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健康科学教育进展(2019)24:943–957 https ::: doi.orgg10.10077s10459-019-09945-x



Woei Hung1 ·戴安娜(Diana H. J. M. Dolmans)2·杰罗恩(Jeroen J. G. vanMerrieuml;nboer)2


copy;斯普林格自然B.V. 2019


在过去的50年中,原始的McMaster PBL模型已经实现、试验、修订和修改,并且仍在不断发展。然而,PBL的发展并不是一系列成功的故事,而是一系列实验、失败和经验教训的旅程。在本文中,我们分析了从1992年到现在的PBL的荟萃分析和系统性综述,因为它们提供了过去5年中PBL研究的重点。我们确定了PBL研究发展中的三大浪潮,分析了它们对PBL研究和实践的影响,并提出了研究空白和该领域的未来方向的建议。 PBL的第一波研究(两极分化:1990年至2000年中期)着眼于回答“ PBL是否有效?”这一问题和结果。结果是矛盾的。研究人员采取了两极分化的立场,并在整个浪潮中就PBL的优点进行了辩论。然而,矛盾的结果和辩论实际上促使研究人员更加努力地寻找解决难题的新方向。这些努力导致了第二波浪潮(从成果到过程:2000年中至2010年年中),重点是“ PBL如何工作?”这一问题。 PBL的第二波研究旨在调查实施组成部分的影响,例如评估格式或单一或课程范围的实施。 PBL研究的第三次浪潮(专业化:2010年中及以后)聚焦于“ PBL如何在不同的特定情况下发挥作用?”这些研究通过扩大我们对PBL如何在不同背景下表现出来的理解,拓宽了我们的视野。考虑到PBL的多样性和更多的PBL混合模式,我们认为“为什么具有特定结果的特定实现特征的PBL在实施的情况下为何有效?”将成为下一波PBL研究中要回答的问题。


Woei Hung


1 美国北达科他大学教育,健康与行为研究系教学设计与技术计划

2 荷兰马斯特里赫特马斯特里赫特大学卫生,医学与生命科学学院卫生职业教育学院(SHE)


五十多年前,约翰·埃文斯(John Evans)制定了新医学院课程的目标清单。这些目标最终成为McMaster的基于问题的学习(PBL)医学教育课程的骨架(Servant-Miklos等。2019),旨在缓解毕业生无法应用所学知识的长期问题(巴罗1996;巴罗和坦布林1980;施密特1983),及对医疗环境的身体、社交和情感需求准备不足的问题。麦克马斯特(McMaster)实施PBL几年后,这种教学方法被带到了欧洲,马斯特里赫特(Maastricht)模型由此诞生。在过去的50年中,PBL已遍及世界各地的许多不同学科和各个层次(Hung和Loyens2012).


PBL被认为是历史上最具创新性的教学法之一,并且可能已经广泛传播,但是它并不完美。原始的McMaster PBL模型已经经过反复试验和修改。例如,从Howard Barrows的PBL模型,Maastricht模型,Singapore模型或Aalborg模型(Wijnia等。2019)。然而,PBL的发展并不是一系列成功的故事。相反,它是一个实验、失败和经验教训的旅程。成功有助于增进我们对这个领域的理解,但失败和挣扎也是如此。例如,导师的素质和培训问题(Leary等。2013)或小组动态和处理问(Fonteijn和Dolmans2019)仍需要解决方案。



  • 在过去的50年中,什么概念性观点主导了PBL评审?
  • 我们可以发现哪些差距,以及哪些研究议程可以弥补这些差距并帮助我们前进?




在PsycInfo,MEDLINE Complete,Health Source:NursinggAcademic Edition,ERIC,EBSCO MegaFILE,CHIAHL Complete和Academic Search Premier的数据库中进行了搜索,出版日期范围为1980–2019年。该搜索使用基于问题的学习,PBL,面向问题的学习,POL,基于问题的方法,基于问题的学习程序,PBLP,元分析和系统评价的关键字,产生了1415个匹配。应用了全文,同行评审,学术期刊和参考文献的其他过滤器,文章数量减少到156条。然后,我们对标题和摘要进行了首次初步扫描,以确定文章的性质,并确定了56种相关的荟萃分析,系统综述或文献综述。所有56篇文章都经过了全面审查。


这篇评论中使用的纳入标准要求纳入的文章必须:(1)研究学习情境符合先前给出的PBL定义的研究; (2)进行荟萃分析或文献综述,(3)研究PBL的作用或结果,(4)已发表。该评价中包括的研究包括定量或定性的系统分析。




1 PBL研究发展的三波浪潮的时间表




我们审查的一些元研究表明,PBL可以有效地提高学生的临床知识、技能和动机(例如Albanese和Mitchell1993; Kalaian等。1999;诺曼和施密特1992;弗农和布雷克1993),而其他人则发现PBL并不能提高学生的一般问题解决能力(Norman和Schmidt1992),否则无法兑现诺言(即应用知识、临床推理能力、自主学习能力、协作能力)(伯克森)1993)。从1990年代一直到2000年代,关于PBL和传统教学法优点的两极看法一直持续。例如,Kalaian,Mullan和Kasim的荟萃分析(1999)报告了PBL对学生标准化临床科学指标(NBME II)的积极影响,但对基础科学指标(NBME I),Dochy,Segers,Van den Bossche和Gijbels的荟萃分析(2003)发现PBL对于提高学生的技能发展和保持能力有效影响程度较低,并且Colliver的系统文献综述(2000)得出结论,PBL对学生的表现没有积极影响。

尽管一些早期的荟萃分析显示,PBL后知识保留得更好,但这些研究中测得的保留时间相对较短。为了观察PBL的长期影响,Koh等人(2008)回顾了13项研究,这些研究测量了PBL对毕业后(1-23年)医生能力的长期影响。这些作者发现,PBL在培养学生的社交和专业能力方面非常有效,包括应对不确定性、沟通技巧、自主学习、团队合作、对医疗保健的社会、情感、法律和道德方面的欣赏以及对个人态度的理解、健康和福祉。因此,他们的发现强化了弗农和布雷克(1993)和施密特等人 (2009)的荟萃分析。


第一波荟萃分析的两极分化结果令PBL研究人员感到困惑。然而,更多的研究发现解释了这一问题。 Kalaian等人(1999)在他们的荟萃分析中注意到,实施PBL的多年经验是PBL积极效果的重要预测指标。 Dochy等人(2003)也观察到根据用于测试的检索策略与PBL学生在知识获取和应用方面的表现之间的认知需求之间的正相关性,这后来启发Gijbels等人的(Advances in Health Sciences Education (2019) 24:943–957 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10459-019-09945-x

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A review to identify key perspectives in PBL meta‑analyses and reviews: trends, gaps and future research directions

Woei Hung1 · Diana H. J. M. Dolmans2 · Jeroen J. G. van Merrieuml;nboer2

Received: 23 June 2019 / Accepted: 14 November 2019 / Published online: 25 November 2019

copy; Springer Nature B.V. 2019


In the past 50 years, the original McMaster PBL model has been implemented, experi- mented, revised, and modified, and is still evolving. Yet, the development of PBL is not a series of success stories, but rather a journey of experiments, failures and lessons learned. In this paper, we analyzed the meta-analyses and systematic reviews on PBL from 1992 to present as they provide a focused lens on the PBL research in the past 5 decades. We identified three major waves in the PBL research development, analyzed their impact on PBL research and practice, and offered suggestions of research gaps and future directions for the field. The first wave of PBL research (polarization: 1990–mid 2000) focused on answering the question “Does PBL work?” and the outcomes. The results were conflicting. The researchers took polarizing positions and debated over the merits of PBL throughout this wave. However, the contradictory results and the debates in fact pushed the researchers to look harder for new directions to solve the puzzle. These efforts resulted in the second wave (from outcomes to process: mid 2000–mid 2010) that focused on the question “How does PBL work?” The second wave of PBL research targeted at investigating the effects of implementation constituents, such as assessment formats or single versus curriculum wide implementations. The third wave (specialization: mid 2010 and onward) of PBL research focused on “How does PBL work in different specific contexts?” These research widened our perspectives by expanding our understanding of how PBL manifests itself in different contexts. Given the diversification of PBL and more hybrid PBL models, we suggest “Why does PBL with particular implementation characteristics for specific outcomes work or not work in the condition where it is implemented?” to be the question to answer in the next wave of PBL research.

Keywords Problem-based learning · Narrative review · Reflection · Meta-analyses · Systematic reviews · Trends and future directions

 Woei Hung woei.hung@und.edu

1 Instructional Design and Technology Program, Department of Education, Health and Behavior Studies, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, USA

2 School of Health Professions Education (SHE), Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands


More than 50 years ago, John Evans created a list of objectives for a new medical school curriculum. These objectives eventually became the backbone of McMasterrsquo;s Problem- based Learning (PBL) medical education curriculum (Servant-Miklos et al. 2019), meant to alleviate longstanding issues with graduates being unable to apply what they have learned (Barrows 1996; Barrows and Tamblyn 1980; Schmidt 1983) and being underpre- pared for the physical, social, and emotional demands of healthcare environments. A few years after McMasterrsquo;s implementation of PBL, this pedagogical approach was brought to Europe, and thence the Maastricht model was born. Over the past 50 years, PBL has spread across the world in many different disciplines and at all levels of education (Hung and Loy- ens 2012).

In contrast with traditional lecture-based instructional conventions, PBL utilizes prob- lem-driven instruction, self-directed learning, and small-group learning to structure stu- dentsrsquo; study of subjects. It shifts learning from memorizing abstract factual knowledge to developing knowledge that can be applied; from passively receiving knowledge to actively seeking knowledge; and from individually building personal understanding alone to collab- oratively constructing socially shared knowledge with others. Thus, PBL is meant to equip students with an integrated set of knowledge, skills, and attitudes to become independent problem solvers and better knowledge seekers, effective team players, and lifelong learners. PBL is deemed as one of the most innovative pedagogies in history and may have prolif- erated widely, but it is not perfect. The original McMaster PBL model has been iteratively trialed and modified. For example, from Howard Barrowsrsquo; PBL model, to the Maastricht model, to the Singapore model, or to the Aalborg model (Wijnia et al. 2019). Yet the devel- opment of PBL is not a series of success stories; it is instead a journey of experiments, failures, and lessons learned. Successes help advance our understanding of a field, but so do failures and struggles. For instance, tutor quality and training issues (Leary et al. 2013)

or group dynamic and processing issues (Fonteijn and Dolmans 2019) still need solutions. Since its first implementation in the 1970s, many studies have been conducted—includ-

ing several reviews and meta-analyses—to understand PBL and solve various known issues. Now, at its 50-year anniversary, it is appropriate to stop and reflect on what con- ceptual paradigm shifts have taken place, what lessons we can learn from past iterations, and how they can inform future research. In this paper, we synthesize meta-analyses and systematic reviews of PBL research over the past 50 years, identify gaps in our current understanding of PBL, and suggest future directions for the field.




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