
 2023-01-03 12:34:05





儿童的游戏构成了一种最好的社会制度。例如,孩子们玩的打弹子游戏就包括一个非常复杂的规则系统,即有它本身的一套法则,一种裁判规程。心理学家有责任去热悉这个普通法则的事例,并去发现这个事例背后所内含的道德意义。所以只有这种心理学家才能够从他掌握这些规则的细节时所经历到的困难去估计这些内容异常亭富的规则。如果我们想要理解儿道德,显然我们必须要从分析这事实入手。一切的道德郁是一个包括有许多规则的系统,而一切道德的实质就在于个人学会去遵守这些规圳。康德的反省分析,涂尔干( Durkheim)的社会学和博维( Bovet)的个人心理学都符合这个论点.当它们要解释人是怎样在思想上学会遵宁这些规则时,这学说便开始发生分歧了。至于我们的工作,我们将在儿童心理学的领域內分祈这个“怎样”学会遵守这些规则的。现在儿童学会遵守的大多数的规则是他从成人那里接受来的,这就是说,他是在这些规则巳经充分完备之后才接受它们的。而这些规则的精细制定往往并不是和儿童有关联的,也不是因为儿童需要这些规则,而是早期成人世世代代连续不断的活动结果。

相反,在最筒单的社会游戏的事例中,我们所见到的规则是由儿童们单独制定的。至于这些游戏的内客是否具有道德意义,这是无关紧要的。我们作为心理学家则不应采取成入道德的观点而必须采取儿童道德的观点。现在打弹子游戏的规则,正象所谓道德觋实一样,乃是一代一代传下来的,并由于个人遵守这些规则而被保存了下来。唯一的差别就是,在这个事例中的关系只是存在于儿童之间的关系。年长的儿童逐断训练开始游戏的年幼儿童尊重法则;而且这些小孩内心总是要追求人类尊严特有的一种美德,正确地利用游戏的惯例。年长的儿童则有权改变这些规则。如果这不是 “道德”,那么道德是从哪开始的呢?至少它是从遵守规则开始的,而对于这个问题的探讨,正象我们的探讨一样,最好是从研究有关这种规程的事实开始。当然,关于打弹子游戏的现象还不是人类最原始的现象。在儿童和他的伙伴游玩之前,他要受到他父母的影响。从他的嬰儿时期起,他就要遵守许多规则,甚至在他会说话以前他就意识到有一定的义务。我们以后可以见到,这种情景甚至会不可否认地影响游戏规则的制定。但是在制定游戏规则方面,成人的干涉无论如何最终减少到最低限度了。所以我们在这里所遇到的现实,如果不是最基本的、至少也应该是最自发的和量有教益的。












一个弹球在纳尔称为“ un marbre”,在日内瓦称为m coe11u”或“ un tapis',不同的弹球有不同的价值。水泥弹球价值最高。还有小一点的'泥球”,这是用容易破烈的泥土做成的,它的价值较低,因为它比较便宜。一种用来弹击而不是放在四方形里面的弹球,按照它们的坚固性,被称为“ cota”(如果它是玉的),'ago'或“ag-athe”“ cassine”(带彩色花纹的玻璃球),' plomb(含铅的大弹球)等等,每一个这样的弹球值若干一般的弹球或若干“ corron”。掷一粒弹球叫做“射击”,自己的弹球触及另一弹球就叫散“击中了,于是他们就有了一套习惯用语。例如,有一种奉献仪式的用语,这种表达方式是游戏者用来宣称:他将进行某种某样的活动,因而这种表达方式就是象举行仪式一样地把这宣告作为一个既成事实提出来(奉献出来)。因为当游戏者只说出这种话来、他的对方就无权反对他的决定了,然而如果对方抢先使用一种禁令仪式的语言,他也将同样阻止他的伙伴进行他所害怕的那种行为。例如,为了在一种可能的条件下首先打弹子,儿童就说“ premed”(在纳沙特尔)

显然这是'prmier”(“首先”)一字的讹用。如果他想退回到所有的游戏者在第一轮时出发那条线上去(这条线韵为“ coche”),那么他就只用说一声'“cache”:如果他想前进或后退两倍的距离,他就说:两“ coches”;如果他想前进或后最一、二、三三指宽的距离,他就说:“一个(两个或三个)empa1s〔指宽)”。如果他想使他自已站在某一个地点〔这个地点同他在某一刻所站立的地点与四方形的距离相等,但方向实际相反,以便遥免对方的可能的攻击),他就说:“ du mine”(“我的”);如杲他想阻止对方这样做,他就说:“ du tien'(“你约”)。这是纳沙尔的用语。在日内瓦,表达这些活动的用话是“iireune entasse'或“ endorse'(即“扭转”)。如果你放弃你轮到的一次击球机会,等到对手弹过之后再弹,你就说:coup passe”(“我放弃我的一轮”)。一旦在一种受整套法规系练审值规定的条件下讲出这类用语时,对方就必服从。但是如果对方想先走一步,他提出禁令式的用语就够了。在纳沙特尔,只要在对方用语的前面加上一个前瘢“fan'(即“禁止”的意思)就行了。例如,“fan-du-mien”,“fan-du- tien”;“fan- coche”,“fan-coup- passe”等等。有些儿童不懂这个前级,因为在他们所听到的言语中没有同这个前缀相对应的词汇,他们就说:“du-tien”,“ femme- couche'等等。还有两个特別具有启发性的奉献用语,我们应该注意。这两个用语在日内瓦的小孩中很流行它们是“ elaine”和“ tommie”两字。当一个游戏者把一个其有很高价值的弹球放进面上的四方形中而以为他是放进了一个一般的弹球时(例如:放进了--个“ago'而不是“ coello”),如果他发现了他的错误而拾起他的”ago',用一个一般的弹球子替代它,这自然是允许的。只有那种不老实的对手才会利用他的伙伴的这种粗心大意而在他击中之后,把这粒值钱的“ago”收藏到他自已的口袋里去。关于这个问题,我们所询向的所有儿童一致都认为这种行为等于偷窃。但是,在另一方面,如果这个对手及时指出他的伙伴的错误并且说“tommie”这个用语,或者(重复一下这个的最后一个音节)说:' toumikemik',那么这个粗心大意的同伴就不再有权收回他的“ago”,他必须把这粒弹球留在地上,像一粒普通的“coeillu”一样,如果有任何一个游戏者成功地击中了它,他就完全公正地有权占有这粒好的弹球。这个十分有趣的例子使我们看到了一个表达错误的用语因而把一个不老实的行为变成了一个合法的并成为大家所承认的行为。在这里我们第一次看到了一个关于形式主义的例子,而这和形式主义是儿童道德的某一些方面;我们在后面将联系客观责任的问题比较深入地探讨这种形式主义的性质。

同样,“glaine”这个用语使得在某些明确规定的条件之下从事的掠夺行为成为合法的行为。当某一游戏者或者由于他的运气或者由于他的技巧而成功地战胜了他的所有同伴,羸得了所有同伴的弹球,他就符了最高的荣誉,正象社会学家所谓“得到了一大笔款子”(pot1atch),在这种情况之下他应该重新再来一盘,而且他应该拿出一些弹球来放在四方形里面,让那些运气不好的游伴有机会重新得到他们输掉的一部分弹球,如果他拒绝这样,,当然也没有法规强迫他云做;他赢了,游戏就结束了。虽然如此:如果游戏者中有一人喊出“ elaine”这个词,那么整个这一群人便都扑到这个吝啬鬼身上,把他推倒在地,掏空了他的口袋,瓜分了这种战利品。这种掠夺行为在正常时候是完全违背道德的〔因为羸球者所得到弹子乃是他的合法所得),而现在当“elaine”这个字一旦喊出时,这种抢夺行为就变成了为大众良心所赞同的一种合法行为了,乃至成为一种具有报应性的公正行为了。

在纳沙特尔,我们既没有见到“glaine”,也没有见到“nike”,不过,我们却见到了“cougar”,当一个游戏者嬴得太多时〔如我们刚才所描述的那种情境),他的失败了的对于可以通过讲“cougac”这个词来强迫他再打一盘“cougar”这个同大概来源于“coup- ge gne”一语,即“打嬴了”的意思,正象“proms”来源于“premier”,即“首先”的意思)。如果胜利者想躲避这个可怕用语赋加在他身上的那种义务,他只要抢先说一声“fan- corsac”。



首先,摆好阵势。由一个游戏者在地上画一个四方形,然后每一个人在这个四方形内放上的一粒弹球,如果是两个儿童玩弹球,每一个人就放下二粒、三粒或四粒球。如是三个人玩,每人便放下两颗弹球。如果是四个或四个以上的人玩,一般习惯就每人放一颗弹球。主要的是要相等,即大家放下的弹球数目要一样。但是为了求得平等,那就必须考虑到各弹球的相对价值。一粒普通的弹球,你必须放下八粒颗小的“corna”。一颗小的“corna”值八个 “marb”,值十六个“corrons”,如是等等。价值是经过审慎核定的,它大体符合路口小商店的出售价格。但是随着正确的财政运算,在儿童之间也进行按种类的交换,这种按种类的互相交换对于流行的市价有着明显的改变。




The Moral Judgent of the child




childrens games constitute the most admirable social institutions. The game of marbles, for instance,as played by boys, contains an extremely complex system of rules, that is to say, a code of laws, a jurisprudence of its own. Only the psychologist, whose profession obliges him to become familiar with this instance of common law, and to get at the implicit morality underlying it, is in a position to estimate the extraordinary wealth of these rules by the difficulty he experiences in mastering their details.

If we wish to gain any understanding of child morality, it is obviously with the analysis of such facts as that we must begin. Al morality consists in a system of rules, and the essence of all morality is to be sought for in the respect which the individual acquires for these rules. The reflective analysis of Kant, the sociology of Durkheim, or the individualistic psychology of Bovet all meet on this point. The doctrines begin to diverge only from the moment that it has to be explained how the mind comes to respect these rules. For our part, it will be in the domain of child psychology that we shall undertake the analysis of this“how”.

Now, most of the moral rules which the child learns to respect he receives from adults, which means that heessential facts must be noted if we wish to analyse simultaneously the practice and the consciousness of rules The first is that arnong children of a given generation and in a given locality, however small, there is never one single way of playing marbles, there are quantities of ways.

There is the'square game'with which we shall occupy ourselves more especially. A square is drawn on the ground and a number of marbles placed within itthe game consists in aiming at these from a distance and driving them out of the enclosure. There is the game of courate'where two players aim at each others marblein indefinite pursuit. There is the game oftroyat u”(=hole)or' creux”(= hollow), where the marbles are piled into a hole and have to be dislodged by means of a heavier marble, and so on. Every child is familiar with several games, a fact that may help according to his age to reinforce or to weaken his belief in the sacred character of rules In the second place, one and the same game, such as the square game, admits of fairly important variations according to when and where it is played. As we had occasion to verify, the rules of the Square game are not the same in four of the communes of neuchatel l situated at 2-3 kilometres from each other. They are not the

and in Neuchatel. The certain points, from one district to another, from one school to another in the same town. In addition to this as through our collaborators kindness we were able to establish, variations occur from one generation to another. A student of twenty assured us that in his village the game is no longer played as it was'in his days'. These variations according to time and place are importantof their existe child who has moved from one town, or merely from one school building to another will often explain to share and such a rule is useful.

With regard to game rules there are two phenomena which it is particularly easy to study: first the practice of rules, i. the way in which children of difierent ages effectively apply rules second the consciousness of rules, i.e. the idea which children of different ages form of the character of these game rules, whether of something obligatory and sacred or of something subject to their own choice, whether of he.

It is the comparison of these two groups of data which constitutes the real aim of this chapter. For the relations which exist between the practice and the consciousness of rules are those which will best enable us to define the psychological nature of moral realities.

One word more. Before embarking upon an analysis of the practice or of the consciousness of rules, we must first give some account of the actual content of these

rules. We must therefore establish the social data of the roblem, But we shall confine ourselves only to what is indispensable. We have not attempted to establish he sociology of the game of marbles; this would have meant finding out how this game was played in the past and how it is now played in different parts of the world (it is actually played by negro children). Even confining ourselves to French Switzerland, we believe it would need several years of research to discover all e local variants of the game and, above all, to outline he history of these variants throughout the last few generations. Such an enquiry, which might be useful to the sociologist, is superfluous the latter needs in order to study how rules are learned is a thorough knowledge of a given custom in actual use,just as in order to study child language, all he needs is to know a given dialect, however localized, without troubling to reconstruct all its semantic and phonetic changes in time and space. We shall therefore confine ourselves to a short analysis of the content of the game as it is played in Geneva and Neuchatel, in the districts where we conducted our work essential facts must be noted.

If we wish to analyse simultaneously the practice and the consciousness of rules.

The first is that arnong children of a given generationand in a given locality, however small, there is never one single way of playing marbles, there are quantities of ways. There is the'square game'with which we shall occupy ourselves more especially. A square is drawn on the ground and a number of marbles placed within it the game consists in aiming at these from a distance and driving them out of the enclosure. There is the game of courate'where two players aim at each others marble in indefinite pursuit. There is the game oftroyat “u”(=hole)or' creux”(= hollow), where the marbles are piled into a h



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