
 2023-01-12 11:54:29






专家证人的角色是一个专业能力和信誉公然暴露在法庭的务实的公众监督。社会心理学的研究已经表明,有关妇女领袖或权威人物的判断存在消极的性别偏见。例如,创业的比特儿和盖茨(1990),通过(秘密)评估表明女性群体的领导人比男性团体的领导人不积极。路得曼和克兰斯科(2000)也认为男人和女人更喜欢男人的权威;这可能涉及更大的男性尊重。然而,在具体调查是否一个专家证人的性别影响模拟的情况下,模拟陪审员的判决是模棱两可的。虽然斯特和耶欧(1984)表明本科模拟陪审员听到同样的结案陈词,评价一个女律师为“律师专家”比男性少。一些研究发现,专家的性别和案件类型之间有联系。文森、纳莎和鲁斯(1984) ,以及斯格勒和科瑞普思(1998) 发现女性专家要比男性更有说服力,例如,在分别涉及孩子的监护权和受虐待的女人综合症。同样,麦克米, 纽顿,特瑞,和斯格勒(2004)发现重要性证据“性别域一致性”任务中的模拟陪审员被要求裁决赔偿案件,无论是男性或女性商业欺诈(汽车)(化妆品)域。其他研究已经发现没有专家证人性别的影响:对他们的预测,沙发和西格勒(2002)发现不在一个案件中的男性专家比女性专家的专业领域是男性更可靠(汽车工程)。他们的研究结果与以前的研究相一致。










Lay Perceptions of an Expert Witness in a Sexual Discrimination in the Workplace Case

Abstract:This study reprised social psychologist Susan Fiskersquo;s role as expert witness in a sexual discrimination case in which a claim was successfully brought by an assertive female accountant against her employers, Price Waterhouse. It explored whether a female expert would be judged by mock jurors as more effective than a male expert in the case of an equivalent gender role-violating (i.e.feminine) male employee, and whether judgments would be influenced by the employeersquo;s occupation type—male dominated (accountancy) or female dominated (midwifery). Participants responded to a range of case-related questions after reading a lsquo;judgersquo;s summaryrsquo; of a hypothetical action alleging sexual discrimination in the workplace by means of sexual stereotyping. Expert witnessrsquo; sex, plaintiff rsquo;s (i.e. employeersquo;s) sex, and workplace type were manipulated in the summary. Evidence for the greater effectiveness of a female social science expert in the lsquo;gender domain congruentrsquo; area of sexual stereotyping was found; however, plaintiffrsquo;s sex and occupation type did not influence the participantsrsquo; judgments except that experts sup-porting female plaintiffs were viewed positively. The participantsrsquo; attitudes towards the case, and to other personnel involved, were negative. Analysis of the participantsrsquo; comments indicated considerable distrust of and scepticism about social science.

Key words: expert witness; stereotyping; sexual discrimination; workplace; occupation


In October 1991, American Psychologist published an account of how psychological expertise in the domain of sexual stereotyping had been used for the first time in a US Supreme Court case. The case concerned a female accountant, Ann Hopkins, who argued as plaintiff in an initial federal district court action that her employers had denied her a partnership on the ground of sexual discrimination.Hopkins won the original action but her employers,Price Waterhouse,appealed and, after losing in the appellate court, successfully petitioned the Supreme Court to review the case.In order to help the Court assess the particulars of the case, a summary of relevant psychological research was submitted in the form of an American Psychological Association amicus curiae brief (American Psychological Association, 1991). This endorsed social psychologist Susan Fiskersquo;s expert testimony in the original action in which she had argued the reality and ubiquity of negative stereotyping of women in the work-place. In January 1993, a critique of the briefrsquo;s content and Fiskersquo;s role in its production was published in American Psychologist . Strongly rebutted by Fiske and associates in the same issue , this evaluation was nevertheless so critical as to raise the possibility that Professor Fiske could herself be seen as the target of stereotyping processes .

The role of expert witness is one in which professional capability and reputation are overtly exposed within the pragmatic public scrutiny of the courtroom. Social psychological research has indicated a general, negative gender bias in judgments concerning women leaders or authority figures. Pioneering work by Butler and Geis (1990), for example, showed that female group leaders were evaluated (covertly) less positively than male group leaders. Rudman and Kilianski (2000) have also suggested that men and women prefer men in positions of authority; this possibly relates to the greater respect in which males are held.Specific investigations into whether the sex of an expert witness affects the judgments of mock jurors in simulated cases have, however, been equivocal. Whilst Hodgson and Pryor (1984) showed that undergraduate mock jurors hearing the same closing arguments rated a female attorney as lsquo;less expertrsquo; than a male attorney, some studies have found support for a stereotypical correspondence between expertrsquo;s sex and case type. Swenson, Nash, and Roos (1984) and Schuller and Cripps (1998) found female experts to be more convincing than male experts, for example, in cases involving child custody and battered woman syndrome respectively. Similarly, McKimmie, Newton, Terry, and Schuller (2004) found evidence for the importance of lsquo;gender domain congruencyrsquo; in a task where mock jurors were asked to award damages for a case involving commercial fraud in either a male (automobile) or female (cosmetics) domain. Other studies have found no effects of expert witnessrsquo; sex: against their predictions, Couch and Sigler (2002) found a male expert to be no more credible than a female expert in a case in which the domain of expertise was masculine (automotive engineering). Their results were consistent with earlier research.

The verdict in the Hopkins v. Price Waterhouse case notwithstanding, it is therefore not clear that female expertise in the domain of sexual discrimination in the workplace, arguably a lsquo;stereo typically congruentrsquo; area, would necessarily be seen as more credible. Further uncertainty arises from the fact that sexual discrimination actions may have a politically contentious aspect, which aids their characterisation as processes in which complete objectivity, by definition, is not possible. There is therefore considerable opportunity for experts to be represented as partial and self interested. In short, whilst a female expert witness might be perceived as more credible than a male expert witness because she would necessarily have empathy and understanding for any person bringing such an action, she might be seen as less credible because she was necessarily biased and lacking in detachment. In the absence of a specific literature on lay perceptions of male and female expert witnesses, it is not clear which alternative is more likely.

In addition, the effectiveness of a female expert witness may relate to the sex of t



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