Research of the Calendar Effects in Stock Returns
Virgilijus Sakalauskas and Dalia Kriksciuniene
Department of Informatics, Vilnius University, Muitines 8, 44280 Kaunas, Lithuania
Abstract. In this article we investigate the problem of detection of the statistically significant dependences of stock trading return, which occur in particular days of the month and which could be important for creating profitable investment strategies. This problem is formulated as two hypotheses, stating that the stock trading return of the last five days of the month is greater than the average total monthly return, and the return generated over the first half of the month is significantly larger than that of the second half. By using the advanced methods of statistical analysis we researched the indications of these calendar effects for 24 stocks of the Vilnius stock exchange. The investigation did not fully confirm any of the hypotheses, but found out strong relation of risk level to the researched periods of the month. We explored the dependency of this effect to the volatility and volume of the traded stocks. The research results revealed that stocks of small and moderate volume have high volatility on the last days of the month, and the stocks of high volume have high volatility on the first part of month.
Keywords: calendar effect, F-test, mean return, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, stock market.
1 Introduction
The profitablity of the financial markets is one of the most complicated scientific problems, which attract the attention of numerous researchers. The two main research directions include technical and fundamental analysis. The methods of technical analysis investigate influence of historical prices deviation and price shape regularity [1]. The supporters of the fundamental analysis concentrate attention to development of the financial indicators, which could evaluate stock price changes, and reveal the underlying reasons of the stock price fluctuations [2].
Any of these approaches can be given priority by their forecasting results, achieved by numerous researchers. The observed phenomena of price dynamics or their anomalies can be explained only by the integrative application of both methods.
One group of such phenomena is based of exploring various calendar effects,which could be employed for modelling profitable investment strategies and reducing risk of investment.
The biggest attention of the researchers is aimed at the influence of the day-of-theweek anomaly. Most researchers state that on Mondays mean returns are lower, contrarily to Fridays, when the bigger returns are more likely, comparing to the otherdays of the week. [3-13].
By analysing the mean return anomalies related to the monthly periods, researchers have notified several anomalies: the January effect, distinguished by the largest stock returns as compared to the returns of the other months; the turn-of-the-month effect, where the average return of the last days of the month is greater than the average total monthly return; the intramonth effect with the significantly larger mean return of the first half of a month than the mean return of the second half [14-17].
A great variety of the statistical analysis techniques have been employed by numerous researchers in order to detect such anomalies, and to use them for profitable investment strategies. The most prevalent of them are traditional statistical investigation methods, such as t-test, ANOVA, regression analysis or some advanced methods on influence of higher moments of mean return distribution [8-11]. In recent years the methods of discriminant analysis and artificial neural networks were applied for the identification of calendar anomalies [3,4].
A number of scientific papers [10,18-20] have disclosed that from 1990s calendar effect has faded away. Yet this tendency was not supported by the results obtained of the research of the young emerging stock markets with less available historical data and bigger fluctuations of the financial indicators. Aggarwal and Rivoli [21] studied four Asian emerging stock markets (Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea, Taiwan) and found that the day-of-the-week effect existed in all four markets. The extensive study of 21 emerging stock markets by Syed A. Basher and Perry Sadorsky [13], could not confirm the effect for all the markets, but most of them exhibited strong day-of-theweek effects even for the research model with the conditional market risk included. In [3] the research by the authors revealed that in the Vilnius Stock Exchange only approximately 30% of stocks are influenced by the day of the week effect.
In this work we examine the influence of turn-of-the-month and intramonth effects for the stocks traded in the Vilnius Stock Exchange [22], by analysing Index and return data of 24 most actively traded equities from the time interval 2003-01-01 to 2008-01-14. The computational methods include traditional statistical analysis, based on research of differences of mean return and standard deviation, calculated for the corresponding parts of the month, and the methods based on analysis of the higher moments. The following three main research tasks were aimed:
bull; to reveal the presence of turn-of-the-month and intramonth effects
for various stocks traded in the Vilnius stock exchange,
bull; to analyse whether the strength of effect depends on daily turnover
of the security and
bull; to investigate influence of the higher moments to the mean return
distribution on this effect.
In the next section the organization of research data set is presented, and the investigation methodology is defined. Then in section 3 the research results of the application of traditional analysis methods, such as t-test, one-way ANOVA, Levene and Bro
Virgilijus Sakalauskas and Dalia Kriksciuniene
信息学院,维尔纽斯大学, Muitines 8, 44280 考纳斯,立陶宛
许多科学论文从1990年代开始就揭示了这日历效应已经逐渐消失。然而,这一趋势并没有得到研究结果的支持,由于对新兴股票市场的研究较少且可用的历史金融指标数据波动较大。Aggarwal和Rivoli研究了四个亚洲新兴股市(香港、新加坡、韩国、台湾)并发现,这四个市场都存在“周内效应”。Syed A. Basher和Perry Sadorsky对21个新兴市场股票市场进行了广泛的研究,并不能证实对所有市场的影响,但即使在包含条件市场风险的研究模型中,大多数市场也表现出了很强的周日历效应。根据笔者的研究,在维尔纽斯证券交易所,只有大约30%的股票受星期效应的影响。
下一节将介绍研究数据集的组织,并定义调查方法。然后在第三部分研究结果中,应用传统的分析方法,如t检验、单因素方差分析、Levene等分析方差齐性检验。本节还涵盖非参数统计的应用结果。在第四节,通过使用KolmogorovSmirnov和Mann-Whitney U.的测试来评估月末和月内效应。
实证研究的数据来源于维尔纽斯证券交易所,它是纳斯达克OMX集团旗下的交易所(NASDAQ OMX)。位于塔林、里加和维尔纽斯的纳斯达克OMX证券交易所的股价则进一步上涨为贯彻波罗的海市场的核心理念,尽可能将其最小化。波罗的海三国市场之间的差异,促进了跨境贸易的发展,吸引了更多到本地区的投资。维尔纽斯证券交易所属于小型新兴证券市场,它是由其主要的金融表现指标衡量:市值70亿欧元,股票交易价值近200万欧元,每个工作日的交易数量约为600笔,总股本列表由44股组成。
股票信息时间序列的数据清理程序包括在节假日或周末。删除非交易记录以及交易数量为零的交易日。处理数据后,取平均值,每只股票的每日交易记录约为1100份,因此可以确保获得重要发现所必需的实验数据。对矿业数据和计算,我们使用了统计和MS EXCEL软件[23]。
我们的目标是检验月末效应和月内效应是否对股票的盈利能力和波动性有影响,以及这些影响是否与股票交易量相关,通过观察群体效应的发生,由不同交易量的股票组成。股票交易量的差异非常明显,因为股票LEL和KBL的日成交量高达15000 LTL(1欧元=3.45 LTL)
应用t检验进行初步分析,检验月初效应和月内效应对日平均收益率的影响。已经表明的结果显示在表1中,只有一个很小值之间的差异意味着平均回报, t检验对于24支股票的数据集和研究结果没有表示任何显著。只有一只股票(ZMP)被标记为有可能受月初效应的影响,其显著性水平p=0.0125。此时应通过Shapiro-Wilk W检验来验证该可能性是否正常。
为了验证所得结果的有效性,对不同组间方差相等(同质)这一重要要求进行了检验。在本研究中,我们使用了两种最强大且最常用的测试来探索这一假设:Levene测试和Brown-Forsythe修正测试。后者对组中值的偏差进行分析,而不是像Levene test中那样对均值进行分析。Levene检验和BrownForsythe检验的结果是等价的:对于所有的变量,均质性假设不能被拒绝。
运用两种非参数检验方法,探讨了月初效应和月末效应对投资平均收益的影响。如果两个样本来自同一群体,则使用KolmogorovSmirnov检验来验证该假设。采用Mann-Whitney U检验对两种样品的定位特性进行了研究。Kolmogorov-Smirnov检验一般用于检验较高阶矩对分布的影响,它对两个样本分布的一般形状的差异(表现为色散、偏度、峰度等方面的差异)比较敏感。
因此,我们可以拒绝只有那些特定股票的平均回报分布相等的假设。这些股票的主要特点是成交量很低。采用Mann-Whitney U检验对两个样本(均值、平均秩)的位置特征进行探究,得到了相同股票的显著结果。
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