
 2022-11-26 20:18:28

PM2.5 monitoring system based on ZigBee wireless sensor


Lukai Lin, Xiangshun Li and Weiying Gu

Abstract:In the view of the haze problem, aiming at improving the deficiency of the traditional PM2.5 monitoring methods, such as the insufficient real-time monitoring, limited transmission distance, high cost and the difficulty to maintain, the atmosphere PM2.5 monitoring system based on ZigBee technology is designed. The system combines the advantages of ZigBeersquo;s low cost, low power consumption, high reliability and GPRS/Internetrsquo;s capability of remote transmission of data. Furthermore, it adopts TIrsquo;s Z-Stack protocol stack, and selects CC2530 chip and TIrsquo;s MSP430 microcontroller as the core, which establishes the air pollution monitoring network that is helpful for the early prediction of major air pollution disasters.

Key words: MSP430 zIgbee PM2.5


PM2.5 refers to particles that can be suspended in the air for a long time in the air with an aerodynamic equivalent diameter less than or equal to 2.5 microns. Due to the small particle size, large area, strong activity, easiness to carry toxic and harmful substances , PM2.5 has a great impact on human health and air environment. In addition, the continued accumulation of PM2.5 concentration easily lead to a wide range of fog and haze weather. Due to the large variety of concentration of PM2.5 in residential areas, commercial areas and local production-intensive areas, it is not possible to rely on the data obtained from the city monitoring stations to determine the precise PM2.5 concentration in small areas. PM2.5 monitoring system used in the regions smaller than the urban areas usually uses wired network connections, which is expensive and difficult to maintain for large production bases.

As a wireless communication standard of low power consumption and low rate, ZigBee is a research hotspot in the field of wireless communication in recent years. It is widely used in the fields of intelligent meter reading, medical monitoring and environmental monitoring. Therefore, the wireless sensor network based on ZigBee is applied in PM2.5 monitoring to improve the shortcomings of traditional monitoring methods, such as the insufficient real-time monitoring and limited transmission distance, and the effective establishment of air pollution monitoring network is of great significance for the early prediction of major air pollution disasters. The structure of this paper is as follows (1) Overall system design: the overall scheme of the system and its implementation principle are summarized. (2) System hardware design: details of the systems hardware composition and hardware connection. (3) System software design: introductions of the software algorithms to make the system run efficiently and reliably. (4) Verification of experimental results: realize the system using the above hardware and software with great efficiency. (5) Conclusion: the corresponding conclusions are obtained according to the experimental data of the system.

2 System design

The design uses a tree network topology, suitable for large area of PM2.5 monitoring. And its resources required are less than the network topology to achieve a specific and simple environmental monitoring. The terminal node is responsible for collecting the data and transmitting the data to the upper layer of the routing node, the routing node will pass the data to the upper coordinator after summarizing the data. After that, the coordinator analyses and sends the data to the monitoring centre through the gateway. Thus, a PM2.5 remote monitoring system based on ZigBee and GPRS is built. The system diagram is shown in Fig.1.

Fig.1 System diagram

3 Hardware components

3.1 Wireless transceiver module

As shown in Fig.2, the design of the terminal acquisition node is mainly composed of CC2530 module based on Texas Instrument and RF power amplifier module CC2591. The CC2530 is a true system-on-a-chip solution for 2.4GHz IEEE 802.15.4, Zigbee and RF4CE applications. It combines the leading RF transceiver with excellent performance and industry-enhanced 8051CPU, enabling to build a strong network at a very low total cost of material [4]. CC2591 is a low-cost high-performance RF front end for 2.4GHz band, which integrates power amplifiers, low noise amplifiers, balanced converters and RF matching networks, etc. With the use of CC2530, its data transmission range can be extended to 600 meters.

Fig.2 Terminal node structure

3.2 Data acquisition module

A PM2.5 sensor is used to measure the concentration of atmospheric particles with light scattering method. The method is based on the Mie law, which is used to measure the mass concentration of particulate through measuring scattered light signal emitted by the particles in the air. According to the Mie theory, under fixed observation angle and observation distance, the intensity of the scattered light is linearly related to the concentration of the particles when the wavelength and intensity of the incident light and the composition of the particles are fixed. Therefore, as long as illuminate it with monochromatic light and then detect the scattered light intensity of a fixed angle and distance, the particle concentration can be calculated. This design uses the laser diode as the light source, with red light as the incident light. Sampling air enters the region of laser beam through air duct. When the particles in the air enter the laser beam region, the laser is scattered, and the photoelectric detector receives the scattered light intensity signal reflected by the concave mirror. The photoelectric signal is converted to the corresponding electrical signal by the




摘要:针对雾霾问题及传统PM2.5监测方法存在的不足,如实时监测不足、传输距离有限等问题,本文提出了一种新的PM2.5监测方法。设计了基于ZigBee技术的大气PM2.5监测系统。该系统综合了ZigBee低成本、低功耗的优点,高可靠性和GPRS/Internet的远程数据传输能力。此外,它还采用了TI的Z-堆栈协议栈,并以CC 2530芯片和TI公司MSP 430单片机为核心。建立大气污染监测网,有助于实现对重大大气污染灾害的早期预测。

关键词:MSP430 ZigBee PM2.5

1 介绍






3 硬件组件


如图2所示,终端采集节点的设计主要由CC 2530模块和射频功率放大模块CC 2591组成。CC 2530是一个真正的芯片系统。它结合了领先的rf收发器和卓越的性能和工业增强的8051 cpu,使其能够建立一个强大的网络。CC 2591是一种低成本、高性能的射频前端,用于2.4GHz频段,集功率放大器、低噪声放大器、平衡变换器和射频匹配于一体。网络等使用CC 2530,其数据传输范围可扩大到600米。




为了传输传感器网络检测到的数据,本文采用的方案是串行通信:协调器通过串口与PC机连接并传输S数据直接在本地距离内,不仅可以查看数据,而且可以方便系统调试。GPRS模块通信:SIM900A模块可以实现GPRS/GSM远程通信。通信距离长,可靠性高。通过将以太网实时数据上传到数据监测中心,PM2.5数据分析更加直观和科学。最后可以预测,对大气污染灾害的防治起到了积极的作用。这里主要介绍GPRS通信。本设计采用SIMCom公司生产的SIM900A模块。该芯片采用了一种节能技术,将睡眠模式下的功耗降到了1.0mA,适用于大多数低功耗要求。芯片嵌入TCP/IP协议,SIM900A使用标准的AT命令来实现与中央服务器的TCP连接,使ZigBee网络采集的数据传输出去。该模块具有Compa的优点。CT结构简单,易于制作和处理,基于ARM 926EJS架构,可广泛应用于无线传感器网络、车辆跟踪、智能抄表等领域。

3.4 协调器


MSP 430单片机是16位超低功耗混合信号处理器。该芯片采用了目前流行的指令集,先进的体系结构,极大地提高了其数据处理能力以及计算能力。此外,它的功耗极低:在有源模式下,工作电路只有280 uA,在闭合状态下需要0.1uA电流。此外,MSP 430还具有丰富的外围接口,适合PM2.5检测系统的大数据传输和高实时性要求。协调器节点硬件组成为如图3所示。




4.1 ZigBee协议简介










6 结论



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