
 2022-12-31 13:00:05






原文作者 XiaohongTan;YuHe

单位 School of Foreign Languages Xinhua College of SunYat-Sen University




























Abstract—With the increasingly prominent diversification of consumer demands, a single sale channel via either traditional retail stores or e-commerce cannot meet consumers desires for touch and instant gratification, good shopping experience as well. Driven by new technologies, the concept of New Retail was introduced in 2016 integrating online and offline resources to accurately grasp customer needs and better serve consumers, it ultimately cushion the slowdown in the growth of Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods. For many clothing retailers, the rapid development of online e-commerce has boosted their sales, but then has greatly impacted sales performance of their physical stores. However, the past three successive years from 2016 to 2018 have witnessed UNIQLOs great success of being clothing sales champion in TMALL. As a foreign brand, it continues to expand in China even as the clothing industry slows down year by year, with more brands closing stores sharply. Therefore, this paper attempts to analyze how UNIQLO applies the New Retail marketing modes in China to accurately meet the needs of consumers, maximizing shopping


4th International Conference on Economy, Judicature, Administration and Humanitarian Projects (JAHP 2019)

Research on Marketing Modes of New Retail Based on 4C Principles: a Case Study of UNIQLO

Xiaohong Tan

School of Foreign Languages Xinhua College of Sun Yat-Sen University

Guangzhou, China

Yu He*

School of Foreign Languages Xinhua College of Sun Yat-Sen University

Guangzhou, China

*Corresponding Author

Abstract—With the increasingly prominent diversification of consumer demands, a single sale channel via either traditional retail stores or e-commerce cannot meet consumers desires for touch and instant gratification, good shopping experience as well. Driven by new technologies, the concept of New Retail was introduced in 2016 integrating online and offline resources to accurately grasp customer needs and better serve consumers, it ultimately cushion the slowdown in the growth of Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods. For many clothing retailers, the rapid development of online e-commerce has boosted their sales, but then has greatly impacted sales performance of their physical stores. However, the past three successive years from 2016 to 2018 have witnessed UNIQLOs great success of being clothing sales champion in TMALL. As a foreign brand, it continues to expand in China even as the clothing industry slows down year by year, with more brands closing stores sharply. Therefore, this paper attempts to analyze how UNIQLO applies the New Retail marketing modes in China to accurately meet the needs of consumers, maximizing shopping experience based on the 4C principles.

Keywords—New Retail; 4C principles; marketing; UNIQLO


In 2016, Jack Ma, chairman of Alibaba Group for the first time mentioned that New Retail came from the deep combination of online and offline logistics with the help of big data, cloud computing and other innovative technologies. Soon afterwards, Zhao Shumei [1] defines New Retail from the perspective of marketing theory as all activities that enterprises apply advanced Internet thoughts and technologies, use the latest concepts and thinking as the guidance, improve and innovate traditional retail methods, and sell goods and services to final consumers as well. Yan Zhanghua and Liu Lei [2] argue that the connotation of New Retail is to obtain comprehensive data and improve retail efficiency from the perspective of consumers experience through online and offline integration. Wang Baoyi [3] holds the opinion that New Retail is a comprehensive retail format that better meets the multi-dimensional needs of shopping, entertainment and social activities of consumers with omni- channel and pan-retail forms in the era of data-driven and the consumption upgrade.

According to the above studies, these can be seen that not a few scholars agree that New Retail is empowered by big data and new technologies with the characteristic of online and offline integration, in order to better meet the increasingly complex and diversified needs of consumers, and helps suppliers to match flexibility and enlarge scale customization, so as to realize the efficient operation of the entire industry which reshapes a 'people-centric' business model.

The past three years have witnessed the application of New Retail concept into retail industries such as supermarkets, food, home furnishing, and clothing, etc. In the USA, for instance, international retail giant Amazon launches revolutionary offline physical store named 'Amazon Go' with its shopping philosophy of 'Just Walk Out' and 'No Checkout'. It perfectly integrates cloud computing and big data into the New Retail, attaches importance to customer experience, connects different shopping scenarios, and takes the lead in entering the New Retail era. In China, Alibabas Hema Fresh which reconstructs the offline supermarket and develops different online and offline combined business modules, such as fresh food, food, take-out and supermarket. By taking advantage of cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, Internet of things and other advanced technologies, its online traffic and offline products will be combined to provide consumers with offline experience, online ordering, rapid delivery and the most relaxed shopping experience in the least time.

With the rapid development of e-commerce, the development situation of brick-and-mortar retail enterprises becomes grim. The wave of store closings continued in 2015 and Chinas traditional clothing industry was greatly affected. Statistics show that the clothing industry closed nearly 10,000 stores in 2015 [4]. However, UNIQLO has ranked the first in sales volume in TMALL double eleventh for three successive years, accounted for 25% of the Chinese clothing market in 2018 [5]. As an early pioneer of getting in touch with the concept New Retail among clothing brands, it has explored New Retail marketing modes and achieved certain results, maintaining an annual expansion rate of about 80 stores in China. Therefore, taking UNIQLO as an example to study the New Retail marketing mode conforms to the needs

Copyright copy; 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.

of the development of the times and has positive significance to improve the competitiveness of the clothing brand as well.

How does UNIQLOs New Retail marketing work? This paper is to analyze the performance of the marketing strategy based on the 4C principle, and try to explore the advanced experience and inspirations of UNIQLOrsquo;s New Retail marketing modes for Chinas clothing brands.


New Retail is a combination of e-commerce, physical retail and logistics, paying more attention to the application of cloud computing, big data and other high new technologies to improve the efficiency of sales and proc



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