
 2023-03-11 11:37:50



原文作者:Joyce S. Choate / Brian E. Enright / Lamoine J. Miller / James A. Poteet / Thomas A. Rakes



关键词:核心课程; 附属课程; 拓展课程


今天的课程专家很可能会解释三个核心课程 (readin, ritin, and rith)为:阅读(word recognition and comprehension),书面表达(writing expression)和算术(math, computation and problem solving)。这三个领域构成了课程的核心,因为所有其他技能和主题都建立在它们之上。





当代语言艺术教学将语言的各个部分作为一个相关的整体来教授。这种完整的语言方法用于统一组件,而不是将它们的开发分割成不相关的部分。斯特里克兰(1990)指出,学习读和写在生命早期开始,是一个持续的相互关联的过程,发展与口头语言,需要积极参与有意义的活动在孩子的日常生活中,涉及交互与其他响应,尤其增强书经验共享。罗宾斯(1990)描述了一个学校系统是如何抛弃基础读者而采用一种完整的语言教学方法的。她列出了整个语言课程的十个要素,以及每个年级的教学时间。整个语言方法应该结合说说性材料和叙述性,必须整合所有内容主题领域的写作过程,除了整个课堂方法之外,还必须继续使用由教师和同龄人领导的小组进行教学(Hiebert amp; Fisher, 1990)。






信息是一种价值很高的商品(Naisbitt amp; Aburdene, 1990)。知识库翻倍如此频繁,以至于很多当前的数据很快就过时了。然而,随着知识库的扩展,还没有人学会如何组织、归档、检索或控制知识,以便以最有效的方式使用这些知识。随着科技的发展,社会对人际交往的需求也在增加。根据Naisbitt(1982),可用的高科技越多,就越需要高触感;“人性”一定不能被遗忘。根据Naisbitt和Aburdene(1990)的说法,“对个人的认识是人性的核心”是连接我们进入2000年时世界主要趋势的主线。他们预测,社会的新责任将是重新引导个人的主动性,因为个人将确定我们社会的方向。这一方向将涉及全球生活方式的经济、社会和文化的发展。随着知识基础的扩大,研究各种文化的人的需要和相互关系似乎特别重要。人文学科必须被研究以平衡科学的重点。为了保持这种平衡,社会研究。是与科学并列的课程。《科学与社会研究》副课程是对《科学与社会研究》核心课程的补充。












外文文献出处:Allyn amp; Bacon(1992)Curriculum Based Assessment and programming.



The curriculum is that set of courses and instructional experiences offered to students. Each school system has its own curriculum usually developed by a team of teachers, school administrators, parents, and other community people. The curriculum differs from school system to school system.Often, it can differ from district to district or even from school to school within a school system.Each state has requirements and guidelines to help establish the curriculum for each school system.Some states even have a list of approved text-books by content areas of the curriculum. The curriculum consists of a variety of courses selected and mandated so that students in the school system can become well-educated, useful citizens.

The Core Curriculum

Todays curriculum specialists are likely to ex-press the three Rs (readin, ritin, and rithmetic)as reading (word recognition and comprehension),written expression, and arithmetic (computation and problem solving). These three areas constitute the core of the curriculum, since all other skill sand subject matter are built upon them .

Language Development and the Core Curriculum

Two of the core curriculum skills, reading and written expression, are acquired as language develops. Language development begins at birth and continues throughout ones life. Therefore, genetic endowment, sensory and physical conditions,environmental factors, and schooling all affect the quality and extent of language development. Language development, in turn, affects achievement of curriculum skills.

Language allows communication with each other and with ourselves. Initially, we develop an inner language of concepts and ideas before learning to communicate with others. As maturity develops, so does listening and understanding and then speaking. Later, in school, the student learns to read and understand what others have written and to write for others to read. Language development, then, is both receptive (getting from others)and expressive (giving to others). This getting and giving is the interchange of the communication process.

Because of the importance of language in daily living, it is easy to understand why reading and written expression are two of the core curriculum skills. Mastery of these two skills is necessary for both understanding and expressing knowledge in other subjects within the curriculum and for purpose




原文作者:Joyce S. Choate / Brian E. Enright / Lamoine J. Miller / James A. Poteet / Thomas A. Rakes



关键词:核心课程; 附属课程; 拓展课程


今天的课程专家很可能会解释三个核心课程 (readin, ritin, and rith)为:阅读(word recognition and comprehension),书面表达(writing expression)和算术(math, computation and problem solving)。这三个领域构成了课程的核心,因为所有其他技能和主题都建立在它们之上。





当代语言艺术教学将语言的各个部分作为一个相关的整体来教授。这种完整的语言方法用于统一组件,而不是将它们的开发分割成不相关的部分。斯特里克兰(1990)指出,学习读和写在生命早期开始,是一个持续的相互关联的过程,发展与口头语言,需要积极参与有意义的活动在孩子的日常生活中,涉及交互与其他响应,尤其增强书经验共享。罗宾斯(1990)描述了一个学校系统是如何抛弃基础读者而采用一种完整的语言教学方法的。她列出了整个语言课程的十个要素,以及每个年级的教学时间。整个语言方法应该结合说说性材料和叙述性,必须整合所有内容主题领域的写作过程,除了整个课堂方法之外,还必须继续使用由教师和同龄人领导的小组进行教学(Hiebert amp; Fisher, 1990)。






信息是一种价值很高的商品(Naisbitt amp; Aburdene, 1990)。知识库翻倍如此频繁,以至于很多当前的数据很快就过时了。然而,随着知识库的扩展,还没有人学会如何组织、归档、检索或控制知识,以便以最有效的方式使用这些知识。随着科技的发展,社会对人际交往的需求也在增加。根据Naisbitt(1982),可用的高科技越多,就越需要高触感;“人性”一定不能被遗忘。根据Naisbitt和Aburdene(1990)的说法,“对个人的认识是人性的核心”是连接我们进入2000年时世界主要趋势的主线。他们预测,社会的新责任将是重新引导个人的主动性,因为个人将确定我们社会的方向。这一方向将涉及全球生活方式的经济、社会和文化的发展。随着知识基础的扩大,研究各种文化的人的需要和相互关系似乎特别重要。人文学科必须被研究以平衡科学的重点。为了保持这种平衡,社会研究。是与科学并列的课程。《科学与社会研究》副课程是对《科学与社会研究》核心课程的补充。












外文文献出处:Allyn amp; Bacon(1992)Curriculum Based Assessment and programming.



The curriculum is that set of courses and instructional experiences offered to students. Each school system has its own curriculum usually developed by a team of teachers, school administrators, parents, and other community people. The curriculum differs from school system to school system.Often, it can differ from district to district or even from school to school within a school system.Each state has requirements and guidelines to help establish the curriculum for each school system.Some states even have a list of approved text-books by content areas of the curriculum. The curriculum consists of a variety of courses selected and mandated so that students in the school system can become well-educated, useful citizens.

The Core Curriculum

Todays curriculum specialists are likely to ex-press the three Rs (readin, ritin, and rithmetic)as reading (word recognition and comprehension),written expression, and arithmetic (computation and problem solving). These three areas constitute the core of the curriculum, since all other skill sand subject matter are built upon them .

Language Development and the Core Curriculum

Two of the core curriculum skills, reading and written expression, are acquired as language develops. Language development begins at birth and continues throughout ones life. Therefore, genetic endowment, sensory and physical conditions,environmental factors, and schooling all affect the quality and extent of language development. Language development, in turn, affects achievement of curriculum skills.

Language allows communication with each other and with ourselves. Initially, we develop an inner language of concepts and ideas before learning to communicate with others. As maturity develops, so does listening and understanding and then speaking. Later, in school, the student learns to read and understand what others have written and to write for others to read. Language development, then, is both receptive (getting from others)and expressive (giving to others). This getting and giving is the interchange of the communication process.

Because of the importance of language in daily living, it is easy to understand why reading and written expression are two of the core curriculum skills. Mastery of these two skills is necessary for both understanding and expressing knowledge in other subjects within the curriculum and for purpose



Allyn amp; Bacon(1992)Curriculum Based Assessment and programming

The curriculum is that set of courses and instructional experiences offered to students. Each school system has its own curriculum usually developed by a team of teachers, school administrators, parents, and other community people. The curriculum differs from school system to school system.Often, it can differ from district to district or even from school to school within a school system.Each state has requirements and guidelines to help establish the curriculum for each school system.Some states even have a list of approved text-books by content areas of the curriculum. The curriculum consists of a variety of courses selected and mandated so that students in the school system can become well-educated, useful citizens.

The Core Curriculum

Todays curriculum specialists are likely to ex-press the three Rs (readin, ritin, and rithmetic)as reading (word recognition and comprehension),written expression, and arithmetic (computation and problem solving). These three areas constitute the core of the curriculum, since all other skill sand subject matter are built upon them .

Language Development and the Core Curriculum

Two of the core curriculum skills, reading and written expression, are acquired as language develops. Language development begins at birth and continues throughout ones life. Therefore, genetic endowment, sensory and physical conditions,environmental factors, and schooling all affect the quality and extent of language development. Language development, in turn, affects achievement of curriculum skills.

Language allows communication with each other and with ourselves. Initially, we develop an inner language of concepts and ideas before learning to communicate with others. As maturity develops, so does listening and understanding and then speaking. Later, in school, the student learns to read and understand what others have written and to write for others to read. Language development, then, is both receptive (getting from others)and expressive (giving to others). This getting and giving is the interchange of the communication process.

Because of the importance of language in daily living, it is easy to understand why reading and written expression are two of the core curriculum skills. Mastery of these two skills is necessary for both understanding and expressing knowledge in other subjects within the curriculum and for purposeful communication in and out of school. Reading and written expression along with spelling are often called the language arts. Skills in listening and speaking are often added to the language arts curriculum.

Contemporary instruction in language arts teaches the separate components of language as a related and integrated whole . This whole language approach serves to unify the components instead of fragmenting their development into unrelated bits and pieces of achievement.Strickland (1990) notes that learning to read and write begins early in life and is an ongoing, inter-related process that develops in concert with oral language, requires active participation in activities that have meaning in the childs daily life,involves interaction with responsive others, and is particularly enhanced by shared book experiences.Robbins (1990) describes how one school system abandoned the basal reader and adopted a whole language approach to instruction. She gives a list of ten elements of a whole language program and guidelines for the amount of time given to instructions for each grade level. The whole language approach should incorporate expository material as well as narrative, must integrate the writing process in all content subject areas, and must continue to use small groups led by teachers and peers for instruction in addition to the whole class approach (Hiebert amp; Fisher, 1990).

Arithmetic and the Core Curriculum

Although the third core curriculum skill, arithmetic, is not part of the communication language development scheme, it is part of a larger body of information known as mathematics. Success in arithmetic requires skill in reasoning. To the ex-tent that reasoning relies on language skills, success in language is related to success in arithmetic and mathematics. Obviously, each of the three core curriculum skills do not develop in isolation from each other.

The basic arithmetic skills of computation and problem solving are necessities for appropriate adaptive behaviors in everyday life. They are also prerequisite to advanced mathematical study required for the development of technology highly valued by our society. Knowledge of basic arithmetic skills, then, is an important part of the core curriculum.

The Collateral Curriculum

Although reading, written expression, and arithmetic are considered the most important basic curriculum skills, other subjects are also deemed valuable by curriculum experts, teachers, and parents. These subjects constitute the collateral curriculum of science and social studies.

With the launch of Sputnik in 1957, schools began to focus on the development of scientific knowledge for all students. That thrust to develop a command of technology has not abated. Science, then, has acquired a place in the collateral curriculum because of the demands of society.

Information is a highly valued commodity(Naisbitt amp; Aburdene, 1990). The knowledge base doubles so frequently that much current data are soon outdated. However, as the knowledge base expands, no one has yet learned how to organize,file, retrieve, or control the knowledge so that it can be used in the most efficient way. As technology increases, so does societys need for human contact. According to Naisbitt (1982), the more high tech available, the more high touch needed; humanness' must not be forgott



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