
 2022-12-12 17:16:44

Discussion on building column decoration design

Jiao aixin About the author: Jiao love the new, male, undergraduate, Master of Engineering, College lecturers, engineers, Huanggang Polytechnic University,

Research: Building Decoration Engineering Technology

Abstract: building column it is important in our building interior decorative parts, it is largely in the form of decorative showed the diversity and richness. Through the shape of the design can reflect the beauty of design objects, people can be communicated from the super visual and aesthetic sense, the construction of large and small column, thin and thick, straight and curved, high and low, wide and narrow, etc. state modeling aspects of composition is called shape! In our traditional concept of building columns decoration shape abstract form. In building design decorative pillar shape, the current focus is beautiful, the specific form master form using points, lines, surfaces, and the like three-dimensional abstract column. At the same time, building pillar shape is good or bad will directly affect the overall interior space aesthetic effect. This paper mainly for indoor architectural and decorative style column design method for simple discussions, combined with the relationship between interior design and interior architecture column space atmosphere required for analysis.

Keywords: architecture column; Decorative Art; Interior; Design


Interior architecture building interior when the column is an important decorative element of interior space among. Its structure and interior of the building has not only played a supporting role, but it also decorated the entire interior space to play a certain decorative effect. In ancient times, especially those massive palaces and nobility of the place of residence, this building columns in the interior decoration modeling techniques and the use of the above design method is very perfect. From the Spring and Autumn Period, business began to develop and flourish, construction has also been very big development progress, especially Qin and Han dynasties, from the ancient building construction reached a climax of history. We can see from the video, a lot of columns in the palace style and decorate stunning eye-catching. Architectural columns that period are basically circular, then the gradual emergence of a square building column. Visible China in this regard has been developed for thousands of years, but modern architecture and ancient buildings is a big difference, so the building columns and organizational structure is not the same. This article on how to reflect the beauty of art Architecture Interior decoration pillar shape to simple analysis.

A building column shape

(A) building column graphic

We all know that the shape of the surface it is building column decoration is an important factor, it can be a direct reflection of building showing columns manifestations and forms. Building column graphic here refers to building a cross-sectional shape of the column. We were divided into: square, circle, polygon, etc., we usually building the most common is a square column, more common in hospitals, schools, commercial buildings and so on building, where people like to live and also some large square building warehouse column 'as some piers and towers between the basic circular building column, circular column curve is a screenshot of it using a circular building columns architectural columns give us a visual appearance of visible and invisible, said first interconnected, so it looks at consciousness and gives a beautiful, soft abstract shape because round their own characteristics, so the center of the cylindrical column is symmetrical, there is no direction, no matter from any one perspective are the same, so in some indoor space for irregular circular building can use this column, so you can not rule the interior space of the look is not so irregular. square building column axis is symmetrical, it the cross-section is connected to the respective straight lines, giving a sense of fortitude. square building columns certainly different circular building column 'its orientation is very obvious, from different angles to observe a great variety of different visual sense. So, in a very regular and symmetrical building interior architectural columns can be used to decorate the square, it is our common reason most commonly seen in a variety of architectural building square pillars. Polygonal building columns learned geometry will know that the more the number of sides of the polygon, as a whole tend to be more circular. However, the polygon is constituted by a straight line. It is between the square and circular columns, polygonal shape some of the features of both a circular square have some of the features. It is with respect to the circular directional, it is compared to the square pillar on the space will seem more flexible.

(Ii) the shape of the building pillars Space

Here we are talking about a building column space modeling, we can from its two aspects are discussed. Unique aesthetic form itself has designed the building column and its own styling rules. Another aspect is the architectural columns and it is located in the space itself, the relationship between the building columns can make the overall atmosphere within the space of a more coordinated, while construction will post because the overall atmosphere of space and even more beautiful. Sometimes we will see, in a building interior, architecture Column feel very small, like weight and space is not proportional, gives a psychological and visual stimulation effect is particularly evident. And sometimes we will see, the building interior building columns too thick, gives a heavy feeling, at the same time make people feel not enough space visually smooth.

Second, building columns decoration design modeling

(A) in the shape o




作者简介: 焦爱新 ,男,大学本科,工程硕士,高校讲师,工程师,黄冈职业技术学院,研究方向: 建筑装饰工程技术

摘 要: 建筑立柱它是我们的建筑室内中重要的装饰部件,它的装饰的形式很大程度上表现出了多样性和丰富性。通过对造型的设计可以体现出设计对象的美,可以让人从超强视觉感官中进行传达和审美,建筑立柱的大与小、薄与厚、直与曲、高和低、宽和窄等方面组成的造型的状态被叫做形态!在我们传统的概念中,建筑立柱的装饰造型是抽象的形态。在建筑立柱装饰造型的设计方面,目前重点是美观,具体掌握运用点、线、面、体等形态和抽象的立体立柱的形态。同时,建筑立柱造型的好与坏直接会影响到室内整体的空间美观效果。本文主要针对室内的建筑立柱的造型和装饰的设计方法来进行简单的讨论,并结合室内建筑立柱设计和室内空间氛围需要的关系进行分析。

关键词: 建筑立柱; 装饰造型; 室内; 设计方法




( 一 ) 建筑立柱的平面造型

我们都知道,面它是建筑立柱造型装饰中的一个重要因素,它的呈现可以直接反映出建筑立柱的表现形式和形态。建筑立柱的平面造型在这里就是指建筑立柱的截面形态。我们可以分别分为: 正方形、 圆形、多边形等、我们平时的建筑最常见的就是正方形立柱,多见于医院、学校、商业大楼等等建筑,像人们居住的地方和一些大型的仓库也是正方形建筑立柱'像一些桥墩和高塔等基本采用圆形的建筑立柱。建筑立柱有形无形的给我们一种视觉上的美观,先说圆形的建筑立柱,圆形的立柱它的截图就是曲线之间的相互连接,所以看上去给人一种在意识上和抽象上优美、柔和的形态。因为圆形的本身特性,所以圆柱立柱是中心对称的,没有任何的方向性,无论从任何一个角度看都是一样的,因此在一些室内空间比较不规则的建筑内可以采用这种圆形立柱,这样可以把本就不规则的室内空间看上去不是那么不规则。正方形建筑立柱也是轴对称的,它的截面就是各条直线的连接,给人一种刚毅的感觉。正方形的建筑立柱肯定不同于圆形的建筑立柱'它的方向性非常明显,从不同的角度来进行观察可以得到各种不一样的视觉感觉。所以,在非常规则和对称的建筑室内可以采用正方形的建筑立柱来装饰,就也是我们平常在各种建筑最常见到正方形建筑立柱的原因。多边形的建筑立柱学过几何的都知道,多边形的边数越多,整体就越趋向于圆形。但是,多边形也是由直线来构成的。它是介于正方形和圆形立柱之间,多边形既有圆形的一些特征形态又有正方形的一些特点。它相对于圆形具有方向性,它相比较于正方形立柱在空间上就会显得更灵活一些。

(二) 建筑立柱的空间造型



( 一 ) 在建筑立柱原本的造型基础上,对其造型进行适当合理的元素添加,按照设计方法进行设计。也就是说在立柱造型元素的基础上添加元素到立柱体上的应用。但是,需要添加的新造型的元素是立足于主体是否需要的前提上,是需要什么样的元素就进行设计添加,并不是什么元素都可以进行添加。具体怎样添加最合理,这就需要根据设计的思维和看待问题的角度来决定了。多增加对这方面的学习和思维上的锻炼,有利于提高设计人员对设计方法的掌握,更好地得到科学合理的运用。

( 二 ) 第二点恰恰和第一点相反,就是造型元素的减法设计在建筑立柱设计当中的应用。其基础理论就是,在一个固定的建筑立柱体上,不是添加而是减去其中的一个元素或者减去一部分元素使其达到一个新的造型。但是,对建筑立柱造型的减法设计要比对建筑立柱的加法设计上要求更高一些,思维方式要更全面。也许会遇到这一类问题,就是当你在设计造型的时候,思维思路受阻,想不到你认为合理科学的设计方法。所以,任何事物都不是绝对的,在这里可以采用逆向减法的思维方法,同时多注重对这方面的培养训练。也就是说在对建筑立柱进行加法设计的基础上来进行减法设计,加上一部分看哪里不合理#不美观,可以从


( 三 ) 特异化的造型方法在建筑立柱柱体上的设计应用!。特异化rsquo;一词,顾名思义,那就是与众不同,非常奇异。这种特异化造型的设计在对建筑室内装饰上的设计确实是一种比较鲜明的方法,这种设计方法可以设计出个性化极强的和其他普通立柱柱体完全不同的建筑立柱造型。就是对立柱造型进行设计装饰的风格和它所处的空间内的整体装饰风格截然不同,给人视觉上以极大的冲击力,对比效果明显,就是让人们从视觉上感知上去两种截然不同的装饰风格在一个共同的空间内,更能突出建筑立柱柱体的美和空间整体美。同时在立柱柱体色彩的装饰上,也要运用这种“特异化”的设计方法,给人一种lsquo;万绿丛中一点红rsquo;的脑海写照。

( 四 ) 第四点也就是在前面介绍建筑立柱的空间造型中所说的一些问题。比如建筑立柱过于细小或者过于粗大的问题。想这些情况下,建筑立柱看上去都不是那么美观,而且和室内整体空间氛围不协调。但是,可以采用这些方法: 对那些细小的立柱可以在其柱体上利用横向线条,给人的视觉上营造一个敦实的视觉效果,也可以在其柱体上面进行装饰; 对那些粗大的立柱,可以在其柱体上添加竖向的线条,这样看起来立柱显得纤细许多。以上这两个问题也说明了以后在选择立柱材料的时候,应选择表面光滑平整亮泽且看上去质感较粗的装饰材料。


综上所述,设计人员在设计建筑立柱装饰造型时,需要有灵活睿智的思维创新能力。敢于面对在设计过程中遇到的困难问题,并不断改进自己的设计方法,丛中得到学习和进步。本篇文章就是重点对这方面的装饰造型的设计进行了有针对性的探讨,发现了我们在设计方法上经常出现的一些问题!( 作者单位: 黄冈职业技术学院)


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