similar that uni-form policy recommendations are justified, or are the analyses so undifferentiated that uniform policy recommendations are the natural outcome? The paper argues that many studies which examine population aging focus on economic relationships at the household level and are not paying adequate attention to the economic relationships at the macroeconomic level. A more differentiated analysis of labor markets and macroeconomic relationships, which is put forward in this paper, shows that population aging has very different implications and calls for different policy responses in different countries.

The paperrsquo;s first section highlights population aging trends and projections in developing countries, and the subsequent sections examine its implications. The second section focuses on the implications of population aging for labor markets, and the third section discusses the linkages between higher consumption expenditures and macroeconomics. On the one hand, the paper examines whether countries have the economic resources to provide for a growing number of older persons, esecially for pensions and health care, and on the other hand it explores whether such provisions can have negative implications for economic growth.

2. Population Aging in the Developing World

While population aging is most advanced in the developed economies, as measured by the share of older persons in the total population, population aging is happening most rapidly in the developing world. Between now and 2050, the share of older persons in the total population will continue to grow in all regions, but until 2050 the growth of this share will be fastest in developing countries. However considerable differences between developing countries remain. In the developing countries of the Americas and Asia this share will grow faster than in the developed countries of Europe and North America,and in the developing countries in Africa in particular it will grow at a much lower rate.The differences in this growth rate are mostly attributable to differences in the fertility level. On average, emerging market economies have seen a considerably steeper and faster fall in fertility levels and are therefore more advanced in their demographic transitions than the least developed economies .

As declining fertility drives the increase in the relative number of older persons, it is also associated with a relative decrease in the number of younger persons. In the least developed countries the projected decrease in the number of younger persons per working-age adult (young-age dependency ratio) is considerably faster than the increase in the number of older persons per work-ing-age adult (the old-age dependency ratio), leading to a fall in the total dependency ratio (the sum of all dependents per workingage adult) over the next forty years or so. However, this window of opportunity, which is provided by a fall in the number of dependents, will eventually close.

Furthermore, when evaluating future trends, it is often useful to put them into perspective with past develop-ments. Whereas the total dependency ratio is projected to increase in almost all countries and country groups in the sample by 2050 relative to 2010,








  1. 简介




  1. 人口老龄化在发展中国家






  1. 与劳动力市场的联系


经常有人会说,人口老龄化将导致劳动力短缺,劳动力短缺将破坏经济发展。然而这是一个草率的结论。人口的老龄化并不意味着劳动年龄人口的下降;劳动年龄人口的下降并不必然导致劳动力的下降;劳动力的下降并不必然导致就业的下降;甚至就业的下降并不意味着劳动力短缺。 在几乎所有国家,达到工作年龄人口中有相当大的不工作也不积极寻找工作(即是不活跃的劳动力的一部分),而且在一些国家,正在找工作的适龄人口经常是失业的。在发展中国家,并不提供或很少提供失业福利,就业不足通常是一个相当大的挑战。在这个国家的样本中,平均有37%的达到工作年龄的人口都不工作。对于劳动力短缺来说,唯一一个有意义且不同于技能短缺的测量方式,是持续的低失业率。但失业率的变化也在很大程度上取决于劳动力参与率的变化。







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