
 2023-01-12 11:54:53



关键词:社会认知 情境化 社会共享 群体



我将基于扎伊翁茨和阿德尔曼的集团意义概念下的社会共享认知进行论述,将这种分析放在上下文中联系。扎伊翁茨和阿德尔曼确定了5个层面的含义:文化、矢、互动、个人、和无意识。文化意义通过文化和民族分享。二元或群体的意义通过个体、双组和群体来分享,例如,家庭、组织和社会群体的意义不被其他在群体外的人所知。扎伊翁茨和阿德尔曼举了一个例子,一个家庭形成协议,在群体中星期日的晚餐是被理解、被期待、被执行的。互动意义在于出现特定于给定的对话,所以是短暂的。例如,在一个特定的交替中,相互作用的 伙伴可能会用“这种情境”或“这个问题”来代表一个特定的问题、环境或人。然而,共享的意义是特定于当前的对话,它不是指后来的对话。个体意义是在一个特定的个体上,例如一个人可能在笑电视上的喜剧节目时想起了他前天晚上所做的梦。最后,无意识意味着一个人不能充分读取信息,如启动效应。一个人可能不会意识到自己曾记得看到过的一句话,但却可以显示关于它的回忆。







社会共享认知的一些当代处理方式保留了社会认知范式的基本信息处理结构,但是扩大它到包括人们对操作的知识以及其他人的信息处理系统内容。韦格纳的交互记忆系统模型包括三个关键组成部分:1、个人记忆系统 (基本信息处理模型);2、记忆的外部存储信息 (例如在内阁中提交了一份报告)3、交互记忆,一个人知道他或她可以在另一个人的记忆中获取记忆存储。交互记忆模型的含义是信息存储、注意、编码、检索和判断系统,它在一个相互作用的群体内比任何单一的个人记忆更大和更复杂。




该假设和理论引导了社会研究揭示假设和研究范式的偏见。1991 年,菲斯克和泰勒在过去的四年里,确定了应用于社会心理学研究的隐喻。在20世纪 60 年代,占主导地位的隐喻是人作为一个“一致性的探索者”。在 20 世纪 70 年代,关键的隐喻是人作为“天真的科学家”。20世纪80年代,个体被称为认知上的“吝啬鬼”。最后,在20世纪90年代,人成为了一个“有动机的战略家”。我们推测下一个世纪社会心理学研究的隐喻是以一个群体取代个人。为此本文以社会组织、工作群体、任务团队为二元和群体作为这个特殊的问题中心。



A New Look at Social Cognition in Groups

Leigh Thompson

J. L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management

Northwestern University

ABSTRACT: Discusses socially shared cognition based upon R. B. Zajonc and P. K. Adelmanns (1987) concept of group meaning. Zajonc and Adelmann identified 5 levels of meaning: cultural, dyadic, interactional, individual, and unconscious. Three types of research in the evolution of social cognition are discussed: social cognition, contextualized social cognition, and socially shared cognition. Type I research, social cognition, examines how the individual perceiver processes social information (e.g., the study of person memory, scripts, and schemata in which an S reads a description of persons and is given a recall test to infer mental structures or processing. Type II, contextualized social cognition, examines how the individual perceiver, embedded in a particular social context, cognizes about social actors and situations. Type III, socially shared cognition research, examines how the social context in which the individual interacts with others produces cognition (the social interaction constitutes cognition).

The worlds most important social problems have been analyzed through the lens of the social cognition paradigm. Only recently has the social cognition orientation been questioned and its comfortable place as the dominant approach in social psychology been shaken. Once the proud emperor of the social psychological kingdom, social cognition has been accused of being little more than cognitive psychology masquerading in rich social clothing. Even founders of the social cognition approach have pointed to the inability of current social cognition research to provide a meaningful account of social interactions such as group behavior (Fiske amp; Depret,1996).The focus of this special issue is on how interacting individuals and groups create meaning and act upon collectively developed cognition, motivation, and emotion. We argue that this new look at social cognition in dyads and groups represents a stage of evolution as social cognition grows to encompass group research.

Thompson, Peterson, and Kray (1995) identified three types of research in the evolution of social cognition: social cognition, contextualized social cognition, and socially shared cognition. Type I research, social cognition, examines how the individual perceiver processes social information (e.g., the study of person memory, scripts, and schemata in which a subject reads a description of persons and is given a recall test to infer mental structures or processing). Type n, contextualized social cognition, examines how the individual perceiver, embedded in a particular social context, cognizes about social actors and situations (i.e., to the extent that perceivers are accountable for their interactions or have a particular social interaction goal, this provides a meaningful context for the interaction). Type III, socially shared cognition research, examines how the social context in which the individual interacts with others produces cognition (Levine, Resnick, amp; Higgins, 1993); the social interaction constitutes cognition. In this research, the unit of analysis is no longer the individual information processor, as in Types I and II, but the interacting group and dyad. Examples of this type of research include how two or more people attempt to solve a puzzle, negotiate, or make a joint decision. We believe that Type III research, the focus of this special issue, provides the most fruitful approach for the next century of social psychological research.

To place this analysis in context, I base this discussion of socially shared cognition on Zajonc and Adelmanns (1987) concept of group meaning. Zajonc and Adelmann identified five levels of meaning: cultural, dyadic, interactional, individual, and unconscious. Cultural meaning is shared by cultures and nations. Dyadic or group meaning is shared among persons, dyads, and groups; for example, families, organizations, and social groups share meanings that are not known to others outside of the group. Zajonc and Adelmann give the example of a family who develops conventions for Sunday dinner that are understood, expected, and enforced by the group. Interactional meaning is that which emerges specific to a given conversation and is therefore transitory. For example, in a particular interchange, interacting partners might refer to 'this situation' or 'the problem' to represent a particular issue, circumstance, or person. However, the shared meaning is particular to the current conversation; it is not carried over into subsequent conversations. Individual meaning is located within a particular individual; for example, a person may laugh at a comedy show on television that reminds him of a dream the night before. Finally, unconscious meaning is meaning to which people do not have full access, such as priming effects. A person may not consciously remember seeing a word, but may nevertheless show greater recall for it.

The hallmarks of Type III research that set it apart from traditional social cognition research are (a) a focus on dyads and groups as entities, (b) interaction among persons, (c) coordination and synchrony among interacting persons, and (d) development and change. Probably the most notable departure from traditional social cognition research is the focus on dyads and groups as entities. The dominance of the individual as the 'proper' social psychological entity was established early in the history of psychology, tracing back to Floyd Allports (1955) condemnation of the group; he regarded the 'group fallacy' to be an illegitimate and baneful practice. Years later, Campbell (1958) took a milder stance in his treatment of 'entiativity,' but regarded the group as inferior to the individual as a unit of analysis.

A second distinction in socially shared



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