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Ultrasonic distance meter

Abstract :An ultrasonic distance meter cancels out the effects of temperature and humidity variations by including a measuring unit and a reference unit. In each of the units a repetitive series of pulses is generated each having a repetition rate directly related to the respective distance between an electroacoustic transmitter and an electroacoustic receiver. The pulse trains are provided to respective counters and the ratio of the counter outputs is utilized to determine the distance being measured.

Publication Date:08/15/1995

Primary Examiner :Lobo, Ian J.


This invention relates to apparatus for the measurement of distance and more particularly to such apparatus which transmits ultrasonic waves between two points.

Precision machine tools must be calibrated. In the past this has been accomplished utilizing mechanical devices such as calipers micro meters and the like. However the use of such devices does not readily lend itself to automation techniques. It is known that the distance between two points can be determined by measuring the propagation time of a wave travelling between those two points. One such type of wave is an ultrasonic or acoustic wave. When an ultrasonic wave travels between two points the distance between the two points can be measured by multiplying the transit time of the wave by the wave velocity in the medium separating the two points. It is therefore an object of the present invention to provide apparatus utilizing ultrasonic waves to accurately measure the distance between two points.

When the medium between the two points whose spacing is being measured is air the sound velocity is dependent upon the temperature and humidity of the air. It is

therefore a further object of the present invention to provide apparatus of the type described which is independent of temperature and humidity variations.


The foregoing and additional objects are attained in accordance with the principles of this invention by providing distance measuring apparatus which includes a reference unit and a measuring unit. The reference and measuring units are the same and each includes an electro acoustic transmitter and an electroacoustic receiver. The spacing between the transmitter and the receiver of the reference unit is a fixed reference distance whereas the spacing between the transmitter and receiver of the measuring unit is the distance to be measured. In each of the units the transmitter and receiver are coupled by a feedback loop which causes the transmitter to generate an acoustic pulse which is received by the receiver and converted into an electrical pulse which is then fed back to the transmitter so that are series of pulses results. The repetition rate of the pulses is inversely related to the distance between the transmitter and the receiver. In each of the units the pulses are provided to a counter. Since the reference distance is known the ratio of the counter outputs is utilized to determine the desired distance to be measured. Since both counts are identically influenced by temperature and humidity variations by taking the ratio of the counts the resultant measurement becomes insensitive to such variations.


A. principle of ultrasonic distance measurement

1.the principle of piezoelectric ultrasonic generator

Piezoelectric ultrasonic generator is the use of piezoelectric crystal resonators to work. Ultrasonic generator the internal structure as shown in Figure 1 it has two piezoelectric chip and a resonance plate. When its two plus pulse signal the frequency equal to the intrinsic piezoelectric oscillation frequency chip the chip will happen piezoelectric resonance and promote the development of plate vibration resonance ultrasound is generated. Conversely if the two are not inter-electrode voltage when the board received ultrasonic resonance it will be for vibration suppression of piezoelectric chip the mechanical energy is converted to electrical signals then it

becomes the ultrasonic receiver.

2.the principle of ultrasonic distance measurement

Ultrasonic transmitter in a direction to launch ultrasound in the moment to launch the beginning of time at the same time the spread of ultrasound in the air obstacles on his way to return immediately the ultrasonic reflected wave received by the receiver immediately stop the clock. Ultrasound in the air as the propagation velocity of 340m / s according to the timer records the time t we can calculate the distance between the launch distance barriers that is: s=340t / 2

B .Ultrasonic Ranging System for the Second Circuit Design

System is characterized by single-chip microcomputer to control the use of ultrasonic transmitter and ultrasonic receiver since the launch from time to time single-chip selection of 8751 economic-to-use and the chip has 4Kof ROM to facilitate programming. Circuit schematic diagram shown in Figure 2. Draw only the front range of the circuit wiring diagram left and right in front of Ranging Ranging circuits and the same circuit it is omitted.

1.40 kHz ultrasonic pulse generated with the launch.

Ranging system using the ultrasonic sensor of piezoelectric ceramic sensors UCM40 its operating voltage of the pulse signal is 40kHz .Ranging in front of single-chip termination circuit P1.0 input port single chip implementation of the above procedure the P1.0 port in a 40kHz pulse output signal after amplification transistor T the drive to launch the first ultrasonic UCM40T issued 40kHz ultrasonic pulse and the continued launch of 200ms. Ranging the right and the left side of the circuit respectively then input port P1.1 and P1.2 the working principle and circuit in front of the same location.

2.reception and processing of ultrasonic

Used to receive the first lau




出版日期: 1995年8月15日








一 超声波测距原理





二 超声波测距系统的电路设计

系统的特点是利用单片机控制超声波的发射和对超声波自发射至接收往返时间的计时,单片机选用8751,经济易用,且片内有4K的ROM,便于编程。电路原理图如图 2 所示。其中只画出前方测距电路的接线图,左侧和右侧测距电路与前方测距电路相同,故省略之。

1、40kHz 脉冲的产生与超声波发射

测距系统中的超声波传感器采用UCM40的压电陶瓷传感器,它的工作电压是 40kHz 的脉冲信号。前方测距电路的输入端接单片机 P1.0 端口,单片机执行上面的程序后,在 P1.0 端口输出一个 40kHz 的脉冲信号,经过三极管 T 放大,驱动超声波发射头 UCM40T,发出 40kHz 的脉冲超声波,且持续发射200ms。右侧和左侧测距电路的输入端分别接 P1.1 和 P1.2 端口,工作原理与前方测距电路相同。


接收头采用与发射头配对的UCM40R,将超声波调制脉冲变为交变电压信号,经运算放大器IC1A和IC1B两极放大后加至IC2。IC2是带有锁定环的音频译码集成块LM567,内部的压控振荡器的中心频率f01/1.1R8C3,电容C4决定其锁定带宽。调节R8在发射的载频上,则LM567输入信号大于25mV,输出端8 脚由高电平跃变为低电平,作为中断请求信号,送至单片机处理。前方测距电路的输出端接单片机INT0 端口,中断优先级最高,左、右测距电路的输出通过与门IC3A的输出接单片机INT1端口,同时单片机P1.3和P1.4接到IC3A的输入端,中断源的识别由程序查询来处理,中断优先级为先右后左。


在启动发射电路的同时启动单片机内部的定时器T0,利用定时器的计数功能记录超声波发射的时间和收到反射波的时间。当收到超声波反射波时,接收电路 输出端产生一个负跳变,在INT0或INT1端产生一个中断请求信号,单片机响应外部中断请求,执行外部中断服务子程序,读取时间差,计算距离。









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