
 2023-01-09 14:57:36

杭 州 师 范 大 学



Lianne J. Woodward and David M. Fergusson

Christchurch School of Medicine, New Zealand



缩写:CHDS(Christchurch Health and Development Study)


近年来,越来越多的人认识到儿童同伴关系对儿童最佳社会、行为和认知发展的重要性(Dunn amp; McGuire, 1992;Hartup, 1983;帕克与阿瑟出版社,1987)。那些在交友或与同龄人相处困难的孩子被证明更容易出现一系列不良的社会心理后果,包括:行为问题、犯罪、心理健康问题和药物滥用(Bierman&Wargo,1995; Coie, Lochman, Terry,& Hyman, 1992; Coie, Terry, Lenox , Lochman ,& Hyman , 1995; DeRosier , Kupersmidt ,& Patterson , 1994; Ollendick , Weist , Borden ,& Greene , 1992 ; Parker & Asher,1987; Woodward&Fergusson,1999)。

然而,在儿童同伴关系的质量与他们随后的学业成就以及参与学校相关活动之间发现了一些最紧密的联系(ONeil,Welsh,Parke,Wang 和 Strand, 1997; Parker 和 Asher,1987)。事实证明,在幼儿期和初中阶段同伴关系有问题的儿童面临长期学习困难,教育不足的风险更大,逃学,旷工和提早辍学的情况比没有提早出现同伴关系问题的孩子要多( Austin amp; Draper,1984; Coie,Dodge amp; Kupersmidt,1990;DeRosier et al,1994; Kochenderfer amp;Ladd,1996 ;Kupersmidtamp;Coie, 1990 ;Ollendick et al,1992 )。例如,ONeil 等研究发现,在两年的随访中,被幼儿园同龄人拒绝的孩子在语言和数学成绩测试中表现较差,与社会上公认的孩子相比,他们的老师认为他们的课堂习惯较差。同样,在一些年龄较大的儿童样本中,在11岁时被同伴拒绝的儿童更有可能产生消极的学习结果,例如逃学, 留级,停学和早退。相比之下,DeRosier等人也进行了为期4年的随访研究。研究表明,尽管那些在7至12岁之间经历过至少一次同伴排斥的人的旷工风险增加,但被拒绝的孩子和未拒绝的孩子在学业成绩上没有发现显著差异。总的来说,这些结果表明,在幼儿园和小学时期与学校同学相处有困难的孩子更容易出现一系列与学校相关的困难,包括旷课、旷课、动机问题、过早辍学,可能还有学业成绩不佳。

尽管儿童同伴功能与后来的学校参与和成就之间的联系相对较好,但有几个重要的关于这些联系性质的问题需要进一步研究和澄清。首先,尽管关于儿童同伴关系和社会接受对儿童日后教育成果的重要性有强烈的争论,但支持这些主张的许多证据来自对幼儿园和小学学龄儿童的横向或短期后续研究(De Rosier et al.,1994;O Neil等人,1997;Wentzel amp; Asher, 1995)。因此,对于早期经历同伴关系困难的年轻人的长期教育,或许更重要的是,他们的职业结果,人们知之甚少。为了证实现有的关于儿童同伴关系问题的长期重要性的主张,显然有必要进行前瞻性纵向研究,检查早期同伴关系困难儿童的长期教育和职业结果。这些研究将在确定早期同伴关系对儿童以后的教育和职业机会的预测重要性方面发挥关键作用。

其次,除了一些例外,学业成绩的衡量在很大程度上依赖于教师从学校记录和报告中获得的对孩子能力的评估,而不是标准化考试分数等客观的学业成绩衡量(Pettit, Clawson, Dodge, amp; Bates, 1996;Vitaro, Tremblay, Gagnon, amp; Pelletier, 1994;Wentzel amp; Asher, 1995)。除了教师评估之外,使用标准化的学校成绩衡量标准,对于帮助避免与评分者偏见相关的潜在困难也至关重要。在这种偏见中,教师对孩子认知能力的评估可能会随着教师对孩子可爱程度和观察到的同伴互动质量的看法而变化。

  1. 也是最重要的,同伴关系文献中一个很大程度上被忽视的问题——涉及早期同伴困难对儿童随后的学校适应产生影响的机制和生活过程(O Neill et al., 1997)。尽管Parker 和 Asher得出的结论是现有的研究大多集中在早期同伴之间的关系问题的可预测性和后来的结果,而不是提供这些联系为何成立的解释,近年来几乎没有澄清早期同伴困难与后来的学术和职业调整学业成绩差和失业等问题的进展。

这个问题的核心是,早期同伴关系问题和后来的教育结果之间的联系在多大程度上是因果关系,或者是由于与早期同伴关系问题和后来的教育调整相关的混杂因素的虚假影响而产生的(Dunn amp; McGuire, 1992;Kupersmidt, Coie, amp; Dodge, 1990;帕克与阿瑟出版社,1987年;Williams amp; Gilmour, 1994)。据此提出了三种解释模型来解释儿童同伴困难和后来的结果风险之间的关系。

首先,因果模型认为较差的同伴关系与后来的教育和心理社会失调之间存在直接的因果关系(Parker amp; Asher, 1987)。根据这一观点,儿童同伴交往中所涉及的社会化过程被认为对健康的社会适应至关重要,早期的同伴关系问题剥夺了儿童获得适应社会支持和发展的宝贵机会。这反过来又增加了它们对以后调整困难的脆弱性。

另一种相关的解释认为,同伴关系问题与其他因素相互作用,尤其是早期行为问题,会影响儿童的长期结果(Coie et al., 1995;Kupersmidt等,1990)。例如,同伴的支持可以通过增强自尊和提供适应社会学习的机会,使脆弱的儿童免受行为差异的影响。另一种可能是,同伴排斥可能会加剧现有的行为差异,增加孩子未来受教育程度低下和精神病理学的可能性。

偶然模型提出,早期有问题的同伴关系和后来的不良结果之间的联系反映了潜在的行为和家庭过程,其中同伴关系问题只是症状性的(Parker amp; Asher, 1987)。例如,儿童早期的注意力障碍可能是儿童早期被同龄人拒绝和后来受教育机会受损的原因。在这个模型中,同伴关系问题代表了未来风险的相关或风险标记。


然而,一个重要的第一步评估儿童同伴关系的问题和后续的结果之间的关联是检查这些联系的程度持续时由于考虑潜在的混杂的孩子和家庭因素的影响,都与早期同伴困难和之后的结果。迄今为止,相对较少的研究已充分控制混杂儿童和家庭因素与早期同伴关系问题。一般来说,在考虑这个问题的研究中,通常只考虑有限的协变量集。例如,最近一项关于幼儿园同伴排斥与两年后学业成绩之间关系的调查中,仅有的协变量是儿童认知能力和种族(O Neil et al., 1997)。Vitaro等人(1994)可能是研究混杂因素影响的最佳尝试之一,他们对178名10岁以下的幼儿园男孩进行了样本追踪。他们发现,在控制了儿童智商和社交逆境的影响后,同龄人的排斥并不能显著预测日后的学习成绩差。此外,在事实上支持因果模型的假设下,还需要检查使早期同伴关系问题儿童处于教育和职业不利地位的风险增加的生活过程。这就提出了一个风险因素的问题,这些风险因素可能在早期同伴功能和后期结果之间起到调节作用。现有的实证研究表明,一些潜在的干预因素可能有助于解释为什么有早期学校同伴问题的儿童在较长时期内表现较差。特别是,有证据表明,早期同龄人有困难的儿童在青少年时期经历各种各样有问题的经历的风险更大。这些包括:持续的同伴排斥;孤独;学校的不满;与教师的人际交往困难;旷工;纪律行为问题;提前离校(De Rosier et al., 1994;Kochenderfer amp; Ladd, 1996;Ladd, Kochenderfer, amp; Coleman, 1997;帕克与阿瑟出版社,1987年;Vitaro等人,1994)。因此,这些有问题的学校经历可能有助于解释为什么早期的同伴关系问题会使儿童面临日后不利的教育和职业结果的风险。例如,不被同龄人接受的孩子可能会认为学校令人厌恶,并试图通过逃学和早退来避免参加与学校有关的活动。反过来,这些行为和选择可能会加剧他们日后学业成绩不佳和失业的脆弱性。为了证明早期同伴间的差异和后来的结果之间的联系可以通过介入的学校相关经历来解释,有必要证明,当适当考虑到这些经历时,童年时期的同伴关系问题与教育结果不再显著相关。







参与者是一个未被选择的出生队列的成员,该队列作为克赖斯特彻奇健康与发展研究(CHDS)的一部分已被广泛研究。CHDS的研究是一项纵向研究,对1997年在新西兰克赖斯特彻奇市区内出生的 1265 名儿童(男635名,女630名)进行了为期4个月的研究。这些儿童在出生时、4个月、1岁时接受研究,此后变为每年间隔直到16岁,然后再到 18 岁。数据是通过多种来源收集的,包括家长访谈,教师评估,儿童访谈,标准化的心理测验以及医疗和官方记录。先前已经给出了研究设计的概述(Fergusson,Horwood,Shannon 和 Lawton,1989)。本报告中分析的变量通过以下方式进行了测量。


在9岁时,作为一个关于样本成员的学术成就和学校行为的全面教师访谈的一部分,老师们被问及孩子们基于学校的同伴关系的质量。这些问题包括来自Rutter A量表的量表项目(Rutter, Tizard, amp; Whitmore, 1970), Conners教师评分量表(Conners, 1969, 1970),以及一些定制的


J. Child Psychol. Psychiat. Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 191-201, 2000 Cambridge University Press copy; 2000 Association for Child Psychology and Psychiatry Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved 0021-9630/00 $15.00 0.00

Childhood Peer Relationship Problems and Later Risks of Educational
Under-achievement and Unemployment

Lianne J. Woodward and David M. Fergusson

Christchurch School of Medicine, New Zealand

This paper examines relations between the extent of childrens peer relationship problems at age 9 and their later risks of educational under-achievement and unemployment by the age of18 years. Results showed that children with high rates of early peer relationship problems were at increased risk of under-achievement and unemployment when compared with children with low rates of early peer relationship problems. These elevated educational and occupational risks were explained by two processes. First, associations between early peer difficulties and later disadvantage were in part noncausal, and arose because of the personal characteristics (IQ and attentional problems) and social backgrounds (socioeconomic adversity, exposure to parental change, and punitive parent-child interaction) of children with early peer problems. Second, problematic peer relations during childhood appeared to place young people at increased risk of a range of adolescent interpersonal and school- related difficulties, including weaker peer attachments, interpersonal problems with teachers, school truancy, suspension, and early school leaving. In turn, these experiences and behaviours served to reduce the educational and employment opportunities of children with early peer problems. Results highlight the importance of childhood peer relationships for academic and occupational success.

Keywords: Child Behaviour Checklist, educational attainment, longitudinal studies, peer relationships, schizophrenia, unemployment.

Abbreviations: CHDS: Christchurch Health and Development Study.


In recent years, there has been a growing acceptance of the importance of childhood peer relationships for childrens optimal social, behavioural, and cognitive development (Dunn amp; McGuire, 1992; Hartup, 1983; Parker amp; Asher, 1987). Children who experience difficulty making friends and getting along with their peers have been shown to be at increased risk of a wide range of adverse psychosocial outcomes, spanning: conduct problems; delinquency; mental health problems; and substance abuse (Bierman amp; Wargo, 1995; Coie, Lochman, Terry, amp; Hyman, 1992; Coie, Terry, Lenox, Lochman, amp; Hyman, 1995; DeRosier, Kupersmidt, amp; Patterson, 1994; Ollendick, Weist, Borden, amp; Greene, 1992; Parker amp; Asher, 1987; Woodward amp; Fergusson, 1999).

However, some of the strongest associations have been found between the quality of childrens peer relationships and their subsequent academic achievement and participation in school-related activities (ONeil, Welsh, Parke, Wang, amp; Strand, 1997; Parker amp; Asher, 1987). Children with problematic peer relations during early and middle childhood have been shown to be at greater risk of long-term learning difficulties, educational under-

Requests for reprints to: Dr Lianne Woodward, Christchurch Health and Development Study, Christchurch School of Medicine, PO Box 4345, Christchurch, New Zealand (E-mail: lianne.woodward@chmeds.ac.nz). achievement, truancy, absenteeism, and early school leaving than children without early problematic peer relations (Austin amp; Draper, 1984; Coie, Dodge, amp; Kupersmidt, 1990; DeRosier et al., 1994; Kochenderfer

  1. Ladd, 1996; Kupersmidt amp; Coie, 1990; Ollendick et al., 1992; ONeil et al., 1997; Parker amp; Asher, 1987; Wentzelamp;Asher, 1995). Forexample, ONeil et al. found that children who were rejected by their kindergarten peers performed less well on tests of language and mathematics achievement at 2 years follow-up, and were more likely to be rated by their teacher as showing poor classroom work habits compared to socially accepted children. Similarly, in a somewhat older sample of children, Kupersmidt and Coie showed that children who were rejected by their peers at age 11 were significantly more likely to experience later negative school outcomes such as truancy, grade retention, suspension, and early school leaving. In contrast, a 4-year follow-up study by DeRosier et al. suggested that whilst those who experienced peer rejection at least once between the ages of
  2. and 12 years were at increased risk of absenteeism, no significant differences in academic achievement were found between rejected and nonrejected children. In general, these results suggest that children who have difficulty getting along with school peers during their kindergarten and elementary school years are at increased risk of a range of school-related difficulties, including absenteeism, truancy, motivation problems, early school leaving, and possibly academic under-achievement.

However, although linkages between childhood peer functioning and later school involvement and achievement are relatively well established, several important issues concerning the nature of these associations are in need of further research and clarification. First, despite strong arguments regarding the importance of childhood peer relationships and social acceptance for childrens later educational outcomes, much of the evidence supporting these claims derives from either cross-sectional or short-term follow-up studies of kindergarten and/or elementary school-aged children (De Rosier et al., 1994; ONeil et al., 1997; Wentzel amp; Asher, 1995). Consequently, very little is known about the longer-term



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