Listening and talking
Key lesson
Think about, plan and execute your communications with care, effort and impact. Your communications must be based on an understanding of your customer that goes beyond the requirements specification and sharing periodic reports. Your communications with the project team must go beyond sharing the project plan and having sporadic updates.
The most important chapter in the book
If you are just getting started in your career as a project manager and are taking time to learn the trade then this chapter is a very good place to begin. Alternatively, if you are an experienced and very busy project manager with only the time to read one chapter of the book, read this one. The other chapters all have valuable insights that will improve your project management and it would be a shame not to read them now you have a copy of this book, but this chapter contains the essence. All else is about advancing skills and finesse; this chapter is about getting the basics right.
although the topics in this chapter are rarely covered in any project management course, they can be considered as even more fundamental than learning the various disciplines and processes that make up a project managerrsquo;s toolkit. They may be missed because they are obvious, or because they are thought of as rudimentary rather than fundamental. My experience is that the communication skills I describe are the core differentiator between great project managers and the average, and yet are rarely analysed or taught in the specific context of managing projects.
This chapter aims to make you think about whom you should communicate with, what you need to listen to, and how you should respond. It does have some specific answers, but it also poses questions that you need to answer yourself, and which may have different answers in different situations. It is focused as much on how you communicate as on what you communicate, as to be successful you not only need to communicate the right information you need to do it in the right way. If you take only one lesson away from this chapter it should be to think about, plan and execute your communications with care,effort and impact. Do not forget it because it seems so self-evident.
The chapter is broken into three sections. I first look at understanding the audience you are meant to communicate with, then I look at the things you need to listen to from your customer, and finally I cover the key communication skills a project manager should possess. Some of the project management concepts that involve communications will not be dealt with in detail until later chapters, but I have decided to cover communications first as it is the framework that underpins and surrounds everything else. Without adequate communication skills you will never succeed.
Your audience - whom you must listen and talk to
Key lesson
Identify and assess your audiencersquo;s information needs. Identify who is your customer and plan your interaction with them.
This section briefly looks at whom you need to communicate with and why. All too frequently project managers regard communications as a painful overhead and not as the core task that it is. lsquo;i am so busy talking go people that I do not have time go get on with my day jobrsquo; is a familiar complaint that misses the point that talking to people is the central part of a project managerrsquo;s workload.
In most situations either we communicate with whoever we intuitively feel we need to communicate with, or we respond to a specific stimulus to talk. We do not often sit down and independently ask ourselves so who is it that I need to be in dialogue with now? It is true that much of good communications needs to be intuitive to project managers, and any good project manager will have built up fro experience mental triggers to begin communications when starting out on a new piece of work. You may even now be thinking isnrsquo;t it obvious who I need to talk to? The purpose of this section is not to confirm what is already clear to you , but to make you think and plan your communications explicitly. The truth is that intuition is usually at best incomplete, and at worst flawed. Some key communications will be missed if you wait for external triggers. You need to plan them out. Frequently project managers rely too heavily on their reflexes. Good project managers are often great instinctive communicators, but they also plan through and make sure they have covered all their bases when it comes to communications. On a big project, thinking through and planning whom to communicate with is a worthwhile use of significant amounts of project management time.