题 目:从We-medie到I-media:虚拟世界中的身份转换(节选)外文翻译资料

 2022-12-22 17:40:14

From We-media to i-media: identity transFormations in the Virtual World

Alexandr G. Asmolov

Lomonosov Moscow State University


Gregory A. Asmolov

George Washington University Washington DC (USA)

From mask to personal identity

in the Internet. Identity and social networks

The user-generated journalism was gaining momentum by far not only by the efforts of offline journalists. Very soon people who notified on some news or other emerged in the blogosphere, not being employ- ees of traditional media organizations. Who were those people? Failed journalists? Idealists who wanted to change the society and tell the truth to the world? Apologists of Dan Gillmorrsquo;s ideas like “Media Are Us”? In our opinion, the key to the understanding of their personalities is the motivational analysis of the journalistsrsquo; behaviour that we have analyzed above (Asmolov, 1996). However, in order to understand this affirma- tion, we need, in the first place, to consider the process of personality presentation evolution in the framework of the Internet.

Those of us who were Internet users before the dawn of this century

remember such a communication tool as the Inter Relay Chat (IRC). When using such chat programs or dwelling in chat rooms, most of the participants of Internet communication did not use their real names back then. We were changing masks; we were playing not just with our names, but also with age, sex, discovering new boundaries of our virtual ego. As soon as in the mid-nineties the first major research works on the transformation of the human personality in the virtual world were pub- lished. Thus, for instance, Sherry Turkle spoke about the “multiplicity” and “instability” of the representation of the human ego in the virtual communication environment in her famous book “Life on the Screen” (Turkle, 1995). In 2000 Mark Poster published his article “CyberDemoc-racy: Internet and the Public Sphere”1, where the researcher introduced the notion of “mobile identity” (Poster, 1995). He affirmed that the de- parture from the physical space completely changes the rules of political game, as the notion of sovereignty belongs in exclusivity to the world of the stable and the corporeal.

Another system of relationships, of the emergence of which M. Post- er spoke about, was indeed starting to form in the virtual space, acquir- ing features of a new hierarchies system. The netocracy – such name was given to this reality (or, rather, yet to the idea about it) by A. Bard and

J. Souml;derqvist in their book with the same name (Bard, and Souml;derqvist, 2002). By developing the popular idea of informational revolution, the authors described a reality where information is capital and the owners of such information, those who take over the crossroads of informa- tional flows, become “informational tycoons”.

However, the networks world does not tolerate mobile identities. The accuracy and value of information depends, to many extents, on the ability to identify the source. In other words, the importance of a network node is in many ways determined by the stability of the virtual personality and by its status and reputation. In other words, the networks world contravenes the logic of Bakhtinrsquo;s carnival (Bakhtin, 1979), as the carnival is a form of disdain to the value of the information. As we know, the information is al- ways problematic when its source is masked, and when the source starts changing masks, the value of the information is swiftly reduced to zero.

Thus, we can presume that starting with the early 21st century, the development of the Netocracy, i.e. of the society where the status is de- termined by the position in the net, has led to the Internet becoming a platform for the restoration of the identity stability. Taking account of the chaos of identities and of the culture of mobility preceding this period, it was not so easy to find and determine onersquo;s stable Ego. A stable identity in the virtual world was emerging gradually, as if feeling about itself in the unsteady space devoid of any concreteness, from the chats where the identity was changing with every access, to the messenger programs (like, for instance, ICQ), where, at first, it was a custom to use made-up names – “nicknames”, however, the nickname remained stable from access to ac- cess to the virtual space. The emergence of blogs also started with a very tangible presence of pages, the holders of which were anonymous, despitethe constant bond between the blog content to a specific nickname. Simul- taneously, a practice of double life, the so-called blog virtuals – emerged, where a person had two blogs, one where his or her identity was known, and the other where he or she was masked. However, in time the flirt with onersquo;s own anonymity was becoming less and less fashionable and interest- ing. The readers were looking for real heroes, albeit in a virtual space. The formation of the identity was visible in the e-mail addresses as well. If in the first years of the Internet the real names in the e-mail addresses were a very rare phenomenon, today the formula “name-dot-surname” became one of the most popular and widely spread.

However, a decisive moment in the formation of identity in the Internet became the emergence of platforms for social networks, be it LinkedIn, Facebook, or the Russian Odnoklassniki.ru or Vkontakte.ru. The idea of social network is initially built on the need to present onersquo;s own real identity, or, more precisely, of the personal identity, in the net- work. If you present yourself under a made-up name, you will have very few chances to expand the network i.e. to help your friends find you or confirm your request to include them in your network. Thus, the net- works world became a total antipode to the Bakhtinrsquo;s carnival that


题 目:从We-medie到I-media:虚拟世界中的身份转换(节选)

作 者:亚历山大·阿斯莫洛夫,格雷戈里·A·阿斯莫洛夫

来 源:《Psychology in Russia State of Art》, 2009 , 1 (2)



我们这些在本世纪开始前就有互联网用户的人记住这样一个通讯工具,即InterRelayChat(IRC)。当使用这些聊天程序或住在聊天室时,大多数网络交流的参与者当时并没有使用他们的真实姓名。我们改变的面具;我们玩的不仅仅是我们的名字,还包括年龄、性别、发现我们虚拟自我的新界限。早在90年代中期,第一个主要的RES 研究了虚拟世界中人的人格转化问题。例如,Sherry Turkle在她著名的著作《荧屏上的生活》(Turkle, 1995)中谈到了人类自我在虚拟交流环境中的“多重性”和“不稳定性”。2000年,Mark Poster发表了他的文章“cyberdemoc-: Internet and the Public Sphere”,研究人员介绍了“mobile identity”的概念(Poster, 1995)。他断言,脱离物质空间完全改变了政治游戏规则,因为主权的概念属于“稳定”和“物质世界”的排他性。

另一种关系系统,即M.Per-Per-Er的出现,确实开始在虚拟空间中形成,具有新的层次系统的特征。“网际网路”——这个名字出现在A. Bard和J. Souml;derqvist他们的同名著作中(Bard, and Soderqvist, 2002)。通过发展信息革命的流行理念,作者描述了一个信息是资本的现实,信息的所有者,那些接管信息流动的十字路口的人,成为“信息大亨”。

然而,网络世界不允许移动身份。信息的准确性和价值在很大程度上取决于识别来源的能力。换句话说,网络节点的重要性在许多方面取决于虚拟人格的稳定性以及它的地位和声誉。换句话说,网络世界违反了巴赫金狂欢节(Bakhtin, 1979)的逻辑,因为狂欢节是对信息价值的一种蔑视。正如我们所知道的,当消息源被掩盖时,信息是有问题的,当消息源开始更换面具时,信息的价值会迅速降低为零。

因此,我们可以假定,从21世纪初开始,社会的发展,即由社会地位被网络地位终结的社会,已经导致互联网成为恢复身份稳定的平台。考虑到这一时期之前的身份混乱和流动文化,很难找到并确定一个人的稳定的自我。稳定的身份在虚拟世界中逐渐出现,好像感觉本身不稳定的空间没有任何具体性,从聊天的身份改变每一个访问,信使项目(例如,ICQ),首先,这是一个自定义使用的名称——“昵称”,然而, 这个昵称仍然是稳定的。博客的出现也是从页面的存在开始的,这些页面的持有者是匿名的,他们认为博客内容与一个特定的昵称之间的联系是固定的。同时,一种双重生活的实践,也就是所谓的博客虚拟者--出现了,一个人有两个博客,一个知道他或她的身份,另一个被蒙蔽。然而,随着时间的推移,与自己不愿透露姓名的人调情变得越来越不时尚和有趣了。读者们在寻找真正的英雄,尽管是在虚拟的空间里,在电子邮件地址中也可以看到身份的形成。如果在互联网的最初几年里,电子邮件地址的真实姓名是一个非常罕见的现象,那么今天的公式“名-姓”成为最受欢迎和广泛传播的一种。





在由L.S.Vy- gotsky、A.N. Leontiev和A.R. Luria所创造的文化活动心理学的背景下,日记也许是超越人类良知界限的“人格之船”角色的最佳人选之一。在日记类型中,个人的感觉,“对我的意义”战胜了没有意义的意义,“对所有人的意义”(Leontiev, 1975)。日记是一种特殊的“自动通讯”,当我对自己说。日记作为与自己的对话,是建立在类似于内部语言的法律的基础上(维果斯基,1982)。换句话说,日记不仅是人格表达自身的平台,也是动态发展的平台。日记作为内部演讲的一种表现形式,反映出最大的动机性,即“良心的秘密计划”(维果茨基,1982年),“良心的复调”,被如此生动地描述。





博客“内容危机”的问题曾被记者Valeriy Panyushkin在《Ve- domosti》杂志上的一篇臭名昭著的专栏文章中描述过,这篇文章的标题是:“人们,我读了你的日记:你是一个讨厌的人和失败者”。据推测,在某种程度上,这篇专栏是Panyushkin是一种挑衅。但这是对其虚拟反思中人格危机的一种相当准确的描述:“LiveJournal的普通用户可能无法发布一次DES的爆发。 在他或她的日记里写了好几年,只是包含了一些半心半意的牢骚。多年来没有爆发过愤怒,只是抱怨而已。多年来,没有一篇充满快乐和快乐的帖子,只有一些小小的成功:找到一份新工作,买了一件新衣服。多年来——没有同情别人,除了自己。没有人同情别人哭的程度,也没有同情自己。多年来没有任何消息:博客们愿意在日记中发布各种文章的链接,但他们没有看到任何事件或他们身边的人——自我。”(Amzin, 2008)换句话说,根据V. Panyushkin的说法,博客圈受到共同良知疾病的影响。但在社交网络发展的背景下,这不仅仅是虚拟人格的空虚。这是虚拟prem在社交网络发展中的缺失。你可以提出一个合理的反对意见:“喜欢个性,喜欢思考”。但在线下空间,这种空虚得到了补偿,被肤浅和社会角色所掩盖。而在虚拟日记世界中,它是通过个人意义的翻译而呈现出来的。




然而,还有另一种资源,根据著名的心理学家K. Lewin的说法,它将获得一种“刺激的na-ture”,它将具有积极的吸引力(Bard, 2002)。这样的资源是日常生活中丰富的事件。换句话说,一个人的虚拟人格的创造和对它的兴趣的激发是有可能的,在现实世界中,在这个人格的周围发生的事件。例如,在这种情况下,那些在事发频发的地方工作的人(警察、急救医生、消防员)能够毫无畏惧地讲述他们的故事。并能够讲述他们不担心失去工作(因为它发生在飞行衰减器-次煤是保持一个博客和讲故事对她的工作),真是太幸运了。一个说明性的例子是在莫斯科地铁工作的一个民兵组织的实时日志。这样的博客也可以由议会的代表保留,尽管在这种情况下,这不仅是个人空间,也是政治宣传的工具。尽管如此,这并不违反游戏的惯例规则。毕竟,政治家是在公共空间每天都在塑造自己个性的人。然而,考虑到以上诸多原因,对“职业生活”事件“个人内容”的叙述,在许多职业中是相当有限的。



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