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Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 5(13): 3634-3640, 2013

ISSN: 2040-7459; e-ISSN: 2040-7467

copy; Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2013

Submitted: October 17, 2012 Accepted: December 10, 2012 Published: April 15, 2013

The Design of Sport Bicycle Speed Odometer

Dongbing Liu

Department of Physical Education, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University, Daqing 163319, China

Abstract: As bicycle sport equipment, a sport bike needs a speed and distance measuring device, due to the characteristic of road cycling, thereby mastering the state of motion. According to external conditions such as temperature, wind speed, the bike can make the appropriate adjustment to achieve the best movement effect. The bicycle speed odometer is a major accessibility tool that satisfies with needs of the people with fast development. This study elaborated a bike speed odometer design based on Hall element, taking AT89C52 single chip as the core, measuring speed with A44E Hall sensor, to finish the bike mileage/speed measurement and statistics by displaying bike mileage and speed in real time. By using the Hall elements, the hardware of speed odometer input the number of pulse of per circle into the single-chip computer system. Then the signal processed by the single-chip computer displays. The software is programmed with assembly language and modular design idea. The design of the hardware circuit is simple and the subroutine has universal property, which fully meet the design requirements and possess a wide range of application and dissemination value.

Keywords: Mileage/speed, single-chip computer, sport bicycle, the Hall element


Biking is a popular and easily developed sports project which is the integration of the speed, strength and endurance quality (Zhang, 2009). With the development of the economy and society, not only peoples material and spiritual life has a great promotion, but also the awareness of health and environmental protection improved significantly. More and more people consider that the bicycle is not only a transportation tool, but also has the fitness and recreational sport value (Lv, 2005), which lead to mass cycling boom. As the bicycle sport equipment, due to the characteristics of the road cycling project, the sport bike needs a speed measuring device in order to master the movement situation. According to the external conditions such as temperature, wind speed, the appropriate adjustment, it can achieve the best movement effect. As one of the auxiliary tools of the bike, the bike odometer is rapidly developing and its function develops from a single mileage display to speed and time display and even taking ridersrsquo; heartbeat measurement and calorie consumption display and so forth. Recently, there are various of designs of the bike odometer, most of those take the measurement by mechanical or analog-digital circuit, existing some disadvantages, such as large volume, low precision, indirect-view, power consumption and so on (Dong et al., 2009). This design adopts a MCS-51 series of single-chip computer to design a small, portable and simple-operation bicycle speed odometer. It can automatically display the current walking distance and running speed of the bicycle.


The task of this design: By using the general MCS51 single-chip computer as the processing core, the sensor converts wheel rotation numbers into electric pulses, after processing and send it into a single chip. The MCS-51 timer/counter measures the total number of pulses and the time of each circle, then put the data into the single-chip computer, after calculating and displays the result through the LED to get the number of mileage and speed.

Overall thinking as follows: Assuming the circumference of a wheel as L, install m permanent magnets on the wheel and the maximum error of the mileage value is L/m.

By comprehensive analysis, m =1 during this design. When the wheel rotates one circle, the Hall element sensor could collect a pulse signal and pins from P3. 2 interrupt 0 inputs, once the sensor gets a signal; it will provides a count interrupt. Each interrupt represents the wheel rotation one circle and the rim circumference of interrupt number n is value of L product of mileage. The counter T1 calculates the time t of each circle and we can calculate the instantaneous speed v. At the same time, it could deal with the numeric and display on the digital tube in real-time, eight digital tubes, the first four show the total mileage, the last four show the current speed. If the bicycle speeds, the system will give an alarm signal, then the digital tube will stop.

The required targets and implementation methods are as follows:

  • Utilize the mileage pulse signal produced from the Hall sensor
  • Count the pulse signals

Implementation: Utilize the external interrupt T0 of the single chip computer to count the pulse signal from the Hall sensor.

  • Process the data and the total mileage and the immediate speed display on the LED

Implementation: Utilize software programming to process the data in order to get the desired value.

The ultimate goals: the bicycle speed odometer mileage has the following functions, mileage, speed test and display function. By using single chip computer as control, the mileage and speed can be shown on the display circuit.



The signal is got from the Hall sensor. We can get the pulse signal from the Hall sensor, of which the mechanical structure is simple. Attach a magnet to t


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