生态效率设计 一个指标体系及其在注塑模具中的应用外文翻译资料

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Procedia Manufacturing 33 (2019) 304–311


16th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing - Sustainable Manufacturing for Global Circular Economy

Design for eco-efficiency – a system of indicators and their application to the case of moulds for injection moulding

Uwe Gouml;tzea*, Paulo Peccedil;asb, Fanny Richtera

aChair of Management Accounting and Control, Technische Universitauml;t Chemnitz, 09107 Chemnitz, Germany

bIDMEC, Instituto Superior Teacute;cnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av Rovisco Pais, 1049-001, Lisboa, Portugal


Eco-efficiency is a prominent as well as promising approach for fostering sustainability by assessing the environmental impact and value of companiesacute; activities simultaneously. A lot of indicators to assess both pillars – environmental and economic effects

– are presented in different standards and guidelines. These indicators primarily refer to the “overall” evaluation of eco-efficiency at a company level. However, the concept of eco-efficiency seems to be fruitful for the sustainability-oriented analysis and design of single products and production processes as well. Since this task implies the need of other indicators, the paper presents a system of adequate technology, product and process-related indicators. A case study referring to moulds for injection moulding demonstrates the applicability and typical results of the suggested concept.

copy; 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 16th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM).

Keywords: Eco-efficiency; sustainability; indicator; injection moulding


Global trends such as resource scarcity, pollution, climate change and increasing automation raise the need for adapting the policies and actions of companies and other institutions towards (higher) sustainability. This includes

* Corresponding author. Tel.: 49-371-531-26160; fax: 49-371-531-26169.

E-mail address: uwe.goetze@wirtschaft.tu-chemnitz.de

2351-9789 copy; 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 16th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM). 10.1016/j.promfg.2019.04.037

the manufacturing sector of industrial companies. There is a strong and hardly disputed quest for sustainable manufacturing.

Nevertheless, the concrete design and implementation of sustainable policies and actions – the “management of sustainability” – is a challenging task. The alternatives tend to be complex, their effects are uncertain, and they may affect the different dimensions of sustainability in different ways (with conflicting and/or complementary relationships). This implies the need of a significant evaluation of the sustainability of companies as a whole as well as their policies and actions as a prerequisite of sustainability management.

For such an evaluation of sustainability a couple of approaches and methods such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), eco-efficiency, life cycle assessment (LCA) and life cycle costing (LCC) are existing and applied for different purposes: external and internal reporting at the company level as well as external and internal reporting and supporting decisions on technologies, products, processes etc. However, a well-founded, mature and established concept or method for consistent sustainability evaluations for different purposes and reference objects does not exist at the moment.

The concept of eco-efficiency shows the potential to constitute the core of such an evaluation concept or method. Eco-efficiency combines an environmental and an economic target perspective and it is already well-established in standards as well as literature. However, the different approaches concretizing the concept of eco-efficiency primarily refer to the company level. Thus, it still has to be analyzed how the concept should be applied at the technology, product and process level. This motivates the paper: It suggests a set of indicators for supporting decisions on the “design for eco-efficiency” by evaluating the sustainability of design alternatives.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: In the next sections an overview of sustainability and its evaluation (section 2) and the basic characteristics of the concept of eco-efficiency (section 3) are presented. Afterwards, a concept for a set of eco-efficiency indicators is suggested (section 4) and its application demonstrated using the case of moulds for injection moulding (section 5). This is followed by conclusions (section 6).

Sustainability and its evaluation

As already mentioned, fostering sustainability is one of the most important ongoing challenges for companies and other institutions. The idea of a sustainable development was raised in 1144 when the Monastery Mauermuuml;nster in Alsace mentioned it in its forestry regulations. A few hundred years later, in 1713, CARL VON CARLOWITZ published the work SYLVICULTURA OECONOMICA where he introduced the request for a perpetuating (sustainable) handling of the forest in the region around Chemnitz where there was a huge need of wood for mining and mining-related processes [1]. A strong global recognition of the concept of sustainable development



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