
 2022-12-22 17:46:46

Wireless Data Acquisition System For Vital Sign

Monitoring of Neonates

O.M.Sumathi#1, Mudigonda Malini*2, Tula Vikram#3


Department of EIE, KMIT Hyderabad, India

1sumathi.ou@gmail.com 3visionvikram27@gmail.com

*Department of BME, UCEOU Hyderabad, India


Abstract— Health monitoring is crucial for the survival of the ill and fragile infants admitted at the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) in a hospital. However, the adhesive electrodes and wires used for monitoring cause discomfort to such patients and hamper the parent-child interaction. In this paper we propose the application of wireless transmission technology for neonatal monitoring at NICU. To achieve the requirements of wireless data acquisition for physiological monitoring, a design approach based on Zigbee technology is proposed in this paper. This approach integrates the Arduino based microcontroller ATMEGA 328P, which acts as a sensor node with the wireless Zigbee module. It realizes the function of data acquisition, signal processing and wireless transmission. It can also communicate with peripheral devices via serial ports to monitor the vital sign parameters using LCD display. It changes the traditional wired medical care system into a wireless and reduces cable connections between the patient and monitoring device. The system can enable infants to be tested in a more comfortable environment thus improving the quality of medical care. The module is simple less expensive and consumes less power. It is suitable for developing family oriented portable medical equipment. The system has been tested on adult subjects and need to be tested on neonatal subjects.

Keywords— Zigbee; Arduino; Wireless transmission; Data Acquisition; Neonatal.


Recent advances in sensor and wireless communication technologies enable the creation of a new generation of healthcare monitoring systems with wearable electronics [1]. Continuous monitoring of neonates at neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) of a hospital is crucial. It helps in the early detection of abnormal events and consequently increases the survival rate of the neonate [2]. Presently, the placement of various wired vital sensors leads to discomfort, disturbance, interruption of sleep, and lack of natural communication with parents, which restricts the babyrsquo;s normal growth and development.

Minimizing the amount of wires decreases the disturbance to the babies, and at the same time creates opportunities for easier handling and visual monitoring of the infants by medical personnel, as there are less physical obstructions

during these activities. The resulting concept is a wireless data acquisition system with the necessary hardware and software. The system receives data from the vital sign sensors for monitoring of the neonates, and transmits it to the central processor and display unit. The vital signs considered in the present work are electrocardiogram (ECG), heart rate and body temperature.

The proposed architecture of wireless data acquisition system (WDAS) as shown in figure.1 consists of three individual non-invasive sensors connected to e-health sensor shield V2.0 to sense the vital signs of the infant, two Arduino Uno microcontrollers and two XBee modules. Between two Xbee modules one is configured as end device for data transfer from the neonatal body and another is configured as coordinator for receiving and displaying the data.

The hardware contains a set of vital sign sensors, Arduino e-health shield for sensor interfacing and IEEE 802.15.4 Xbee wireless module to transmit and receive the data. The Arduino board employs ATMEGA 328P microcontroller with a set of in-built library for easy interfacing of vital sensors with Xbee module. The Arduino also provides ease of programming the microcontroller in C and also deals with analog or digital inputs and outputs [3]. It is an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple microcontroller board, and a development environment for writing software for the module. Fig.1 shows the block diagram of the entire system.

Fig.1: Block diagram of the system

The infantrsquo;s vital signs ECG, heart rate and body temperature from the respective sensors are translated into a certain digital value and is transmitted to the Xbee end device module. The end device in turn wirelessly transmits the data in a continuous stream to a central processing unit to monitor and thus ensures real-time health monitoring of the neonate by the medical personnel [4]. The methodology employed in this work is explained in the following section.


A. Hardware Implementation (i) Vital Sensors

In this application three different individual vital sensors are employed to monitor ECG, pulse rate and body temperature. It is important to measure body temperature as it varies with the nature of diseases. It is important to monitor neonate body temperature to make sure that it is within a range that is considered safe. In this project LM35 sensor is employed to sense the body temperature as it offers the advantage of linear temperature calibration in degree Celsius. LM35 is a precision integrated-circuit temperature sensor, with low output impedance, linear output, and precise inherent calibration that makes interfacing to readout easy.

Heart rate sensor shown in fig.2 meas





1 sumathi.ou@gmail.com 3 visionvikram27@gmail.com

*印度海德拉巴UCEOU Hyderabad BME部门

2 mudigonda.malini@gmail.com

摘要-健康监测对医院新生儿重症监护病房(NICU)住院的病弱婴儿的生存至关重要。然而,用于监测的黏附电极和导线会给患者带来不适,阻碍亲子互动。本文提出了无线传输技术在新生儿监护中的应用。为了满足生理监测无线数据采集的要求,提出了一种基于Zigbee技术的设计方法。该方法将基于Arduino的单片机ATMEGA 328P作为传感器节点与无线Zigbee模块集成。实现了数据采集、信号处理和无线传输功能。它还可以通过串口与外围设备通信,利用LCD显示屏监控生命体征参数。它将传统的有线医疗系统变成了无线系统,减少了病人和监控设备之间的电缆连接。该系统可使婴儿在更舒适的环境中接受检测,从而提高医疗质量。该模块结构简单、成本低、功耗低。适用于开发面向家庭的便携式医疗设备。该系统已在成人受试者上进行测试,需要在新生儿受试者上进行测试。






提出的无线数据采集系统(WDAS)体系结构如图所示。1由3个独立的非侵入性传感器组成,连接到e-health sensor shield V2.0来感知婴儿的生命体征,2个Arduino Uno微控制器和2个XBee模块。在两个Xbee模块之间,一个配置为用于从新生儿体传输数据的终端设备,另一个配置为用于接收和显示数据的协调器。

硬件包括一组生命体征传感器、Arduino接口的e-health shield传感器和IEEE 802.15.4 Xbee无线模块来传输和接收数据。Arduino板采用ATMEGA 328P单片机,内置一套库,使关键传感器与Xbee模块易于接口。Arduino还提供了简单的C语言编程的微控制器,并处理模拟或数字输入和输出[3]。它是一个基于简单微控制器板的开源物理计算平台,是一个为模块编写软件的开发环境。图1为整个系统框图。






图2所示的心率传感器测量的是新生儿的心率,其变化范围为100 ~ 150次/分钟。心率的增加或减少是婴儿病情改善或恶化的最好迹象。本应用中使用的心率传感器采用高强度红外LED作为光源,光电二极管作为探测器的光体积描记技术。因此,测量由于血流变化而引起的红外光反射率或透射率的变化就是测量心率。

心电图是一种用于评估心脏电活动和肌肉活动的诊断工具。由于胎儿循环系统的血流动力学和生理变化,新生儿心电图与成人有较大差异。在这个应用中,一个三铅无创电极应用于身体推断其心脏病理。这里使用了e-health sensor shield V2.0,以便更容易地在传感器和微控制器之间进行接口,以便实时监测生命


(二)Arduino Uno单片机

本项目使用的Arduino Uno板如图3所示。它是一个Atmel ATMEGA328P微控制器,工作在5v,具有2KB的RAM, 32kb的闪存存储程序和1kb的EEPROM存储参数。时钟速度为16mhz,每秒执行大约300,000行C源代码。该板有14个数字I/O引脚和6个模拟输入引脚。它有一个USB接口用于与主机通信,一个直流电源插口用于连接外部6- 20v电源。标头用于使用实线或标头连接器连接到I/O引脚。

图3 Arduino Uno板

Arduino Uno的电源可以自动选择。它可以通过USB连接或外部电源供电。Arduino Uno的主要特点是可以与多个设备进行通信,如计算机、另一个Arduino或其他微控制器。ATMEGA328通过数字引脚0 (RX)和1 (TX)使用UART TTL (5V)串行通信进行通信。Arduino软件包括一个串行监视器,用于向Arduino板发送/接收文本数据。当数据通过USB-to-serial芯片和USB连接传输到计算机时,板上的RX和TX led将闪烁。Arduino Uno可以使用开源Arduino软件进行编程,该软件可以很容易地下载。在Arduino Uno上的ATMEGA328预燃启动加载程序允许上传新代码,而无需使用外部硬件程序员。软件串行库允许在任何Uno数字引脚上进行串行通信。

(三)Xbee系列2 OEM射频模块

Xbee系列2 OEM射频模块设计用于在Xbee协议下运行,并支持低成本、低功耗无线传感器网络的独特需求。这些模块需要最小的功率,并在远程设备之间提供可靠的数据传输。该模块工作在ISM 2.4 GHz频段内,传输距离可达100米。


本项目采用Arduino Xbee shield 802.15.4 RF模块,使Arduino板可以通过Xbee无线通信100米以上。Xbee模块可以通过Arduino板上运行的代码或计算机上的软件进行配置。在Arduino板上配置Xbee模块,跳线应该在Xbee位置,或者在电脑上配置,跳线应该在USB位置。在这两种情况下,微控制器都应该从Arduino板上移除。图4为Arduino下Xbee模块的配置设置。


本应用程序使用系列2 Xbee,它定义了一个惟一的个人区域网络(PAN)标识符,用于所有数据传输。它有一个广泛的命令集与免费的X-CTU软件进行配置和测试。Xbee的配置将设备类型定义为协调器或终端设备。在我们的项目中,传感器模块作为终端设备,接收模块作为协调器。协调器允许其他设备加入网络并路由数据,而终端设备可以通过协调器传输或接收射频数据。协调器可以允许终端设备连接,从而使其成为终端设备的父设备。因此,终端设备处于休眠模式,同时父设备缓冲终端设备的传入数据包,直到它醒来接收数据。下一节将讨论这项工作的结果。



电子健康板,直接连接Arduino Uno模块的软串口。一旦终端设备上的Xbee接收到来自有线Arduino Uno的数据,它就将该数据无线传输给另一个Xbee,后者被配置为协调器。在串口监控中查看心电图、心率、体温数据,代码上传至Arduino Uno。使用Arduino IDE串口的USB输出如图5所示。


心电输出在0 ~ 5V之间随模拟值的变化而变化。为了推断新生儿的心脏状况,可以绘制这些类似值与时间的关系图,从而获得心电波形的PQRST区间特征。结果还显示了新生儿体温的变化。对于一个正常的婴儿来说,体温可能在36到37摄氏度之间,低于36摄氏度意味着新生儿需要热身。如果新生儿的体温高于38到38.5摄氏度,就会发烧;如果体温在39到40摄氏度之间,就会出现极高的温度。正常的婴儿心率在每分钟120到180次之间。心率低于每分钟100次通常意味着血氧水平较低,需要立即就医。在监视器中显示的完整的连续数据的在线历史记录,可以帮助医护人员和医生持续无线监测新生儿的生命状况,提高质量。





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