关键词:反向抵押贷款; 住房财富; 老年人口;流动财富
联邦住房管理局担保的反向抵押贷款计划,正式名称为房屋产权转换抵押贷款保险示范(HECM),是国会在1987年批准的,以鼓励反向抵押贷款市场的增长。根据该计划,联邦住房管理局的保险保护贷款人免受贷款余额最终可能超过房屋价值的风险。它还保证在贷款人违约的情况下继续偿还贷款。该计划提供了广泛的支付选择。消费者可以每月收到固定期限的付款,或者只要他们住在房子里。联邦住房管理局定期还款方案的一个显著特点是,贷款在期限结束时无需偿还。相反,还款只是停止,而未偿余额的利息继续增加,直到房主搬走或去世时偿还贷款,房子被出售。联邦住房管理局的计划还允许老年房主通过信贷额度或信贷额度与期限或长期计划相结合的方式获得他们的住房净值。 I 为了确保借款人了解该产品并防止其滥用,该计划要求潜在借款人在申请反向抵押贷款前接受联邦住宅管理局批准的独立咨询机构的咨询。
该计划最初仅限于50家贷款机构,每家只能发放50笔贷款。1989年,国会扩大了该计划的范围,现在授权所有1万家联邦住房管理局批准的抵押贷款机构发放联邦住房管理局担保的反向抵押贷款。国会在该计划下总共批准了250,0次反向抵押贷款,该计划将持续到1995年。到1992年8月为止,52个贷方总共关闭了2 155项贷款(住房和城市发展部1992年)。
目前,只有三家金融机构提供贷款机构担保的反向抵押贷款。 [1] 所有这些公司的总部都设在加州,但他们在许多州提供产品。与FHA计划一样,放贷机构除了收取利息外,还收取保险费或风险分担费用,但与FHA计划不同的是,放贷机构没有政府担保。一些贷款人还会从房屋未来的价格上涨中分一杯羹。该计划允许借款人保留一部分权益(通常为25%或30%),而贷款人将无法利用这些权益偿还贷款。这减少了借款人通过反向抵押贷款的月供,但保证了遗产或继承人将参与未来的房价上涨。只要借款人住在房子里,就可以按月还款,或者终身还款,这取决于贷款项目。
其他人则认为,老年人可能选择不消费他们的住房资产,因为他们打算把这些财富作为遗产。与强烈的遗赠动机相一致的是,一些横截面研究(Mirer(1979)和Menchick and Martin(1983)是例子)表明,退休后财富积累增加。Kotlikoff和Summers (1981) esti-
也有证据表明,在解释个人储蓄行为时,遗赠动机并不是很重要。考利考夫和萨默斯的估计可能不能反映大多数老年人的理想行为,因为财富分配的不平衡以及过早死亡造成的意外遗赠。Hurd(1987, 1990)将老年人在退休后继续储蓄的横断面证据归因于难于利用综合数据发现个人储蓄轨迹,特别是考虑到富裕家庭可能比贫穷家庭寿命更长。赫德利用面板数据表明,个人老年家庭的财富(净储蓄)随时间的变化是相似的,无论是有孩子还是没有孩子,因此他反对遗赠动机在解释老年人储蓄方面很重要的假设。
美林,芬克尔和当时(1992)使用一个不同的数据设置1989 -,假设美国住房调查显示反向抵押贷款的潜在市场是由家庭70岁以上,年收入不到30000美元,住在家园至少十年,并且拥有完全行了贿房屋价值100000美元和200000美元。他们发现,在美国大约有80万家庭(1200万年龄在62岁及以上的老年房主)符合这些标准。以大城市为例,这篇论文得出的结论是,这些老年人大多数生活在加州和东北部,这些地区的房价实际大幅上涨。
这些研究可能会低估反向抵押贷款的潜在需求,因为它们只考虑某一特定群体(Venti和Wise)的反向抵押贷款支付的中位数,或者选择某种武断的收入和房屋价值下限(Merrill, Finkel和Kutty, 1992)。这两项研究都没有考虑使用反向抵押贷款来偿还债务的好处,这些债务水平较高的老年人人数较少。
总样本业主非业主 |
样本大小 中位数 年龄(年) 月收入(美元) 房屋净值(S) 养老金财富($) 液体财富(S) 总财富(S) 贫困线以下百分比 没有孩子的比例 |
4840年 72 1460年 41000年 103152年 9475年 199357年 11.8 22.9 |
3405年 71 1733年 64000年 118434年 15,000 256398年 8.0 21.1 |
我,435 73 955 76253年 我,449 94974年 20.8 27.2 |
Journal of the American Real Estate and
Urban Economics Association
1994, V22, 2: pp. 235-255
Reverse Mortgages and the Liquidity of Housing Wealth
Christopher J. Mayer* and Katerina V. Simons*
Housing wealth constitutes most of the non-pension wealth of the elderly population. This study analyzes the potential of reverse mortgages to increase the income and liquid wealth of the elderly by identifying households with relatively high levels of housing equity. Because this article looks at the whole distribution of elderly households and considers debt as well as income, it finds a larger potential market for reverse mortgages than previous studies.
Calculations from the 1990 Survey of Income and Program Participation and Census population estimates show that over six million homeowners in the United States could increase their effective monthly income by at least 20% by using a reverse mortgage. Of these, more than I .3 million have no children. Furthermore, a reverse mortgage would allow over 1.4 million poor elderly persons to raise their incomes above the poverty line.
Housing wealth constitutes most of the non-pension wealth of the elderly population. The problem that many elderly homeowners face is how to tap this housing wealth for consumption without selling the house and moving. One possible solution to this problem lies in a relatively unusual financial instrument called the reverse mortgage, which allows the consumer to spend the equity while continuing to live in the home.
Although reverse mortgages have been in existence for more than a decade, their acceptance among consumers and financial institutions has been slow. Among the barriers to acceptance so far have been the lack of consumer familiarity with the product, the high cost of originating these loans, the lack of liquidity and diversification for lenders, unfavorable required accounting treatment, regulatory and legal uncertainties and concerns over consumer protection. Nevertheless, as solutions to these problems are gradually worked out, the reverse mortgage may prove to be a financial product of choice for many elderly homeowners, especially
*Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Boston, MA 02106
in the future when the numbers of elderly increase relative to the population as a whole.
The number of consumers who are, in fact, possible candidates for reverse mortgages is a matter of debate. Academic literature contains several studies of reverse mortgages that have calculated the potential demand for this product among the elderly population. Typically, these papers have found the potential pool of customers to be somewhat limited. This study will extend the previous work by focusing on the segment of the elderly population most likely to benefit. It will identify elderly households with high levels of housing equity who could significantly increase their incomes and liquid wealth through reverse mortgages. In addition, it will consider elderly homeowners with high debt obligations who could use a reverse mortgage to ease their debt burden, as well as elderly homeowners who are childless and do not have a strong bequest motive, two segments of the population ignored in other studies.
The article is organized as follows: The first section briefly describes the features of various types of reverse mortgages offered in the private and public sectors. The second section surveys the relevant literature that has focused on the savings patterns of the elderly and their demand for reverse mortgage products. The third section describes the sample of the elderly drawn from the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP). The fourth section analyzes the potential demand for reverse mortgages on the basis of age, fertility history, income, housing wealth, liquid wealth and debt. The fifth section discusses the reasons for the slow acceptance of reverse mortgages among consumers.
Defining a Reverse Mortgage
A reverse mortgage allows the elderly homeowner to borrow against the equity accumulated in the home without moving or being forced to sell the house. Unlike a conventional mortgage where the homeowner makes periodic payments to the lender, a reverse mortgage provides payments from the lender to the homeowner. The loan is repaid with interest when the borrower sells the house, moves permanently, or dies. Reverse mortgages are usually available only to borrowers aged 62 or older.
The main advantage of a reverse mortgage over other means of tapping home equity lies in its repayment schedule. In contrast to conventional second mortgages or home-equity lines of credit, a reverse mortgage does not require the homeowner to make payments of interest and principal during the term of the loan. Since the elderly homeowner may need to tap home equity precisely because his income is not sufficient to cover living expenses, it is likely that he will not have income to make payments on a second mortgage or a home-equity line of credit.
While reverse mortgages differ in their terms and conditions, they come in two basic varieties—tenure and fixed term. A tenure reverse mortgage provides the homeowner with monthly payments for life, so long as the homeowner retains the house as the primary residence. After the borrower moves or dies, the house is sold and the loan is repaid. The amount the borrower receives in monthly installments during the life of the loan depends on several factors, including the amount of equity the borrower has in the house, the interest rate on the loan, the borrowers age and life expectancy and the projected rate of house price appreciation.
The term reverse mortgage, in contrast, is extended for a fixed number of years, usually no more than ten. At the end of the term, the loan comes due, and this usually requires the sale of the house. While the term mortgage can provide higher monthly payments to most borrowers,