
 2023-01-06 11:39:57


Josh Severin University of Nebraska-Lincoln

摘要: 本次研究的是我的八年级学生的数学课堂。我研究了如果学习了不同的解决问题的策略能更顺利地帮助学生解决问题。我还调查了如果学生参与了故事的话题,将对学生的成功率有影响。我发现学生在学习了不同的解决问题的策略和当他们对给定的问题有经验时,他们更能成功。我还发现当学生们对待问题时,当作一场游戏而不是当作一个数学问题去解决时,他们会更加地努力。令人意想不到的是学生努力的程度对他们的成功率有很大的影响。最后,我计划在我的班里继续关注学生的解决问题策略,我还打算改善能让学生在课堂上努力学习的方法。

关键词:数学问题; 能力







我选择本课题作为研究的主要理由是因为我相信学生,在大多数情况下,只要他们记住常规的解题方法,知道了确切的要采取的步骤,就能解决实际中遇到的问题。洛夫 - 弗兰卡(1997)研究了6个班级,都是来自中产阶级收入较低的学校,他发现教师强调解决问题的过程,而不仅仅是教他们采取什么步骤能够获得更大的成功。在这类课堂里,学生能够证明并解释他们是如何获得答案,这就是这类课堂的价值。就如洛夫·弗兰克说:“孩子们通常把数学看作是一组规则,其中的问题是通过用老师明确地教过的计算机算法来解决的。” (第8页)当学生遇到了某些已经超出了用常规套路解决的问题时,他们很难找到思路去解决问题,因为他们很难把这些问题和已经掌握的知识所联系到一起。












The purpose of my research is to improve students abilities solving story problems. I wanted the students to learn different strategies by which they can solve most story problems they encounter in mathematics. I also wanted to discover whether students who had experiences with the topic of the story problem were more likely to solve the problem correctly. The main purpose of my research is to help students become more comfortable with story problems and to have a better attitude about their capabilities of solving story problems.

In my classes right now, the students confidence in solving story problems is very low. Their success rate on solving story problems is very low compared to where I would like to see it. In class, there were far too many questions about the story problems that were on their assignments. The majority of the questions dealt with how to set the problem up and what the question was asking. The students appeared to understand the concepts that were in the lesson because they did fine with the typical drill problems that were on their assignments.

Problem Statement

I wanted the students to become better problem solvers after doing this research project. I wanted them to be more comfortable with solving problems in mathematics regardless of their level of knowledge. I also wanted to build their confidence in their ability to solve story problems. I think confidence is the largest factor because if students do not believe they are good at something or cannot do it at all, they usually will have a very difficult time. If I can build the studentsrsquo; confidence, then they will start to believe in themselves, and this will improve their problem solving ability.

This topic is important to all teachers for a couple of different reasons. I wanted the students to take the strategies that I taught them and use these strategies in other classes like science, computers, etc. I also wanted them to develop this skill so they can be more comfortable dealing with situations they will encounter as they become adults. For example, I wa


The purpose of my research is to improve students abilities solving story problems. I wanted the students to learn different strategies by which they can solve most story problems they encounter in mathematics. I also wanted to discover whether students who had experiences with the topic of the story problem were more likely to solve the problem correctly. The main purpose of my research is to help students become more comfortable with story problems and to have a better attitude about their capabilities of solving story problems.

In my classes right now, the students confidence in solving story problems is very low. Their success rate on solving story problems is very low compared to where I would like to see it. In class, there were far too many questions about the story problems that were on their assignments. The majority of the questions dealt with how to set the problem up and what the question was asking. The students appeared to understand the concepts that were in the lesson because they did fine with the typical drill problems that were on their assignments.

Problem Statement

I wanted the students to become better problem solvers after doing this research project. I wanted them to be more comfortable with solving problems in mathematics regardless of their level of knowledge. I also wanted to build their confidence in their ability to solve story problems. I think confidence is the largest factor because if students do not believe they are good at something or cannot do it at all, they usually will have a very difficult time. If I can build the studentsrsquo; confidence, then they will start to believe in themselves, and this will improve their problem solving ability.

This topic is important to all teachers for a couple of different reasons. I wanted the students to take the strategies that I taught them and use these strategies in other classes like science, computers, etc. I also wanted them to develop this skill so they can be more comfortable dealing with situations they will encounter as they become adults. For example, I wanted the students to be able to understand the fine print on advertisements that says no interest until 2008 and understand that if a person did not pay the entire amount by the date he would owe all of the back interest. I believe students are better citizens and consumers if they have better problem solving skills.

Literature Review

The main reason I chose this research topic is that I believe that students, for the

most part, are good at drill and practice problems because they memorize the routine and know the exact steps to take. Loef-Franke (1997) researched 6 classrooms from both middle class and lower income schools and found that teachers who stress the process of story problems instead of just teaching what steps to take have more success. Students in these classes valued being able to justify and explain how they obtained their answers. As Loef-Franke states: 'Children have typically viewed mathematics as a set of rules and procedures in which problems are solved by applying computational algorithms that have been explicitly taught by the teacher' (p. 8). When students come across problems that are out of the regular routine, they have a hard time with starting the problem or relating it to the knowledge they already possess.

Another reason I chose to improve students problem solving abilities is that

students need to learn multiple ways to approach problems. Problem solving is needed in real life, such as in being able to determine an alternative route if there is a detour on the way to a destination. The student will need to know how to deal with this and find another route. Montague (2000) studied 54 middle school students ranging from learning disabled to gifted to see if the knowledge of different strategies helped students achieve more. Montague found that all students need to have multiple strategies to get a story problem started so that they do not give up so quickly. As Montague states:

The good problem solvers used more strategies overall and more problem representation strategies specifically as problems became more difficult. Thus, the problems were differentiated with respect to a need for more and different strategies, which is evidence of their construct validity (p. 224).

This is why I chose to focus on teaching students multiple strategies to solve story problems. The strategies that I focused on were drawing a picture, making a table, and using guess and check.

Another reason I chose this topic as my action research project is that I do not think that problem solving is emphasized enough in mathematics textbooks. In my district there are so many objectives to get through in a year that there is not a lot of time to study strategies for solving story problems. I hope that my research shows that problem solving is just as important as learning the drill problems of the objectives.

Brenner (1997) studied six pre-Algebra classes at three different junior highs in California to find the teachersrsquo; impact on students problem solving abilities. It was found that teaching representation skills helped students be more successful with word problems. As Brenner states:

Although problem representation skills are crucial for student success in algebra, instruction in problem representation skills is not generally emphasized in pre-algebra courses. This study provides clear and consistent evidence that instruction on problem representation skills can work; that is, students who receive representation training for function problems perform better than comparison students in creating and coordinating multiple representations of functions (p. 682).

The more strategies a student has the better the probability the student will be successful when challenged with a difficult problem.

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