
 2022-07-30 21:13:04

Understanding Android Security

The next generation of open operating systems wonrsquo;t be on desktops or mainframes but on the small mobile devices we carry every day. The openness of these new environments will lead to new applications and markets and will enable greater integrationwith existing online services. However, as the importance of the data and services our cell phones support increases, so too do the opportunities for vulnerability. Itrsquo;s essential that this next generation of platforms provides a comprehensive and usable security infrastructure.

Developed by the Open Handset Alliance (visibly led by Google), Android is a widely anticipated open source operating system for mobile devices that provides a base operating system, an application middleware layer, a Java software development kit (SDK), and a collection of system applications. Although the Android SDK has been available since late 2007, the frst publicly available Androidready “G1” phone debuted in late October 2008. Since then, Androidrsquo;s growth has been phenomenal: T-Mobilersquo;s G1 manufacturer HTC estimates shipment volumes of more than 1 million phones by the end of 2008, and industry insiders expect public adoption to increase steeply in 2009. Many other cell phone providers have either promised or plan to support it in the near future.

A large community of developers has organized around Android, and many new productsand applications are now available for it. One of Androidrsquo;s chief selling points is that it lets developers seamlessly extend online services to phones. The most visible example of this feature is, unsurprisingly, the tight integration of Googlersquo;s Gmail, Calendar, and Contacts Web applications with system utilities. Android users simply supply a username and password, and their phones automatically synchronize with Google services. Other vendors are rapidly adapting their existing instant messaging, social networks, and gaming services to Android, and many enterprises are looking for ways to integrate their own internal operations (such as inventory management, purchasing, receiving, and so forth) into it as well.

Traditional desktop and server operating systems have struggled to securely integrate such personal and business applications and services on a single platform. Although doing so on a mobile platform such as Android remains nontrivial, many researchers hope it provides a clean slate devoid of the complications that legacy software can cause. Android doesnrsquo;t ofcially support applications developed for other platforms: applications execute on top of a Javamiddleware layer running on an embedded Linux kernel, so developers wishing to port their application to Android must use its custom user interface environment. Additionally, Android restricts application interaction to its special APIs by running each application as its own user identity. Although this controlled interaction has several benefcial security features, our experiences developing Android applications have revealed that designing secure applications isnrsquo;t always straightforward. Android uses a simple permission label assignment model to restrict access to resources and other applications, but for reasons of necessity and convenience, its designers have added several potentially confusing refnements as the system has evolved.

This article attempts to unmask the complexity of Android security and note some possible development pitfalls that occur when defning an applicationrsquo;s security. We conclude by attempting to draw some lessons and identify opportunities for future enhancements that should aid in clarity and correctness.

Android Applications

The Android application framework forces a structure on developers. It doesnrsquo;t have a main() function or single entry point for execution—instead, developers must design applications in terms of components.

Example Application

We developed a pair of applications to help describe how Android applications operate. Interested readers can download the source code from our Web site (http://siis.cse.psu. edu/android_sec_tutorial.html).

Letrsquo;s consider a location-sensitive social networking application for mobile phones in which users can discover their friendsrsquo; locations. We split the functionality into two applications: one for tracking friends and one for viewing them. As Figure 1 shows, the FriendTracker application consists of components specifc to tracking friend locations (for example, via a Web service), storing geographic coordinates, and sharing those coordinates with other applications. The user then uses the FriendViewer application to retrieve the stored geographic coordinates and view friends on a map.

Both applications contain multiple components for performing their respective tasks; the components themselves are classifed by their component types. An Android developer chooses from predefned component types depending on the componentrsquo;s purpose (such as interfacing with a user or storing data)

Component Types

Android defnes four component types:

rActivity components defne an applicationrsquo;s user interface. Typically, an application developer defnes one activity per “screen.” Activities start each other, possibly passing and returning values. Only one activity on the system has keyboard and processing focus at a time; all others are suspended.

rService components perform background processing. When an activity needs to perform some operation that must continue after the user interface disappears (such as download a fle or play music), it commonly starts a service specifcally designed for that action. The developer can also use services as application-specifc daemons, possibly starting on boot. Services often defne an interface for Remote Procedure Call (RPC) that other system components can use to s




由开放手机联盟开发(由谷歌主导的明显)的Android是一个广泛预期的开源手机操作系统,其提供了一个基本的操作系统、应用中间件层,一个java软件开发工具包(SDK),并收录了系统中的应用。Android SDK自2007年底以来一直可用,首次公开的androidready“G1”手机于十月下旬2008年亮相。自那时以来,Android的增长是惊人的:到2008年底,T-Mobile的G1制造商宏达估计出货量超过100万手机,业内人士预计公众使用率急剧增加。在2009年,许多其他手机供应商承诺或计划在不久的将来生产它。







我们开发了一对应用程序,以帮助描述Android应用程序如何操作。有兴趣的读者可以从我们网站下载源代码(http://siis.cse.psu. edu/android_sec_tutorial.html).




















内容提供者不使用指令,而是通过嵌入在构成容器中的一个特殊容器URI的权限字符串://lt;authoritygt;/ lt;tablegt;/[lt;idgt;]。在这里, lt;tablegt;显示内容提供者的表,lt;idgt; 任意规定表中的记录。组件使用此URI在内容提供程序上执行sql查询,包括通过询问API的WHERE环境。


图3。保护。Android运行中的2个地方的安全运行:每个利用自己用户身份的应用,允许 Linux系统提供系统级的隔离;Android中间组件包含一个监视组件间通信(ICC)中介的建立的引用监视器。两个机制对手机来说是必不可少的,但最重要的是可以简单实现,其次才是所有机制和规则的安全环境。



在一般情况下,每个应用程序运行时有一个用户唯一身份,这让Android限制了编程定律的潜在危害。例如,在最近官方发布的T-Mobile G1手机后,Web浏览器发现的漏洞,只影响Web浏览器本身(http:// securityevaluators.com/content/ case-studies/android/index.jsp)。由于这种设计选择,开发不会影响其他应用程序或系统。苹果的iPhone也出现了类似的漏洞,产生一个可以让用户更换系统的底层部分的“越狱”技术,但也会使一个网络攻击者利用这一定律(http://security evaluators.com/content/case -studies/iphone/index.jsp)。






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