专家和学生对泰勒级数收敛的数学结构的概念图 之间的差异外文翻译资料

 2023-01-01 19:22:21





作者:Jason Martin

国籍:United States

出处:Educational Studies in Mathematics 82:267-283,2013


Sfard将结构性概念描述为“就像物件一样的实体”来表达数学概念,而操作概念则描述为将数学概念看作是作用于先前建立的对象的计算过程(1992, p. 60)。对于Sfard而言,当将过程视为对象时,会通过具体化的行为从操作构想过渡到结构构想,因此过程可以在新构造的对象上执行,而该对象最终可以从产生它的过程中分离出来。通过动态语言把极限看作过程的概念,可以将极限概念与不可到达的概念联系在一起,例如0.不能等于1,因为将9串联起来以获得0.9、0.99、0.999等的过程永远不会真正结束(Davis amp; Vinner, 1986; Williams, 1991)。幸运的是,可以将求极限的过程简化为一个对象,从而可以获得数列的极限,例如{0.9,0.99,0.999,hellip;}。

Sfard(1992)还观察到,学生的概念既不能具有清晰的可操作性,也不能具有清晰的结构性。而这种在操作上具有部分学,在结构上具有不完全性的概念,称之为伪概念。当知识与“先前开发的概念体系”分离时,使用这种知识的学生推理就是伪结构的(Sfard amp; Linchevski, 1994, 第117页)。伪结构推理的症状包括:将公式和符号视为没有任何意义的东西,在图形与代数公式之间几乎没有联系,甚至在适当的时候不能灵活地使用适当的结构解释。(Sfard, 1991, 1992; Sfard amp; Linchevski,1994)。Zandieh(2000)指出“一个伪结构的概念可以被认为是一个没有内部结构的物体” (第107页)。Zandieh还声称,一个人使用伪结构概念进行推理的思维不应该被视为消极的,因为一个更完整的概念可能是可用的,即使它现在没有被唤起。此外,不参考完整的结构可能会帮助个人通过不关注太多细节从而更有效地进行推理(Martin amp; Oehrtman, 2010)。

根据现阶段情况研究结果显示,学生将学习泰勒级数收敛的基本数学结构并对其进行操作,例如项,多项式,中心和误差。Kidron(2002,2004)还有Kidron和Zehavi(2002)描述了一个明确设计来支持学生在代数表示和使用CAS(计算机代数系统)创建的泰勒多项式的动态视觉图像之间建立联系的教学实验。学生注意到诸如“近似多项式的阶数越高,f(x)和多项式重合的间隔越大”之类的东西(Kidron, 2004, 第318页),而且随着“误差减小”近似值变得“更理想”(Kidron amp; Zehavi, 2002, 第220页)。而且,基隆的方法旨在帮助学生在这种情况下优化限制过程,而不是着眼于“添加术语”(Kidron, 2002, 第210页)。泰勒多项式的运算过程对某些学生来说是一个无穷级数,因为他们协调了收敛的代数和动态图形来表示,也进行了类似的尝试以支持剩余量的调整。尽管可以从摘录中看到其他过程/对象概念,但并未很好地探索与泰勒级数收敛的其他组件相关的过程/对象概念。

学生不能画图表进一步支持了这样的结论,即学生对学术和泰勒多项式的概念理解可能大多是公式化的。因此,像动态部分和图像这样的图像可能更像一个经常使用的算法,而不是一个对收敛有深刻理解的指标。这与FerriniMundy amp; Graham(1994)的发现是一致的,学习微积分的同学未能将图形和代数表示在其他极限的情况下联系起来。此外,动态部分和图像还提出了极限的过程视图,这可能会导致极限无法得到的情况。(Davis amp; Vinner, 1986; Kidron, 2002; Williams, 1991),这可以解释为什么没有给出Kidron动态图的学生即使给定了生成函数的图也无法绘制泰勒级数图。


考虑到当专家在解决校对任务时如何转换为使用剩余图像时,无论他们以前使用的是什么图像,他们将注意力集中在适当的问题特征上的能力得到进一步的支持。相比之下,大多数学生并没有像专家组那样系统化地推理。个别学生在多个任务中专注于特定的结构图像,并以专家没有的方式使用这些图像。例如,学生使用特定的x作为证明策略的一部分。图像的特殊变化,例如“全部”部分和的数列,也显示出学生群体缺乏系统性。此外,所观察到的调和数列与它在收敛性方面的含义之间的脱节表明了与理论的缺乏联系,这有可能促进学生将学术学概念作为问卷中选择最多的图像之一。所有这些发现均与先前的专家/初学者的文献一致(e.g., Carlson amp; Bloom, 2005; Hiebert amp; Carpenter, 1992; Lester, 1994)。

学生对动态部分和的大量使用,特别是x(在访谈中)的高使用频率,以及对结构图像的长期使用率(在问卷中)表明,学生对这些结构的使用感到舒适,就像使用“表面水平”特征一样(Chi et al., 1981; Kozma amp; Russel, 1997)。这些泰勒级数收敛的图像可以被看作是“表面水平”,因为它们所引用的对象、自变量和项在任何扩展的泰勒级数公式中都很容易得到。




Differences between expertsrsquo; and studentsrsquo; conceptual images of the mathematical structure of Taylor series convergence

Jason Martin

Published online: 9 September 2012

# Springer Science Business Media B.V. 2012

Sfard described structural conceptions as conceiving mathematical notions “as if they referred to object-like entities” and operational conceptions as conceiving mathematical notions as computational processes acting on previously established objects (1992, p. 60). For Sfard, the transition from operational to structural conceptions occurs through reification when a process becomes viewed as an object, and hence, processes can be performed on the newly structured object, which can eventually be detached from the process that produced it. The notion of limit conceived as process is embodied in dynamic language and can be associated with ideas of unreachableness, such as 0. cannot equal 1 because the process of concatenating 9rsquo;s to get 0.9, 0.99, 0.999, etc. can never really end (Davis amp; Vinner, 1986; Williams, 1991). Fortunately, the process of taking a limit can be reified into an object, and the limit of a sequence, like {0.9, 0.99,0.999,hellip;}, can be obtained.

Sfard (1992) also observed that studentsrsquo; conceptions can be neither clearly operational nor clearly structural but both partial in operation and incomplete in structure, calling such conceptions pseudostructural. When knowledge is detached from a “previously developed system of concepts,” student reasoning using such knowledge is pseudostructural (Sfard amp; Linchevski, 1994, p. 117). Symptoms of pseudostructural reasoning include regarding formulas and symbols as things that do not stand for anything else, making little to no connection between graphs and algebraic formula, and being inflexible in utilizing the appropriate structural interpretationat the proper time (Sfard, 1991, 1992; Sfardamp; Linchevski,1994). Zandieh (2000) claimed that “a pseudostructural conception may be thought of as an object with no internal structure” (p. 107). Zandieh went on to purport that the thinking of a person reasoning using a pseudostructural conception should not be viewed as negative because a more complete conception may be available even though it was not currently evoked. Furthermore, not referring to the full structure may help an individual to reason more efficiently by not having to attend to so much detail (Martin amp; Oehrtman, 2010).

Studies suggest that depending on the problem situation, students will attend to and operate with different elements of the underlying mathematical structure of Taylor series convergence, such as terms, polynomials, the center, and errors. Kidron (2002, 2004) and Kidron and Zehavi (2002) describe a teaching experiment explicitly designed to support students in making connections between algebraic representations and dynamic visual images of Taylor polynomials created using a CAS (Computer Algebra System). Students noticed things such as “


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