
 2023-01-08 12:00:25







出处:APEID report

The Asian Programme of Educational Innovation for Development (APEID) aims at stimulating and encouraging educational innovations linked to various problems of national development in the Asian region. One of the problems in many countries has been the lack of adequate resources, resulting in a strong need for the design, development and utilization of low-cost, simple educational materials, using various locally available resources. Such an approach, apart from being economical, proved to be effective, and had the additional advantage of relating education to real-life situations of the learners.

At that time, the prevailing method of teaching was the so called chalk and talk method, which could not activate students to participate in the teaching-learning process, and frequently resulted in mechanical memorization of facts and theories, difficult to apply in everyday life. The outdated teaching methods failed to motivate learners, or to help them to comprehend the subject matter by demonstrating or illustrating various phenomena. At the same time, scarcity of resources was an obstacle to the supply of ready-made, commercially available teaching aids, which were expensive and difficult to obtain. On the other hand, many imported teaching aids and models, produced in industrialized countries were also inappropriate for local use, being designed for pupils with different background, culture and environment; sometimes they were unusable, due to lack of electricity, or voltage fluctuations, or they quickly deteriorated, exposed to tropical climate, lack of air-conditioning, etc. In addition, many teachers were reluctant to use imported equipment, and sometimes it ended up locked in storerooms, collecting rust and dust.

At the same time, there were teachers who invented simple, easy to use teaching aids, models, charts, etc. which were also easy to make from locally available materials and resources, and naturally such self-made devices tended to be used extensively. In some cases students were also involved in the design and production of aids like charts and models, practising 'learning by doing' and 'discovering science', while experimenting with their self-made devices, which contributed to enhancing their knowledge and skills.

The efforts of APEID participating countries to promote the development and use of such low-cost educational materials resulted in a series of activities being organized at the national and regional level, starting with a Regional Workshop in Educational Technology, with special emphasis on the development of low-cost teaching aids in Malaysia in December 1977, with the participation of 13 Member States.

This was followed by a series of National Workshops on the same subject organized during 1978 in Afghanistan, India, Japan, Malaysia, Nepal and the Philippines. Various indigenous materials being developed and used in these countries were identified prior to the workshops, then were demonstrated, evaluated and improved by the participants, and finally described in case studies.

These six countries, joined by Pakistan, participated in the First Sub-regional Workshop on Educational Technology on the topic of low-cost educational materials, held in Nepal in November 1978.

A second series of national workshops on the same subject were held during 1980 in the following six countries: Bangladesh, Papua New Guinea, Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam.

These six countries, joined by Laos, participated in the Second Sub-regional Workshop on Educational Technology and Low-cost Materials, held in Dacca, Bangladesh, in October - November 1980.

Prior to each workshop, the experiences in design, production and use of low-cost educational materials were observed and studied, exemplar models were selected to be demonstrated to the participants. During demonstration, their design and use were discussed and participants collectively developed work sheets describing each device, usually working in small groups, which later reported to the rest of the participants on their achievements. Sometimes these work sheets were collectively improved and guidelines developed for the design, development and use of educational materials, along with instruments for evaluation of their effectiveness.

Usually each APEID regional or sub-regional workshop was attended by many local participants from the host country, and the immediate effect of this was a popularization of the experiences of many other educators. Sometimes the APEID activity was covered by the local media, popularizing it at a large national scale. The agenda of each workshop normally included visits to local schools, teacher training institutions and educational materials production enterprises, exposing the guest-participants to the experiences of the host country. At the end of each workshop, reports describing the countries experiences in the design, production and utilization of low-cost materials, along with the description of some selected teaching/learning aids, were produced and disseminated throughout the region.

Perhaps the most valuable product of these activities was the initiative of the APEID Secretariat at the Regional Office for Education in Bangkok to select the most original self-made teaching aids and their instruction sheets on 'how to make, how to use, how to adapt' these aids, and to publish


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