Digital modulation
In the last few years, in the mobile communication modulates the demodulation technology superiority in the development speed and the new application number aspect, for human extremely profound impression. Along with the social economy development, the modulating technology modulating technique renews continuously again and is consummating, at the same time, the mobile communication has passed through the first generation of mobile communication, the second generation of mobile communication and soon enters the third generation mobile communication. Between this, the modulating technology modulating technique development is playing the extremely vital role in inside.
In recent years, our mobile communication service swift and violent development, penetrated into social life each aspect, facing the motion user group continually growth and new service emerging one after another incessantly, the mobile communication system must adapt promptly even in advance in the market demand step. But took of a digital modulating technology modulating technique mobile communication core technologies is the realization high speed, the highly effective mobile communication system important guarantee. The digital modulation demodulation technology holds the extremely important status in the digital communication, the commonly used digital modulation includes: Frequency shift keying (FSK) and phase-shift keying (PSK) and so on.
At present has used in the mobile communication system the modulating technology modulating technique being possible to divide into two big kinds: The linear modulation technology and the permanent enveloping modulating technology modulating technique linear modulation technology mainly has: PSK-BPSK、QPSK OQPSK/4-QPSK、QAM、16QAM、64QAM、256QAM .the permanent envelope modulating technology modulating technique mainly has: MSK TFM GMSK.
The article in view of the three kind of basic modulation demodulation technology has carried on the detailed simulation and the analysis, obviously, chooses one kind of modulating technology modulating technique is determined according to the channel characteristic and the application. The power efficiency and the frequency spectrum efficiency cannot be satisfactory to both sides generally uneven America. The high frequency spectrum efficiency needs to sacrifice certain power efficiency to obtain; Similarly, the high power efficiency also needs to sacrifice certain frequency spectrum efficiency. Along with the modulation technique in the unceasing development, the new modulating technology modulating technique might bring the better frequency spectrum efficiency and the higher power efficiency.
FSK and PSK in the numeral mobile communication the find application, in which FSK already obtained the use in the simulation mobile communication digital signaling.QAM applies in the fixed point-to-point digital microwave system widely, it has the very high frequency spectrum use factor. But the mobile communication environment regarding the traditional QAM modulation is the serious challenge, but in teaches in the character mobile communication system also to have uses QAM. Exudes Europes numeral mobile communication to use is the GMSK modulation, but American and Japans numeral mobile communication uses the QPSK modulating technology modulating technique. The digital modulating technology modulating technique discussed which in 1986 ago international conference nearly all concentrated in the above permanent enveloping modulating technology modulating technique, the GMSK modulation received universal welcome in particular. In recent years as a result of the amplifier design technology progress, realized the modulation method possibly to become. In 1987 the intermediate stage, linear modulation technologies and so on QPSK only then started to be popular.
The review mobile communication development course, the modulation demodulation technology and the person-to-person communication mobility as well as the non-slit will cover the multimedia synthesis service demand increasingly to be prominent. The frequency spectrum will extend to the millimeter wave, the sub-millimeter wave electromagnetism-the wireless optical fiber and even the laser and the granule correspondence category wireless correspondence has the increasingly broad active stage and the bright prospects for development. The market is the development driving influence. Although our countrys mobile communication and the Internet development is extremely rapid, but our country at present mobile phone and the network user popular rate very are also low, facing our country 1,300,000,000 populations, our country has the very big development space in the network scale and the capacity aspect. At the same time, the competition aspect formation, urges the operation enterprise to develop the new service, the new application positively, provides the rich choice to the user, satisfies the user variously, the multi-level demands. Therefore, also has the very big development potential on the mobile communication and the Internet application development. We must promote the wireless domain advance in technology, the technological innovation positively, for the realization rely on science and education to rejuvenate the nation strategy, strengthens the Chinese nation the comprehensive national strength, contributes the strength positively for the global information and under the economical globalization environment international society and universes development.
QAM(Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) is the English abbreviation for short, which means quadrature amplitude modulation is a digital modulation.
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) is a vector modulation, it will enter the first bit map (typically using Gray code) to a complex plane (constellation) to form a complex modulation symbol, th
目前已用于移动通信系统的调制技术可分为两大类:线性调制技术和恒包络调制技术线性调制技术主要有: PSK-BPSK、QPSK、OQPSK/4-QPSK ,QAM、16QAM 64QAM、256QAM,恒包络调制技术主要有:MSK、TFM、GMSK。
QAM是英文Quadrature Amplitude Modulation的缩略语简称,意为正交幅度调制,是一种数字调制方式。正交幅度调制(QAM)是一种矢量调制,它将输入比特先映射(一般采用格雷码)到一个复平面(星座)上,形成复数调制符号,然后将符号的I、Q分量(对应复平面的实部和虚部)采用幅度调制,分别对应调制在相互正交(时域正交)的两个载波(cos wt和sin wt)上。这样与幅度调制(AM)相比,其频谱利用率提高1倍。QAM是幅度、相位联合调制的技术,它同时利用了载波的幅度和相位来传递信息比特,因此在最小距离相同的条件下可实现更高的频带利用率,目前QAM最高已达到1024QAM(1024个样点)。样点数目越多,其传输效率越高,例如具有16个样点的16-QAM信号,每个样点表示一种矢量状态,16QAM有16态,每4位二进制数规定了16态中的一态,16QAM中规定了16种载波和相位的组合,16QAM的每个符号和周期传送4比特。
16QAM是指包含16种符号的QAM调制方式。16QAM 是用两路独立的正交 4ASK 信号叠加而成,4ASK 是用多电平信号去键控载波而得到的信号。它是 2ASK 体制的推广,和 2ASK 相比,这种体制的优点在于信息传输速率高。
16 进制的正交振幅调制是一种振幅相位联合键控信号。16QAM 的产生有 2 种方法:
(1)正交调幅法,它是有 2 路正交的四电平振幅键控信号叠加而成;
- 复合相移法:它是用 2 路独立的四相位移相键控信号叠加而成。
16QAM 信号采取正交相干解调的方法解调,解调器首先对收到的 16QAM 信号进行正交相干解调,一路与相乘,一路与 相乘。然后经过低通滤波器,低通滤波器 LPF 滤除乘法器产生的高频分量,获得有用信号,低通滤波器LPF 输出经抽样判决可恢复出电平信号。
正交振幅调制,这是近年来被国际上移动通信技术专家十分重视的一种信号调制方式。QAM是数字信号的一种调制方式,在调制过程中,同时以载波信号的幅度和相位来代表不同的数字比特编码,把多进制与正交载波技术结合起来,进一步提高频带利用率。QAM是用两路独立的基带信号对两个相互正交的同频载波进行抑制载波双边带调幅,利用这种已调信号的频谱在同一带宽内的正交性,实现两路并行的数字信息的传输。该调制方式通常有二进制QAM(4QAM)、四进制QAM(l6QAM)、八进制QAM(64QAM)、hellip; ,对应的空间信号矢量端点分布图称为星座图,对于4QAM,当两路信号幅度相等时,其产生、解调、性能及相位矢量均与4PSK相同。
对于2ASK 系统,判决器的最佳判决门限与接收机输入信号的幅度有关,对信道特性变化敏感,性能最差。
2PSK是PSK系列中最简单的一种。它是使用两个相位差180°且正交的信号表示0及1的资料。它在坐标图放置的点并无特别设计,两点皆放在实数轴,分别在0°的点及180°的点。这种系统是在PSK系列中抗噪声能力(SNR)是最佳的,在传送过程中即使严重失真,在解调时仍可尽量避免错误的判断。然而,由于只能调制1 bit至symbol上,所以不适合用在高带宽资料传送需求的系统上。
QPSK,有时也称作四比特PSK、四相位PSK、4-PSK,在坐标图上看是圆上四个对称的点。通过四个相位,QPSK可以编码2比特符号。图中采用格雷码来达到最小比特错误率(BER)—是2PSK的两倍. 这意味着可以2PSK系统带宽不变的情况下增大一倍数据传送速率或者在BPSK数据传送速率不变的情况下将所需带宽减半。
误码率(BER:bit error ratio)是衡量数据在规定时间内数据传输精确性的指标。误码率=传输中的误码/所传输的总码数*100%。如果有误码就有误码率。