
 2022-12-29 12:03:16








在中国,“空巢家庭”指的是独居或与配偶生活在一起的老人。孩子们离开了家,就像鸟儿从巢中飞走一样,老人被留在家里,孤独地,没有他们的孩子的照顾。目前,我国“空巢老人家庭”约占老年家庭的25%,北京“空巢老人家庭”的比例已超过35% (Xie,Zhang, Peng, Jiao, 2009)。据估计,到2030年,我国老年空巢家庭的比例将达到90%,而我国所有老年家庭都将成为“空巢家庭”(Xie et al., 2009)。特别是在农村地区,随着城市化进程的加快,经济发展的不平衡,农村剩余劳动力流向大城市(刘国,2007;刘,孙,张,郭,2007),空巢家庭的数量越来越多,并且呈上升趋势(刘国,2008)。空巢老人作为弱势群体,存在着与老年相关的健康问题、功能不可逆转的下降、缺乏照顾和治疗疾病的资源等问题。此外,空巢老人必须努力应对孤独和抑郁等心理社会问题:所谓的“空巢综合症”(berg, 1986;皮莱,1988)。所有这些心理、社会和身体上的限制都可能增加他们对整体护理的需要,包括对个人环境的关注和得到家人和朋友的支持。我们假设,如果空巢老人得到更好的支持和照顾,这些消极的社会心理后果可能会得到预防或至少减少。很明显,空巢老人的社会和医疗问题在不久的将来将成为一个关键问题。其他国家的研究人员对空巢老人的心理状态相关变量进行了大量的研究(Dennerstein, Dudley, Guthrie, 2002;雅各布森,Deykin Klerma





时间。与会者的匿名性和保密性得到保证。家庭关系。该测量包括五个家庭功能参数:适应性、伙伴关系、成长、情感和决心(首字母缩写“APGAR”由feach参数的第一个字母组成)。反应选项被设计用来描述对每个参数感到满意的频率,范围为3分制,从0(几乎从不)到2(几乎总是)。分数越高表明家庭功能越好。中文版本的APGAR在中国被广泛使用,具有令人满意的效度和信度(Lv, Zeng, Liu, Zhong, Zhan, 1999)。在本研究中,APGAR的alpha系数为0.89。


孤独感已经成为一个社会问题,研究对象包括住院病人、囚犯、住院部和养老院的居民(Francis, 1981)、大学生(Jones, Hobbs, Hockenbury, 1982);马洪,1982;惠勒,赖斯,内兹莱克,1983),失明退伍军人(埃文斯,维尔霍文,福克斯,1982)和住院垂死病人(扎克,1985)。尤其是老年人,孤独往往被视为一个严重的问题(Jakobsson Hallberg, 2005;Paul, Ayis, Ebrahim, 2006;罗塔萨洛,萨维奇科,蒂尔维斯,斯特兰德伯格,皮特卡拉,2006)。芬兰的一项基于人口的研究发现,超过三分之一的老年人(39.4%)遭受孤独(Routasalo et al., 2006)。这一情况得到了本研究结果的有力支持,研究结果显示,80.94%的空巢老人存在中度至高度的孤独感。本研究中孤独感的标准化得分较高。空巢老人孤独感的平均得分甚至高于癌症患者的研究结果(36.4)(Perry, 1990)。社会支持是关系的自然产物,表现出一定的性质或涉及一定类型的互动,是维持老年人健康的重要因素之一(Kuhirunyaratn, Pongpanich, Somrongthong, Love, Chapman, 2007)。Chan and Rance(2005)的研究结果表明,朋友和亲戚构成了社交网络的主导部分,往往是老年人的重要支持来源。研究结果表明,孤独感与社会支持呈负相关。这与Liu和Guo(2007)对中国空巢老人的研究一致。在农村地区,由于村民的善良和天真,他们对社会支持的主观要求较少。此外,由于缺乏社会支持体系,目前我国农村不可能实现直接的物质支持。因此,我们应该采取直接的财政援助和社会信用。

家庭是老年人的重要赡养来源,尤其是在中国,老年人的文化强调家庭制度和集体主义。我们的研究揭示了孤独感与家庭功能之间的负相关关系。空巢老人的家庭适应能力、情感和解决能力越强,孤独感得分越低。这一结果与Franks (Franks, Campbell, Shields, 1992)的观察结果相反,在Franks的观察中,更多的家庭参与与更高的心理压力有关;这并不奇怪。中国家庭倾向于对他们的家庭成员和亲戚负责——这一习俗通常与许多西方国家不同。此外,本研究参与者的个性可能是增强他们家庭功能的一个有益因素。作为农村农民,他们表现出朴素、淳朴、诚实、勤劳的行为,在与家庭成员的交往中表现出自信,在与家庭成员的交往中表现出积极的互动与合作。





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Correlation between loneliness and social relationship among empty nest elderly in Anhui rural area, China

Zhen-Qiang Wu, Liang Sun, Ye-Huan Sun*, Xiu-Jun Zhang, Fang-biao Tao and Guang-Hui Cui

Department of Epidemiology and Statistics, School of Public Health, Anhui Medical University, Hefei 230032, China (Received 15 April 2009; final version received 30 July 2009)

Objective: To study the possible associations between loneliness and social relationship (social support and family function) in Chinese empty nest elderly.

Methods: A sample of 1144 empty nest elderly were surveyed using the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)-Loneliness Scale, the Social Support Rate Scale and the Family Adaptability, Partnership, Growth, Affection and Resolve (APGAR) Index.

Results: The present study revealed that the majority (80.94%) of empty nest elderly had moderate to high levels of loneliness, with a mean score of 42.84 and a standardized score of 53.55. The level of loneliness was significantly different in subjectsrsquo; age, marital status and income, but not in sex and education level. Social support and family function were significant negatively associated with loneliness. Multiple regression revealed that less social support and poor family function were associated with more loneliness.

Conclusions: Loneliness prevails among empty nest elderly. It may limit empty nest elderlyrsquo;s ability or access to social relationship. These findings support the hypothesis that if empty nest elderly are better supported and cared for, their negative psychosocial consequences might be prevented or at least reduced.

Keywords: loneliness; social support; family function; empty nest elderly; China


In China, an empty nest family is one with an elderly person living alone or with his or her spouse. The children have left home like birds flying away from the nest, and the elderly are left behind lonely and without the care of their children. At present, the lsquo;empty nest elderly familyrsquo; in China account for almost 25% of elderly households, and the proportion of lsquo;empty nest elderly familyrsquo; in Beijing has been over 35% (Xie,Zhang, Peng, amp; Jiao, 2009). It is estimated that the proportion of empty nest elderly households will reach 90% by 2030, while all our elderly families will be lsquo;of the empty nestrsquo; (Xie et al., 2009). Particularly in rural areas, with the accelerated process of urbanization, the imbalance of economic development, and the flow of rural surplus labor to big cities (Liu amp; Guo, 2007; Liu, Sun, Zhang, amp; Guo, 2007), the number of empty nest families is more and on the rise (Liu amp; Guo, 2008). As a vulnerable population, the empty nest elderly experience problems associated with old age, including health problems, irreversible decrease in function capacity, and lack of resources to care for and treat their illness. In addition, the empty nest elderly have to strive to cope with psychosocial problems such as loneliness and depression: the so-called lsquo;empty nest syndromersquo; (Fahrenberg, 1986; Pillay, 1988). All of these psychosocial and physical limitations can increase their need for holistic care, including attention to the personrsquo;s environment and receiving support from family and friends. We hypothesize that if the empty nest elderly are better supported and cared for, these negative psychosocial consequences might be prevented or at least reduced. It is obvious that the social and medical problems of the empty nest elderly will become a critical issue in the near future. Researchers in other countries have conducted a considerable number of studies on the variables related to the psychological status of the empty nest elderly (Dennerstein, Dudley, amp; Guthrie, 2002; Deykin, Jacobson, Klerman, amp; Solomon, 1966; Fahrenberg, 1986; Lowenthal amp; Chiriboga, 1972; Pillay, 1988). However, few studies have focused on the association between loneliness and social relationship (social support and family functioning) among the empty nest elderly. The purpose of this study was to examine the loneliness of the empty nest elderly and to investigate the relationships between loneliness and demographic characteristics, social support and family functioning.

Materials and methods

Procedures and participants

Participants were recruited from 12 villages in Quan Jiao County, Anhui Province. Eligibility criteria were: (1) residing in one of the 12 villages; (2) being aged 60 or older; (3) willing to provide oral informed consent; (4) not living with any of their children together; and (5) having no diagnosed psychiatric disorder. A total of 1144 people who met the eligibility riteria were all informed about the study and invited to participate, and all expressed agreement to partici- pate. All people were interviewed by researchers who then wrote the answers in the questionnaire on their behalf. It took about 30 minutes to complete the questionnaire for each subject.

Permission to conduct this study was obtained from Anhui Medical Universityrsquo;s ethical committee, and verbal consent was obtained from each partici- pant. All the empty nest elderly were informed of the purpose of the research. Participants were assured of their right of refusal to participate or to withdraw from the study at any

time. Anonymity and confidentiality of participants were assured. family relationships. The measure consists of five parameters of family functioning: Adaptability, Partnership, Growth, Affection, and Resolve (Theacronym lsquo;APGARrsquo; is composed of the first letter ofeach parameter). The response options were designed to describe frequency of feeling satisfied with each parameter on a 3-point scale ranging



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