
 2022-07-26 16:16:34

Client-Side Storage

Web applications can use browser APIs to store data locally on the userrsquo;s computer.

This client-side storage serves to give the web browser a memory. Web apps can store

user preferences, for example, or even store their complete state, so that they can resume

exactly where you left off at the end of your last visit. Client-side storage is segregated

by origin, so pages from one site canrsquo;t read the data stored by pages from another site.

But two pages from the same site can share storage and can use it as a communication

mechanism. Data input in a form on one page can be displayed in a table on another

page, for example. Web applications can choose the lifetime of the data they store: data

can be stored temporarily so that it is retained only until the window closes or the

browser exits, or it can be saved to the hard drive and stored permanently, so that it is

available months or years later.

There are a number of forms of client-side storage:

Web Storage

Web Storage is an API that was originally defined as part of HTML5 but was spun

off as a standalone specification. That specification is still in draft form, but it is

partially (and interoperably) implemented in all current browsers including IE8.

This API consists of the localStorage and sessionStorage objects, which are essentially

persistent associative arrays that map string keys to string values. Web

Storage is very easy to use, is suitable for storing large (but not huge) amounts of

data, and is available on all current browsers, but it is not supported by older

browsers. localStorage and sessionStorage are covered in sect;20.1.


Cookies are an old client-side storage mechanism that was designed for use by

server-side scripts. An awkward JavaScript API makes cookies scriptable on the

client-side, but they are hard to use and are suitable only for storing small amounts

of textual data. Also, any data stored as cookies is always transmitted to the server

with every HTTP request, even if the data is only of interest to the client. Cookies

continue to be of interest to client-side programmers because all browsers, old and

new, support them. Once Web Storage is universally available, however, cookies

will revert to their original role as a client-side storage mechanism for server-side

scripts. Cookies are covered in sect;20.2.

IE User Data

Microsoft implements its own proprietary client-side storage mechanism, known

as “userData,” in IE5 and later. userData enables the storage of medium amounts

of string data and can be used as an alternative to Web Storage in versions of IE

before IE8. The userData API is covered in sect;20.3.

Offline Web Applications

HTML5 defines an “Offline Web Applications” API that allows the caching of web

pages and their associated resources (scripts, CSS files, images, and so on). This is

client-side storage for web applications themselves rather than just their data, and

it allows web apps to install themselves so that they are available even when there

is no connection to the Internet. Offline web apps are covered in sect;20.4.

Web Databases

Developers who need to work with really huge amounts of data like to use data-

bases, and the most recent browsers have started to integrate client-side database

functionality into their browsers. Safari, Chrome, and Opera include a client-side

API to a SQL database. The standardization effort for that API has failed, however,

and it is unlikely to be implemented by Firefox or IE. An alternative database API

is being standardized under the name “Indexed Database API.” This is an API to

a simple object database without a query language. Both of the client-side database

APIs are asynchronous and require the use of event handlers, which makes them

somewhat complicated. They are not documented in this chapter, but see sect;22.8

for an overview and an example of the IndexedDB API.

Filesystem API

We saw in Chapter 18 that modern browsers support a File object that allows user-

selected files to be uploaded through an XMLHttpRequest. Related draft standards

define an API for obtaining a private local filesystem and for reading and writing

files from and to that filesystem. These emerging APIs are described in sect;22.7. When

they are more widely implemented, web applications will be able to use the kind

of file-based storage mechanisms that are already familiar to many programmers.

Storage, Security, and Privacy

Web browsers often offer to remember web passwords for you, and they store them

safely in encrypted form on the disk. But none of the forms of client-side data storage

described in this chapter involve encryption: anything you save resides on the userrsquo;s

hard disk in unencrypted form. Stored data is therefore accessible to curious users who

share access to the computer and to malicious software (such as spyware) that exists

on the computer. For this reason, no form of client-side storage should ever be used

for passwords, financial account numbers, or other similarly sensitive information. Re-

member: just because a user types something into a form field when interacting with

your website doesnrsquo;t mean that he wants a copy of that value stored on disk. Consider

a credit card number as an example. This is sensitive information that people keep hidden in their wallets. If you save this information using client-side persistence, it is almost as if you wrote the credit card number on a sticky note and stuck it to the userrsquo;s keyboard.

Also, bear in mind that many web users mistrust websites that use cookies or other






  1. Web存储


  1. Cookie

Cookie是一种旧的客户端存储机制,为服务器端脚本而专门设计的。在客户端这种尴尬的JavaScript API可以操作cookie,但它们很难使用,仅适用于存储少量的文字资料。 此外,任何以Cookie存储的数据在每次HTTP请求时都会传输到服务器,即使数据只是客户感兴趣的。Cookie仍被客户端程序员使用是因为所有的浏览器,不管是旧的还是新的都支持它。然而,随着Web存储的普及,Cookie将作为服务器端的客户端存储机制,即恢复到其原始角色中。Cookies在20.2中有介绍。

  1. IE user Data

Microsoft在IE5及更高版本中实现了自己专有的客户端存储机制——“userData”。 userData可以存储中等数量的字符串数据,可以在IE8之前的版本中用作Web存储的替代品。 userData API在20.3中有所描述。

  1. 离线Web应用


  1. Web数据库

需要使用真正大量数据的开发人员喜欢使用数据库,所以很多最新的浏览器已经开始整合客户端数据库功能进入他们的浏览器。Safari,Chrome和Opera都包括了SQL数据库的客户端API。然而,该API的标准化工作失败了,并且它不太可能被Firefox或IE实现。 另一种数据库API正在以“Indexed Database API”的形式进行标准化,这是一个没有查询语言的简单对象数据库的API。两个客户端数据库API是异步的,需要使用事件处理程序,这使得它们的实现可能有点复杂。本章对它没有记载,但是22.8章包含有关概述和索引数据库 API的示例。

  1. 文件系统API





20.1 localStorage 和 sessionStorage

实现“Web存储”草案规范的浏览器定义了Window对象上的两个属性:localStorage和sessionStorage。这两个属性都指的是一个Storage对象,一个将字符串键映射到字符串值的持久关联数组。 存储对象的工作方式与常规JavaScript对象非常相似:只需将对象的属性设置为字符串,浏览器将为您存储该字符串。 localStorage和sessionStorage之间的区别与生命周期和范围有关,即数据的保存时间和数据可访问的时间。


var name = localStorage.username; // 查询一个存储的值

name = localStorage['username']; // 等价于数组表示法

if (!name) {

name = prompt('What is your name?'); // 询问用户一个问题

localStorage.username = name; // 存储用户的答案


//迭代所有存储的name/value 对

for(var name in localStorage) { // 迭代所以存储的名字

var value = localStorage[name]; // 查询每个名字对应的值



Web Storage草案规范说,我们应能存储结构化数据(对象和数组)以及原始数据类型和如日期、正则表达式甚至File对象在内的内置类型。然而,在撰写本文时,浏览器只允许存储字符串。如果要存储和检索其他类型的数据,则必须对其进行编码和解码。

20.1.1 存储有效期和作用域



http://www.example.com //协议:http; 主机名:www.example.com

https://www.example.com //不同的协议

http://static.example.com //不同的主机名

http://www.example.com:8000 //不同的端口





请注意,这个基于窗口的sessionStorage的范围仅适用于顶级窗口。 如果一个浏览器选项卡包含两个lt;iframegt;元素,并且这些框架使两个文档同源,则这两个框架文档将共享sessionStorage。

20.1.2 存储API

localStorage和sessionStorage通常被当做常规的JavaScript对象一样使用:通过设置一个属性来存储一个字符串,并通过查询该属性来检索值。 但是这些对象也定义了一个更加正式的基于方法的API。 要存储值,请将名称和值传递给setItem()。 要检索一个值,将该名称传递给getItem()。要删除一个值,请将该名称传递给removeItem()。(在大多数浏览器中,您也可以使用delete操作符来删除一个值,就像普通对象一样,但这种技术在IE8中无效)要删除所有存储的值,请调用clear()方法(没有参数)。最后,要枚举所有存储值的名称,请使用length属性,并将数字从0到长度-1传递给key()方法。 以下是使用本地存储的一些示例。这些代码对sessionStorage也可以使用:

localStorage.setItem(“x”,1); //用“x”的名字存储数字

localStorage.getItem(“x”); //获取数值


for(var i = 0; i lt;localStorage.length; i ){// Length给出了键值对数目

var name = localStorage.key(i); //获取第i对的名字

var value = localStorage.getItem(name); //获取该对的值


localStorage.removeItem(“x”); //删除“x”项

localStorage.clear(); //删除所有项



localStorage.o = {x:1}; //存储具有属性x的对象

localStorage.o.x = 2; //尝试设置存储对象的属性

localStorage.o.x // =gt; 1:x不变

上面的第二行代码想要设置存储对象的属性,但是检索到的是存储对象的副本,在该复制对象中设置一个属性,然后就丢弃副本。 存储的对象本身保持不变。如果我们在这里使用getItem(),那么就不会那么混淆:

localStorage.getItem(“o”).x = 2; //我们不希望存储2

最后,使用基于显式方法的Storage API的另一个原因是,我们可以在尚不支持Web Storage规范的浏览器中,其他存储机制的顶层API对其也是兼容的。 以下部分将使用Cookie和IE userData实现Storage API。如果使用基于方法的API,则可以使用localStorage的时候就可以使用它来编写代码,并在其他浏览器中使用其他存储机制。代码可如下所示:


var memory = window.localStorage ||




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