
 2022-12-27 16:15:36

Teacherslsquo; Awareness of Second Language Learning Strategies Adopted and Used by Their Students: A Questionnaire

Ahmed Qadoury Abed

Translation Department, College of Arts,

Al-Mustansiriyah University,Iraq

Abstract:The present study investigates Iraqi university-level teachersrsquo; awareness of these strategies adopted and used by their students in leaning a second language. A questionnaire is administered to twenty-seven teachers in five department regarding English as their major knowledge. Definitions, importance classifications and teaching second language learning strategies are dealt with. The study shows that these teachers are aware that their students are able to adopt and use a number of these strategies more proficiently than others .Aware and unaware strategies can be regarded as points of strength and weakness, respectively, if a strategy-based instruction is applied inside the classroom. Iraqi university-teachers are aware of these strategies used and adopted by their students inside the classroom. Meta-cognitive strategies are more adopted and used by students; therefore the less problematic one .Whereas Affective strategies are more problematic than other types of strategies. English academic majors, i.e., linguistics, literature, and translation proved to be effective in students use of strategies.

Index Terms:second language learning strategies, Iraqi EFL learners, SILL


There has been a great shift within the field of language learning and teaching over the last decades with a lot of emphasis put on learners and learning rather than on teachers and teaching. This change has been reflected in various ways in language education and applied linguistics: in parallel to this new shift of interest, how learners process new information, what kinds of strategies they use to understand, learn, or remember the information has been the primary concern of researchers tackling the area of second language learning strategies (abbreviated as SLLSs). Researchers in the field of language and linguistics used a number of definitions. On early research, Tarone (1983) presented the following definition of language strategy (abbreviated as LS) as an ―attempt to develop linguistic and sociolinguistic competence in the target language—to incorporate to the development of the language system which the learner constructs and affect learning directly(p. 87). While Weinstein amp; Mayer (1986) considered these strategies broadly as ―behaviours and thoughts that a learner engages in during learning“which are ―intended to influence the learnerlsquo;s encoding process”(p.351). Later, Mayer (1988) more specifically believed that LS are ―behaviours of a learner that are intended to influence how the learner processes information(p. 11). According to Wenden amp; Rubin (1987, p. 19), LSs are “hellip; any sets of operations, steps, plans, routines used by the learner to facilitate the obtaining, storage, retrieval, and use of information”. In their seminal study, Olsquo;Malley and Chamot (1990, p. 1) adopted the following definition of LS as ―the special thoughts or behaviours that individuals use to help them comprehend, learn, or retain new information. According to Stern (1992, p. 261), ―the concept of learning strategy is dependent on the assumption that learners consciously engage in activities to achieve certain goals and learning strategies can be regarded as broadly conceived intentional directions and learning techniques.All language learners use SLLSs either consciously or unconsciously when processing new information and performing tasks in the language classroom. Since the classroom is like a problem-solving environment in which language learners are likely to encounter new input and difficult tasks given by their instructors, learnerslsquo; attempts to find the fastest or easiest way to do what is required, that is, using SLLSs is impossible to avoid. Finally, building on the work in her outstanding book for teachers Language Learning Strategies: What Every Teacher Should Know (1990), and affirmed in (1993, p. 18), Rebecca Oxford gives a specific definition: hellip;language learning strategies—(are) specific actions, behaviours, steps, or techniques that students (often intentionally) use to improve their progress in developing L2 skills. These strategies can facilitate the internalization, storage, retrieval, or use of the new language Strategies are tools for the self-directed involvement necessary for developing communicative ability. We may note a change over time from these definitions: from the early focus on the product of SLLSs (linguistic or sociolinguistic competence), there is now a larger emphasis on the processes and the characteristics of SLLSs. At the same time, we should note that SLLSs are distinct from learning styles, which refer more broadly to a learnerlsquo;s ―natural, habitual, and preferred way(s) of absorbing, processing, and retaining new information and skills(Reid, 1995, p. viii). Although there appears to be an obvious relationship between onelsquo;s language learning style and his or her usual or preferred language learning strategies. This paper provides the background of SLLSs, presents different definitions and classifications of these strategies given by many researchers. It also emphasizes the importance of SLLSs for foreign language learning and teaching. A questionnaire will be done to present a clear portrait of these SLLSs held by Iraqi students of English indirectly by asking their teachers to answer the questionnaire paper. A statistical analysis and discussion of the results are also done.


The Communicative Approach in language teaching starts from a theory of language as communication. The key goal of language teaching is to develop what Hymes (1972) referred to as communicative competence in the target language. These strategies can help learners develop this competence. A numb







  1. 引言


在语言和语言学领域的研究人员使用了一些定义。在早期研究中,Tarone(1983)提出了以下的定义语言策略(简称LS)作为一个―试图发展语言学和社会语言学能力的目标语言融入到语言系统学习者构建和影响学习直接(第87页)的发展。而韦恩斯坦和Mayer(1986)认为这些策略大致为―行为和思想,学习者在学习是―旨在影响学习者的编码过程中(p.351)。后来,梅耶(1988)更具体地相信,LS―行为学习者,目的是影响学习者如何处理信息(第11页)。 根据威登和鲁宾(1987,P.19)LSs是“...学习者使用的任何操作、步骤、计划、例程,以方便获取、存储、检索和使用信息。” 在他们的开创性研究,

奥马利与查莫特(1990年,第1页)采用以下定义LSs是“个人用以帮助他们理解、学习或保留新信息的特殊想法或行为。”根据斯特恩(1992, p. 261),



我们可以注意到一个随时间变化的定义:在SLLSs产品早期的焦点(语言或社会语言学能力),现在有一个更大的重点放在过程和SLLSs特点。在同一时间,我们应该注意到,SLLSs是不同的学习风格,这是更广泛的学习者的―自然,习惯性的,首选方式的吸收、处理和保留新的信息和技能。(瑞德,1995,第八章) 。


  1. SLLSs的重要性

语言教学中的交际教学法是从语言的交际理论入手。语言教学的主要目标是开发,海姆斯(1972)称为目标语言交际能力。这些策略可以帮助学习者培养这种能力。一批作品出现在目标语言交际策略(简称TL)后,卡纳尔和斯温的(1994)有影响的文章公认的交际策略的重要性,作为战略的一个关键方面(因此交际)能力。然而交际和SLLSs之间存在着本质性的区别。交际策略是有意者和有意识地使用的交际策略,以应付TL中的沟通困难(库克,2001,p.211-224)。这项“语言学习策略”的使用更普遍的策略,在学习目标语/外语学习者语言使用和交际策略,因此只是一种类型的SLLSs 。因此,理解是非常重要的SLLSs所有外语教师的目标就是帮助他们发展学生的交际能力和语言学习。正如牛津(1990,p.1)指出,SLLSs”hellip;是语言学习尤其重要,因为他们是工具,积极、主动的参与,这对于培养交际能力是很重要的。”莱萨德克劳斯顿(1997年,第3页)指出,SLLSs添加到学生交际能力的发展。被国外的概念,用参考各种策略使用的外语学习者在学习和交际策略的TL是一种学习策略。




  1. SLLSs的分类


  1. 奥马利等人的分类(1985)

奥马利等人(1985, p.582-84)将SLLSs分成三个主要类别:




  1. 元认知策略


  1. 认知策略


  1. 社会情感策略







  1. 学习策略


  1. 认知学习策略,指学习或解决问题的步骤或操作,需要直接分析、转换或学习材料的合成。鲁宾确定了六个主要的认知策略直接导致语言学习:
  2. .澄清/确认
  3. .演绎推理
  4. .猜测/归纳推理
  5. .实践
  6. .记忆
  7. .监控


  1. 交际策略

交际策略与语言学习的关系不多,因为他们的注意力集中在参与对话的过程中,并通过或澄清说话者的意图。他们所使用的扬声器时遇到了一些困难,因为他们的通讯端逃脱他们的通信手段或面对误解的有限扬声器(见埃利斯,2005,p. 167-170)。

  1. 社会策略




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